Day 100

>day 100
>still no motive

Other urls found in this thread:

>powderpuff girls

really makes you think

if there's no motive you look at the target
that's all you know 100%
the whitest, most conservative crowd vegas would see all year

You seriously think that they will ever tell? It involved saudi royalty, massive black market arm sales, area 51 and failed CIA agents. Never will it be told.

He was insane. All mass shooters are insane. They have motives. It’s the bat crazy shit in their minds that justify shooting up a school or a concert or whatever. He probably thought aliens were taking over people’s bodies and he had to go on a rampage.


>It involved saudi royalty, massive black market arm sales, area 51 and failed CIA agents.
Paddock was a fence & a CIA asset (He may have been unaware). This was a gun sale gone wrong.

thats a head scratcher

and it was a botched attempt to kill Prince Salman.


>the alpha hoverhand

I'm sure its not because he converted to Islam and Isis has video of him saying aloha snackbar. That would just be insane because the FBI told us the very same day as the shooting and before any investigation had occurred that it was not in any way related to the religion of peace and it was ridiculous to even ask such a question

Fuck off. You know as well as I do that insanity was not the reason for the shooting. If it was, we would not have gotten multiple different stories from government agencies, survivors randomly disappearing, and police having gunfights with multiple shooters.

but he was also scouting lalapalooza and life is beautiful.

he's holding his beer can between her ass cheeks. this is what happens in the magical world of comps.


he was a sipper

Scouting or testing?

looks like a redbull to me. The most redpilled, albeit disgusting and expensive, energy drink.

When dealing with insanity, these people do things without motive, it's hard to realize, but they aren't thinking.

With that said, there is more to this story, it just seems so fucking off. How did he go insane then? What flipped him? And he goes for all conservative targets? So much of it seems, just, off.

It's been slid and everyone has been killed off.

>h-he's insane
>is there proof of this claim?

suicidal autist

at least our fbi tried their best to put all the families at peace

i mean, come on. you're not gonna convince that the CASINO INDUSTRY has so much clout with our government

the people who take money from our paychecks

please dont tell me a couple kikes can just make this disappear





>i mean, come on. you're not gonna convince that the CASINO INDUSTRY has so much clout with our government
The Casino industry has huge sway over the government. Where do you think government agents (like paddock) go to launder black budget money? It's obvious why Las Vegas is right next to Area 51.


Why do you need a motive when you can have some sushi?

Didn't several people with information die (((coincidentally))) later?

Favourite bet for me right now? Dude was clearly tied into crime, maybe gun running. We know the feds have ongoing bullshit ops with gunrunning (reference Holder).

347 dead.
Over 1000 injured.
Investigation by the FBI, ATF, and CIA.


The only thing this should tell all of you is that you can EASILY get away with a mass murder. Plan that shit for months, not even the "best investigative minds" at the fbi can even find a motive.


which of those two words do you want proof of? they both seem self-evident to me

reeee why do these threads always get slid!?!?!

According to? Or should we just assume anytime anyhow does something violent it's insanity...? That seems far fetched. Not buying it. Provide a source of insanity.

As a public service I've started giving names to the various Vegas conspiracy theories to make it easier to discuss them between threads. If you faggots see something missing, let me know.
>The FBI Rogue Informant Theory
>The Live Fire Drone Demo + Patsy Theory
>The Failed PsyOp Scenario
>The Lone Wolf Fallback Plan
>The Billion Dollar Multi Casino Heist + Diversion Explanation
>The Gun Deal Gone Bad Assumption
>The Cartels Run Bartertown Theory
>The Covert ISIS Operation Notion
>The Mossad False Flag
>The Alphabet Agency False Flag
>The Spy Versus Spy Alphabet Blunder
>The Aborted VIP Assassination Attempt
>The CIA Op Gone Sideways Scenario
>The Sightseeing Saudis Explanation
>The Left Wing Gun Grab Speculation
>The Social Media Big Data Mining Experiment: Vegas Edition
>The -John user Prediction

>le Paddock was insane meme
Btw this article was taken down from the website.


>The Billion Dollar Multi Casino Heist + Diversion Explanation
There were initially reports of simultaneous shootings at multiple casinos which were subsequently (and quickly) buried. This conspiracy posits that a coordinated robbery + mass shooting like this would be denied and covered up by the casinos who would try to make the case that the shooting only took place at a single location, Mandalay Bay. If ordinary tourists thought the entire strip had been targeted, it would be a business disaster for Vegas and the casinos. This conspiracy is a variation of The Cartels Run Bartertown Theory.

>The Spy Versus Spy Alphabet Blunder
Pick two or more from the following list:
>CIA FBI NSA KGB Mossad etc.
The more agencies allegedly working "together", the greater the chance of a blunder.

