Internal Google Documents leaked show extent of liberal corruption

So if you fuck heads don't know James Damore is in the process of suing Google over his firing in 2017.

In response to this a bunch of Court documents were released showing how brainwashed and corrupt google really is.

I suggest all anons read these documents as we'll need them in the future when shit really hits the fan.

Other urls found in this thread:


No time. Quick summary requested

I see a lot of shit on that twitter feed. Some looks relevant some looks like shitposting.

Anyone autistic enough to actually help pick out anything relevant?


Something about Antifa

A lot of retarded shit. Including extensive documentation of discrimination and hostility against conservative leaning people. Evidence of political blacklists at different levels of the company.

One funny incident where a blacklist bot detected rightwing blogger Mencius Moldbug. He was visiting a friend on the campus or something. And it had security escort him away.

A lot of screenshots of internal discussions at the end of people being butthurt over trump and damore's memo. Including this gold nugget where someone demands Search be changed to prevent wrongfacts.

Fuck... they have little old Mencius Moldbug on a blacklist? WTF.

Thanks user.

How to ruin someone’s life