What happens here?
What happens here?
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i...i can't un-see it, it's the fedex arrow all over again
The place of the Chads, even the country is shaped like a Chad would be
Notice how Niger looks like a piece of chicken
Sick LAN parties and all your girls go there to get fucked.
all those toyotas probably come from C.A.R.
Chad blocking Niger's path to his C.A.R.
It's the opposite of Japan
Worth a read, Quadaffi with larger military force of Soviet tanks and helicopters, defeated by niggers in trucks.
Chadian forces called the GUNT.
Probably civil war, poverty, isis on the rise and future french soccer players
mudslime terrorism
The wimminz get wrecked. That is waht happenz...
What if the model was a Sudan?
8" average dicks
Things that aren't related to chad in anyway.....
>never takes eye off the niger
Is this what the meme face was based on?
Based Chadians