>The Aborted VIP Assassination Attempt
An unnamed VIP (from the president on down or possibly a Saudi king or prince) was the actual target, likely someone wealthy enough to use the JANET terminal. That Op was aborted for unknown reasons and the mass shooting was used as an escape diversion. Some proponents of this theory claim: 'it could have been MUCH worse'.

>The Sightseeing Saudis Explanation
A small group of wealthy Saudi princes who hang out on the top floor of MB (with hookers and drugs in every almost room) paid to watch Americans get slaughtered while they witnessed the event unfold live AND on closed circuit cameras. When the spectacle was over they were whisked away, back to the harem.

>The -John user Prediction
>The Spy Versus Spy Alphabet Blunder
This fiction interests me. Any more info?

Think I've heard all the others.

ok then, suicidal misanthrope

the point is, a suicidal person doesn't really need a motive to spray a crowd with bullets further than they don't give a fuck about other people and think that it looks like a fun thing to do

it was obviously a blood for the blood god type situation

Good analysis.

Can I get more info on "The Cartels Run Bartertown Theory"?

We're hitting sushi levels that shouldn't be comped.

Proof of your claim please.

>It's obvious why Las Vegas is right next to Area 51
Not only do you have no proof,but this statement is just retarded.

he was just being ironic

>Isis has video of him saying aloha snackbar
big if true

>no motive
See pic related

Reminder that we have ZERO information about the following:
- why wasn’t Paddock wearing any hearing protection?
- what is the full inventory of guns in the room? Which ones were fired?
- where are the forensics reports?
- where are the ballistics reports?
- why is the ZERO video footage of him in ANY casino, not just MB?
- what is the latest timeline?

It's Powerpuff you fucking faggot

The Cartels Run Bartertown Theory posits that Latin American drug cartels were blackmailing the casinos BEFORE the event, threatening to shoot up Vegas unless the casinos paid them off. The casinos balked and tried to BTFO the cartels. The cartels retaliated as promised.

FUGGGGGG. This is pretty good.

you're the real fag here

Is there even the slightest bit of evidence to suggest that?

I'm not sure which part you don't understand

>why is the ZERO video footage of him in ANY casino, not just MB?
this was released. pic related. quit spreading disinfo, shill.

It's all just stories. Just think of these theories as just another episode of Burn Notice or something.

So you have no source or proof of your claim of insanity? Just speculation?

I haven't claimed that he was insane.

Exactly. There’s no smoking gun for ANY of this. But when the (((authorities))) either release nothing or change the core facts on an hourly basis, then it’s a given that someone will start dreaming up some interesting conspiracies to make all the puzzle pieces fit together.

>had 30 weapons, supposedly legally obtained
>expensive penthouse in vegas casino
>no exit plan
>vehicle had normie tier store bought explosives, never used

And what do we know about law enforcement's strategy towards terrorism?

It's mainly entrapment. This man was clearly in the process of either selling weapons or creating another 'foiled' terrorist plot for a 3 letter agency. It failed and no serviceable explanation was ready to provide to the public.

Source on autism? Source on misanthropy?

Ophsprey and Ellen should just get together and strap - on hate fuck eachother for hours

Sorry, I hadn’t seen this new image of Paddock in the elevator. Thanks for the update

>he was broke because of a gambling problem
>he was a millionaire and not broke
>he was a Muslim convert
>he was not a Muslim convert
>he was ISIS
>he wasn't ISIS
>he was a loner
>he was married and hung out with lots of prostitutes
>he wasn't married
>he had a girlfriend
>he had no mental illness
>he had possible mental illness
>he was a gun guy
>he wasn't a gun guy
>he was alone in the room
>evidence that he wasn't alone in the room
>he shot the security guy after he started shooting into the crowd
>he shot the security guy before he started shooting into the crowd
>the security guard was killed
>the security guard was shot in the leg
>the security guard was a janitor
>there was a maintenance man
>there was no maintenance man
>Campos investigated an Open Door Alarm
>Door was jammed shut
>he shot at the fuel tanks
>he didn't shoot the fuel tanks
>he was driving a Chrysler Pacifica
>He was driving a Hyundai Tuscon
>vehicle was full of guns and explosives
>vehicle was not full of guns and explosives
>there were shots at other casinos
>there were no shots at other casinos
>there is casino video footage
>there is no casino video footage
>this is the official story
>this is not the official story

very nice. All of them comped, of course

His own brother said it best
>If Steve was crazy, then everybody on the news is, too!
You know exactly what his motive was and who caused it.

the motive has become

n o r m a l i z e d

Started to lose bigly in casinos, stopped getting comps, no trips to Japan for thousands of dollars of sushi COMPED, no comped hotel rooms, forced to shop in publix, brother spends your last money on coke, have a mental breakdown, go boom boom tratatatata. Case solved, no need to thank me.

