Please discuss

Please discuss.

>trannies in denial of their faggotry
>want everyone else to deny their faggotry too so they end up just as miserable
Imagine my surprise

If they're women then why do they call themselves trans?

trans woman is a man in denial and if you like them you're gay

trans women r ... mentally ill men

Honestly, who gives a shit? It's a mathematical certainty that Western Civilization is going to be destroyed via demographic replacement by savages. This is what we need to be focusing all our efforts on.


There's nothing gay about sucking a woman's dick

this is common sense it only take quick maths

Jerking off to traps is one this, but fucking one is a whole different ball of wax, cause in reality you are just fucking a guy in drag. And that is the definition gay. I guess there is a small difference between fucking the trap as if it was a girl and getting pegged yourself but you're still having gay sex