I swear I'm not shilling

Saw something that made me think in another thread about """"""""Q"""""" and Julian Assange

"Odd time to bring up this LARP friend. Especially in a thread about Assange after he changed his handle to an hourglass, and made all the O's into Q's in Wolffs book...

The very original Q actually talked abou consequential and important shit, so it's odd that so many obvious BS larps followed it...maybe an attempt to discredit the original

Original Q was assange"

I remember the very first "Q" post. It wasn't Larpy, or mystical. It was a clear cut statement of facts and dangers from a genuinely intelligent person who sounded like they were entrenched in a life surrounded by this type of shit
>does anybody have the very first Q?

Did Julian fucking Assange try talking to us???


The thread was made some time at the end of october. I wanna say the 30th or 29th. Everything after that, from november until today has been fake though.

Who are you quoting ?

Assange usually posted here under strays flag

I was in the first thread. It was definitely something but somehow the first few threads were “shielded” from the shillstorm that followed. After the first drop ended, “Q” acknowledged this and then stopped posting. The shills invaded that very thread shortly afterwards.

I remember that.
>tfw that fucking larp was what kept me sane while i was staying at the hospital with my dad
>i fell for the larp because of the emotional state i was in
>mfw i can relate to people who become cult members

Somebody responding to some shill fag who posted about MegaAnon in a genuinely constructive thread

SCreenshot from first thread.
T. Phonefag

Lmao fucking ouch dude

There's a chance the first one was actually from somebody whose saving the world so maybe you didn't get shoah'd



seems reasonable. if your theory is true when did the larpers take over and assange stop being Q?

I get what OP is saying. The original Q asked the questions posted here
. Someone started a thread on it and we were looking into stuf. It immediately got shipped like nothing else I've ever seen. Some extremely complicated LARPer showed up who managed to successfully side track the conversation pretending to be a sheriff who discovered an adrenochrome ring in USA/Canada and was killing corrupt secret service agents and shit. By the time I came back no trace of the original Q was there and it was all faggotry. I left and then somehow it morphed into a new thread about new Q quotes being all vague and mysterious and shit. Pretty sure they had been sitting on that Sheriff LARP for an emergency situation and because lots of us weren't buying it they decided to obscure the original Q by impersonating them and doing all kinds of faggotry.

if you think the Q stuff is real, or even 'might' be real, you are either younger than 16 or worryingly immature and delusional.

To discredit him with mystical and vague bullshit only retarded boomers believe. The first one never promised anything or had live dumbass updates or any secret info. He just asked some good questions about legal precedence and the answers happened to show that any problems Trump could have has dealing with a real uprising on the 4th had established legal channels to fuck over the usurpers real quick.

>extremely complicated LARPer

user.. come on. If people are sidetracked by ADRENOCHROME then they're probably not the brightest around.

Read my post up here.
the first one there shouldn't even be debate about if it was real. He never even said anything was definitely happening. He just asked us some questions that showed legal precedence for very powerful actions Trump can take. One of them even involved the President's power to immediately replace any alphabet agency personnel with military officers for any reason. Just interesting stuff in valid legal texts. He never promised anything. The LARPers showed up real quick after that.

KEK I get you. What I mean is his story was fucking long, probably hundreds of posts long, huge amount of details. The few of us who started the threads were calling them faggots and then there were so many I think those faggots were shills too.

I will say the dynamics of the site, particularly this board really are impressive. Sorting the trolls, the rubes, the people with an agenda, perhaps dedicated groups with an agenda. I mean it could fill pages and pages of research and observations.

Yeah and even if the first Q wasn't anyone special it was the research we did that was fun. The later Q threads don't even reference his original posts or the adrenochrome sheriff in between. They showed up very shortly after people didn't let the original questions die. So even if it wasn't anyone with inside information it felt like information people didn't want others to be aware of and attempted to discredit it by impersonating them.

oldfag here. was live for entire q happening from "my fellow americans" post until it was hijacked and became a larp. original q posts were legit but became obviously hijacked. compare original word usage and sentence/question structure of his tweets and compare to now. just like when someone text pretending to be someone else, you know because of their typing style. comparable to someones handwriting.

Wasn't he calling out the fact that you knew he was genuine because all shills went into quiet/listening mode while he posted and didn't interrupt? And as you mentioned, once he stopped the shills ramped up like clockwork.

Yeah, that didn't happen in the CBTS serial soap opera.

The ones in his Sean Hannity thread? Yeah, it's obvious it was someone else impersonating him and that's why they never mentioned his original ones. I don't even really care that much if he was an insider. We had a good time with his questions. It wasn't until it got shilled like nothing I've ever seen that it activated my almonds.

Yes he did do that now that you mention it. The board was dead silent of shills for a while too, just like he said, before exploding. I even thought that might be a ruse and they wanted us to believe him to pass on bullshit until the CBTS threads were obviously a different Q and never asked the same shit.