Global warming is pushing down the sea floor!

duh, this is why coastal cities haven't flooded yet.

SO MUCH WATER has resulted from the ice caps melting that the mass of the ocean has climbed, and it's caving in the sea floor, which makes more room for the water, and then the sea level can't rise.

it makes perfect sense you retards, don't question it.

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Kek the author used to be my cubie at an old job. HI MIKE!


That is enough information to find you.

so we can start to pollute again ?

guess i dont have to worry then

oy vey they know shut it down

>and then the sea level can't rise.
So problem solved?

You still need to be carbon taxed! SAVE THE ANGLER FISH

lets assume for arguments sake this is true, how does that make global warming a problem?

exactly. it's like when you need to put more water in a bucket, and adding water makes the bucket bigger so you can fit more.

The eternal angler fish deserves it's extinction for all the Aryan fish blood it's spilled.

Between 1993 and 2014, the weight of the oceans pushed the sea floor down by 2.1 millimeters.


The angler fish is also the ultimate spiritual symbol of feminism.

Daily reminder that real NatSoc are environmentalists. Only Jew slave capitalist don't believe in global warming

So the new new narrative they've chosen to run with is basically pic related, but with the ocean floor instead of the sky?

Even more reason to see it listed as extinct.

I have lost brain cells trying to rationalize this.

are you on crack? 2.1mm, spread over the entire ocean fucking saved Mangalore.

>lets assume for arguments sake this is true, how does that make global warming a problem?

No no it means it isnt a problem when it comes to sea levels rising

2018 will be the last year of man.

bro, do you even volume? in terms of the entire area of the ocean that's a massive amount of more space.

The ocean is 361,132,000 square miles. Distributing that 2.1 mm over that amount of miles equates to 5.188×10^14 gallons.

That's a lot more space for all that melted ice to go.

i'd venture to say that global warming is saving our coasts.

this should be a wake up call for all of us. more global warming is required, clearly.

but we were promised sea rises of tens dof meters

2 mm is insignificant compared to that

not tens of meters instantly. pretty sure that amount of rise would equate to all the polar ice caps being completely melted. or at least a lot more than they are now.

correct me if i'm wrong.

tens of nautical meters. it's completely different.

don't even bother if you aren't going to try.

None of this fucking matters because when you cut away all the extraneous shit you are left with the argument that the same weight that wasn't enough to sink the fucking ocean floor as a big concentrated chunk of ice is suddenly able to when it's spread out more from thawing, which also makes no fucking sense because more distribution of mass equals less incremental weight carry loads. The entire thing makes no sense. Zero. Nada.

You mean like make the ocean drop 2cm?

but ice is less dense than water, so now the mass is more concentrated, which gives the ocean more pushing down force.

just accept it.

It's about 447.3 cubic miles. After a shit ton of calculation I realized I could have converted straight from your gallons to cubic miles...

A patch of ocean about 14 miles by 14 miles in area. That's a lot of water.



Holy fuck do you even physics?

If you were holding a bucket of water and I throw 10lbs of ice in, then that ice melts, are you still a faggot?

a lot of the weight is currently frozen over solid land though.

>Study said ocean is being pushed down 0.4 mm to 1.0 mm a year depending on region.
>Sea level is estimated to rise 0.8 to 1.0 meters by 2100

Try again faggot.

Take pics and post calculations.

Jesus you shills are obvious.

Global warming is fake. You're a faggot and your job is to late night post on Sup Forums. Consider suicide loser.

How come scientists didn't find this sooner, I thought the science was settled.

you seem pretty upset by all of this.

again - if you throw 10 pounds of ice (british pounds, obviously) and my bucket is already full, the floor of the bucket will push down to make room for the ice. when the ice melts, it will compress, and the surrounding other water will move out of the way to make sure that the bucket can still hold all of it.

it's pretty simple really.

I was wondering why record low tides, when ocean level was supposed to be rising due to global warming. Pushing down the sea floor! LOL.

>That is enough information to find you.
you posting anything anywhere is enough information to find you

i just found you.

it sounds like so much made up bullshit explaining why we aren't flooded from the melting ice caps

oh yeah the ocean just gets bigger, our threats were credible we swear

hey Bert

I still trust the guys with the PhD in geophyisics more than the random internet guy.

Is this a spooky thread where everyone is finding one another?

no you weren't and you're a retard


it makes sense if you don't think about it

i'm not saying that the ocean floor is actually going down, i'm just saying that if that is true then it would make a significant difference in the holding volume of the ocean.



