Trust me. My source is my brain. I am extremely intellectual. My IQ is off the charts. You may not believe me but I don't care. I am just warning you all.
I have been studying what has been happening to this world online since 2006. I have read any book you can think of.
I have come to a conclusion as to why things are the way they are and where we are headed as a species.
My conclusions are that we are currently living out the screenplay of Revelations as written in the Holy Bible. Donald Trump(et) #7 is leading us into peace and prosperity, but then ultimately mass destruction.
There will be no new President in 2024. Jesus of Nazareth will be returning to judge the living and the dead after the Trump(et) judges the nations.Accept Jesus before its too late.
I believe we are in the last days, but it's how much time is left is what I'm focused on. Of course, don't believe the 7 years meme. Some people like to add the two 1,260 days together and tell others it'll last 7 years. We very well may have a ways to go (or it could end very soon), so keep watchful while living your life as good as possible.
Tyler Howard
It's true. I know it sounds fucking crazy but before all you cock sucking faggots dismiss everything that challenges your idea of what kind of world we live in you could try to use your fucking brains, the one thing you truly have in this world. Hopefully. Think for yourselves anons.
Easton Johnson
>My conclusions are that we are currently living out the screenplay of Revelations as written in the Holy Bible.
Remember the last the Christians of Sup Forums tried to predict the future and were 100% wrong?
Thomas Cox
Loloololoolol. Onward Christian Soldier!
Daniel Perez
>hey guys sept 23 was a bust >new date: 2024, see you in september!
Tyler Wilson
Jordan Ward
Leaf, you are fucking retarded.
Jordan King
>Trust me. My source is my brain. I am extremely intellectual. My IQ is off the charts. You may not believe me but I don't care. I am just warning you all. Sounds like something David Foster Wallace would write