When will this SJW bullshit end? It's like a never ending nightmare.
When will this SJW bullshit end? It's like a never ending nightmare
wait 6-8 years. If the economy picks up 20 years
Can some1 ACTUALLY explain what non-binary is?
>Cook vegan food
I didn't know chopping vegetables was considered cooking now.
>Cook Vegan food
It means she cant pass as a woman or a man.
Neither male or female
Sooooo mentally ill
Pretty sure even aliens have standards.
Pink is the color of weak, watery blood.
There already is such a huge backlash against this shit. Most normies are wise to it but i think it will take years to fully die out. It's kinds like the whole 90s goth thing or 00s emo thing. Eventually most people decided it was lame, but it took years for it to fully die.
Either wait till this generation grows old and the younger generations see them as sad old uncool lonely dykes or we step in when shtf.
what the fuck is it doing on a fucking Dating site???????
just ignore the weirdos. they're a vocal minority.
Slowly dying.
"Depressed,anxious nerd"
well who would have guessed that
Idk man this shit just keeps getting worse. I swear we all died in 2012 and this is purgatory or hell.
no one will ever swipe right on that abomination
rudderless nobodies who look like they are stuck in that awkward "finding my identity" teenager phase thats somehow been extended into their 20.
its pretty common its also pretty shit
I can't help but feel that the internet avatars of 6-10 years ago are now being represented in the social media profiles of the current generation of kids.
With any luck, like the emo phase of yesteryear, these kids will grow up and cringe at the way they used to look/act.
It's spelled out in her profile, she suffers from depression, which generally stems from severe mental illness.
Depressed anxious nerd starter pack
>but I will punch nazis
These fuckers never waste an opportunity to let people know how non racist they are. It's like they are in a secret competition to see who can appear the most progressive.
Pretty sure there is no cute to demotivation user. This time they might just die out from lack of breeding though
where do you think these people came from?
sven you always crack me up
When women find another way for the world to see how fashionable they are while putting out little to no effort.
It means you're so fat that you can't tell your gender by looking down in the shower.
>Sieg heil!
it will never end
I think they can only exist in an era of participation trophies and zero tolerance towards bullies. In previous eras these people would know their place or they would have developed a thicker skin and character. These fucks could have only ever existed in this crazy stupid modern world.
Keked my sides
Unfuckable by either sex.
most guys I know don't even look at pics including myself. swipe them all right, takes 1 minute.
>It's like a never ending nightmare.
Pffft. Try going into sleep deprivation for 5+ days and then come talk to me about nightmares.
That SJW shit is nothing.
I'd fuck her
I too would just shake it off like an annoying fad the trouble is, there’s billionaire kikes and governments backing this sick shit. Not just a fad anymore, the queer politics and trans trenders and goofball ‘do gooders’ will never let this shit rest. It’s a political movement, not just a fad. It’s hollywood, mass media, universities, these Marxist fucks are out to paint the world red with our blood boiiiiiii
I punch girls cosplaying as "non-binary" sjws...tongue punch their fart boxes with extreme prejudice.
Big companies need to stop embracing or paying lip service to this shit, that's the big difference between then and now.
I'm solidly Gen X and could not imagine any large company seriously aiming at goths as a consumer group.
>t. virgin not realizing it'd be the easiest fuck of all time
I swipe right on everyone. Don't look at pictures or descriptions. It's a numbers game. You can always unmatch with the uggos and crazies later.
who is the nigger who thought white text on the bottom pic would be better than black text.
Gen z is coming up based as fuck. As long as their parents don't chemically castrate them and we can get private schools mainstream; I imagine it'll peter out as a phase. We can only hope everyone who participated gets arrested for child endangerment
That's what I do. Unfortunately, I've never found a decent chick on tinder. They're all boring, or superficial. I mean, I've fucked a bunch of them. Just none of them that was decent.
wtf is with these people and having to make sure everyone knows they dont do drugs
i like to think theyre too much of pussies to smoke and they instead find instant relief in being fucken snowflakes
it's non-binding, actually. lrn2queer
Rate this fucking aussie higher.
Ww3 leaf
They will only try it so long as it works. They will always come up with new ways to control people. It wasn't so long ago that nationalism and patriotism was being used against us. I mean of course you have the true believers but more and more are getting wise to this shit. They will have no choice to fuck off. Of course that just leaves the manipulative cynics left and there is more of ((them)).
Hot topic/spencers?
>likes anime
In SJWspeak that means "complains about moe killing anime on ANN forums."
its sjw shorthand for being in denial/confused. they basically can't commit
I'd say the description is a word salad, but I don't think that woman's ever seen a salad in her life.
Emos became hipsters became antifa.
Modern beatniks basically.
when you decide to stop paying attention to it you will realize that it was never a problem in real life to begin with. your attention is only exacerbating the problem.
keked hard
Pretty much this
No one is doing this shit. And the only way you think this is the world at large is if you spend all your time on the internet seeking these people out.
A lot of the people I know, work with, may have light liberal leaning stances, and you see a transman/woman every once in a while. They're usually not these in your face morons and in general mind their own business. The college kids here may dress weird, but more on the line of modern fashion i.e streetwear guys, and girls who look like Kim K follower IG thots, occasional weird hair color and arthoes. Hell we have an artschool and a hipster part of town here and you barely see any of this shit.
Most of those weird girls have boyfriends. Go anywhere with actual working people and you don't see this shit, or they hold very mild stances on a normie level.
Hell I'd say I'm one of the most radical and outthere people when I'm around the people I'm talking about, and I'm not partisan at all. I get on Tinder and all the girls are either light feminists, and the occasional wild hair smash communism type chicks. Most of them are just those girls who have to remind you they went to college or are career women.
Is being on tinder when you're in a relationship the norm these days or is it just another trait of these SJW types
The beatniks at least had style. These fucks today don't have shit.
it is a beta revolt against alphas. our standard of living allows this bullshit to flourish, and inhibits natural selection, except for aids. when the day of the rope comes and the lights go out, these people will realize the difference between men and women. there will be no time for word games when the alphas are again able to freely deliver justice to degenerates. these people will literally become human bar b que for some toads in their cities.
These type of women are equivalent to the beta feminist man who submits to women's insanity against their interest just to get a chance to taste a pussy.
This female version is just a sexual outcast and they dive deeper into the pool of being sexually undesirable and dysfunctional instead of changing and self improving or excepting some sort of low standard.
I blame the internet and Marxist colleges for enabling and encouraging this type of behavior. These people seek comfort and reassurance and both these communities allow it.
I do to abuse them
>beatniks at least had style
no, just no
PSA: not worth it. Never stick your dick in crazy
I really hope Gen Z being based isn’t just a meme. I’m getting mixed results irl. Some based some not so based, very few I could call SJWs.
it depends on the parents
> (OP)
>>but I will punch nazis
>It's like they are in a secret competition to see who can appear the most progressive.
I wish they would keep this secret competition more secret.
it's called virtue signaling
It's basically what they call themselves to earn more oppressed points because they're white and upper class so if they come up and live by some faggoty bullshit while swalloing estrogen and testocerone pills like niggers do with Xanax they can earn oppression points.
She doesn’t use 1’s or 0’s
They're self-removing themselves from the gene pool.
It'll die out.
Pic related, Jason Volkovich will kill the betas. He almost did it before.