I'm in Kansas. Go.

Welp, time to inject some marijuanas.

hello Phillip W. Ehart.

is the ocean floor not solid land..?

A true travesty of science; incredible really.

Climate meme prophecies did not come to fruition, so now the only alternative to keep the delusion alive is to redefine geology. I couldn't stop laughing when I first read this.

TRUTH: The Earth is cooling, snow pack is increasing, and ocean levels are dropping as a result.


this going to make it sooo hard to accurately measure sea level. i guess that data doesn't count anymore. shucks

>makes perfect sense don't question it.

Still doesn't matter. Is that land sinking under the weight? No, it isn't. This thread is proof we need to bring back Mr. Wizard and Beakman's World. This is elementary grade science ffs.

OY VEY GOYIM we have to fix sea floor its damagaed now.
pay me

also this

Absolute state of Climate Change!

So Im supposed to believe that instead of the water rising and engulfing land, its instead pushing the sea floor down?



also, don't forget that the land is sinking equally on all sides of the globe, which is pushing the water up on the other side making it even harder to measure.

The best part is that this isn't even a meme -- the church of Climate Change actually believes this now.

remember fagits that ice age comes every 12k years and it was 12k years since younger dryas so next one comes soon. there is no global warming. only kikes need it to trade co2 quotas

It's squeezing the Earths core making volcanoes squirt.

You know, I have to hand it to (you) for your tenacity in your ability to try and rationalize this crazy shit, but WEW.

will global warming depress the crust enough on one side of the world to make Atlantis rise up out of the ocean on the other?

the sea is chuck norris be careful

>nautical meters

Find me

this is the kind of post that ensures humanity's mediocrity

Well the global warming alarmist have already committed to the idea that the sea levels were suppose to rise due to melting ice. Since the predictions have not come true they need to make excuses. Apparently, their current excuse is that the water for the melted ice is pushing the sea floor down and negating any predicted rise in sea level. Basically, this is yet another load of bullshit pilled on top of all the other global warming bullshit.

hollow earth.

Global Warming was renounced by the same person who claimed to discover it.

it is, but pushing down the ocean floor would create more open volume for ocean water to fill. pushing down on solid land (like a glacier pushing down on solid greenland) would not increase the open volume for ocean water to fill.

Aren't they getting the SAND needed for construction from the ocean floor ? Get sand, get sunk

This is great news. Now the sea level won't rise and we won't become water world.

Only on his deathbed when he also converted to Christianity and forgave his gay son

Won't this offset rising sea levels...

oy vey
shuddit down
its anuddah shoah
the goyim

yes, but it will result with the rock going else where. This probably means increased geologic activity. Earthquakes - volcanoes. We might actually be able to finally get rid of California if we keep this up.

Yeah exactly, he didn't want to die and go to hell and be known for fabricating a bullshit psy-op

Shitty buckets that deform, but I don't know of any that have any elasticity so he's just retarded.

So this fixes the problem with volcanoes and also creates habitable land? Solid fix IMO.

so, like, a water balloon?

Another proof we are living in an advanced computer simulation. Look it up. or for those not into reading

Wft I hate glaciers now.

just like when co2 our ozone grew but atmosphere from c02 pushed the ozone hole closed again until 20 years from now when particulates from wood-burners will open ozone againt and co2 wont save us this time.

t. G. A. Shillington

pretty soon the sea floor will reach densities rivalling the surface of a neutron star. fuck humanity!

because when ice melts it gets heavier!

>don't try to rationalize it goyim, we're scientist! we can handle it. it's too complicated for you anyways.

>global warming is pushing down the sea floor!
>duh, this is why coastal cities haven't flooded yet.

nah, the real reason sea levels havent risen much yet is because the ocean is leaking into the center of the earth

i'm surprised Al Gore hasnt figured this out yet

Wouldn't this imply the crust of the earth is being compressed?

yes, but it's happening uniformly, so we barely notice it.

The world is somewhat of a living being. I think it has a soul as well as other living beings, It's a massive perfect being and it adapts to us just as we adapt to it. Fucking idiots really think that insignificant humans can destroy this world. Lol.


That's idiotic though. Crust compression should trigger earthquakes and volcano eruptions. We would notice the pressure.
How the fuck does more water from ice cause the crust to compress?