>Paddock was a big Powerpuff Girls fan
>They introduced a new negress character
>Paddock gets depressed and mad with the world
There's the motive.

People have already forgotten about Las Vegas.

For example, I was speaking to a co-worker after work and he totally forgot it even transpired. He literally said "I just haven't seen it on the news so I figured everything was squared away by now."

Same thing with a friend of mine, he thought one or more of these things, all entirely contradictory when he was asked to elaborate.

It has been Normalized.

I can’t find my screen shots of the John user prediction - maybe someone else has them.
Basically a Sup Forums user predicted a month in advance that an outdoor event with a lot of people would be shot up with the goal of forcing all casinos and public buildings to purchase scanning machines and metal detectors

people on Sup Forums post shit like that on a daily basis.

Most plausible Theory yet

you forgot that he had to take a job at taco bell to make ends meet.

Ophrey's speech was D acting if you ask me

Punks are too easy

There was no motive because he was set up as the fall guy. They blew him away and set up his hotel suite as a crime scene.

here is a huge info dump


thanks user

>that pic


Thanks. Saved (again)


Np anons, I dropped the screenshot for the Saudi theroy aswell

thanks lad. this is perfect

>The Social Media Big Data Mining Experiment: Vegas Edition
Fuggin spooky

Thanks, user. I hadn’t read this particular summary of The Aborted VIP Assassination Attempt

>Fughin Spooky
I agree. This conspiracy (The Social Media Big Data Mining Experiment) is the dankest of them all.

got a pic or a quick rundown for me?

This guy was no psychopath, neither was his father.

Look at the past, look at Arizona, connect the dots between the State and the underworld foundations of LV.

The same players are all involved. One can even connect the dots to the real estate ventures, if ya just pay attention.

This is also more core assumption. I begin by assuming that he was known to the FBI (at a minimum) and likely was known to the CIA and NSA as well. He was either on their radar or he was an outright asset.

>shooting happens
>is shady af
>anons start investigating
>officials release timeline, official story etc.
>change it million times
>jesus campos goes on ellen show
>anons can't make sense of anything cause officials can't confirm or deny any of the 50 different official stories and timelines they suggested
>pro tier disinfo articles follow shooting to throw anons off track, many shills in threads
>months later and still no motive or official story that makes sense
>theory is that anons and namefags who posted in early vegas threads, made memes, investigated etc. were all being investigated and put on lists etc. as part of The Social Media Big Data Mining Experiment

Valley National Bank of Arizona.

The Arizona project in the 1976.

Don Bolles, Kemper Marley, the construction company, McCains father-in-law.

Did the judge ever order the tapes released by the casino the way the local stations and a few national media sources were suing for?

He fell for some dirty south asian pussy and her real-estate mafia friends radicalized him. The Gambling Commission is trying to cover it up because it was they who decided to have security and law enforcement look the other when he was carrying up his weapons. GC thought he was taking up winning or was getting ready to play high-stakes.

The spread of Islamism in the south Asian has been overlooked. Islamic militants in SA have more financial ties than their ME cousins. While not having deep pockets or political connections like their cousins they make up for it with quicker liquidity and more advanced smuggling operations.

SA Hookers and escorts are trained to seduced men like him who are weak against booze, drugs, and tinny flat chested thai women.

James Murren, NIAC, DHS, ceo resignations, Charlottesville.

No psychopaths, cold, calculated shootings.

this is the scariest, and yet most genius, proposition of them all.

Is this the biggest obfuscated tragedy since the Kennedy assassination?

This is a pretty good summary, but there are more sinister versions: like
>no one was actually killed; they were all actors; or
>there was a mix of actors and actual victims but the victims were shot by paid assassins in the crowd itself, not by Patsy Paddock
The goal was (and is) to track the event as a pure social media happening and to note things like trending hashtags, threads on Sup Forums, memes, videos on YouTube and so on. Then, get big data on how quickly something (anything) can be memory holed.
Reminder that the first (and only) photos of the crime scene were leaked to Sup Forums
>mfw not a coincidence


Yes it is. But in retrospect I don't think it was the reason for the shooting, even though they almost certainly did some of this after the fact and the shilling/disinfo/cointel ops definitely got intense post-vegas. I was the user that got the user that made this list (dunno if that user is itt rn) to add the social media theory to it. In retrospect though I think vegas disappeared from the media so quick and so many normies were even talking about it being bs before they forgot about it that it really was not meant to go down the way it did.

Underposted rate


I must go deeper.

Makes sense this was not the premise of the incident, but certainly elements of this conspiracy did happen afterwards.

It almost feels like (most) of these conspiracies are at least half true in some way or another.

Kind of like way back when on forums people were theorizing thermite, nukes, israelies, etc. in separate conspiracies and 16 years later it seems like a bit of all were true.