skip to 21:41
(((family guy)))
Really? This fucking obvious?
Reminder that this show is on national television during daytime, family prime time, and night time hours.
I'm not watching 24min of this shit. Give me a summary clip fag
he did
I don't get it
>skip to 21:41
Fucking leafs. When will they learn.
Conservative snowflakes are SO easy to trigger. They get triggered over the stupidest thing! But I guess making fun of cuckoldry really hit a nerve with them; they essentially made fun of you guys lol
>He watches TV
I think you should fuck right off to fag.
Black boi fucks women and cucks white boi. Pretty tired of this jewish propaganda.
>not realizing Sup Forums is best board
Brian the dog is a Bernie bro. He is just acting in the traditional leftist manner. I don't see how this has any thing to do with conservatives.
not watching this, the family guy art style is as disgusting to look at as scat and gore
im more mad they keep killing and bringing bryan back
You fucking dumb leaf
Retarded leftist leaning Brian who thinks hes smart gets cucked by a richer dog.
>Family guy is not based
>that file name
also sage
>hebrew file name
Brian can't fuck a white girl, and the german doctor brings a black boxer to fuck it.
Just another "white boyz be trash, nigger is sexy and great aint right ?"
>family goy
>15:48 that’s a reference to Seth Macfarlane whom was supposed to board one of the flights that crashed in the twin towers but due to the alcohol he wasn’t able to wake up on time and thus delaying him from making his flight and ultimately saving his life.
From the clip, and having to skim earlier in the episode to understand the context, this is what I gather:
>Brian enters a dog show to impress a girl dog
>doesn't realize that the male and female winners of the dog show have to produce offspring
>Brian can't fuck in front of the vets, so the second place dog does it instead
>girl dog apologizes for not explaining that they'd have to fuck in front of a bunch of doctors if he won
Family Guy isn't funny anymore, but it's something to watch that's tolerable and mildly humorous.
>skip to 21:41
No. Why would anyone watch that garbage is beyond me. I hope your whole family dies tonight.
>a hardcore liberal gets cucked
Plus Seth Macfarland or whatever is a cuck himself. All of his shows have the main male characters get cucked. It's nothing new.
remember that time Brian pretended to be the dog of a woman married to a Marine? Just so he could fuck her?
The big wasn't even black it was brown.