How do we turn blacks and other liberal minorities against white women???
How do we turn blacks and other liberal minorities against white women???
How do we turn blacks and other liberal minorities into women???
Just attract the women.
Non-white men are too attracted to white women to hate them. A lot of black/Hispanic/Arab women already hate white girls though.
It's already happening.
I'm really getting tired of this. If a women wants to fuck a non-white man than so be it. Caring so much about it makes you a cuck. It's 2018 not 1918
this is correct. nu liberalism has already begun eating itself. it was always a race to see how progressive you could be, and now you can no longer compete if you're white or a male. (and especially not if you're both)
big tent conservatism is poised to make a big comeback soon, given the increasing population of disaffected liberals.
It's the **current year** bigot...
Should be easy. Black women in particular HaTe them.
American spic here. I'll fuck a white bitch but acknowledge that most if not all white women are evil manipulative self aware cunts.
brownskin here (indian you fucks)
i'm way more into white girls than girls of my race, so i can attest to that.
Meme all white chicks have AIDS... or actually give all white chicks AIDS.
Holy shit i would give half my life away just to get a girl like this. This world is cruel.
There's nothing wrong with racemixing. It's better genetically. We need to stop this kind of false information. White woman who marry non white-men actually report being happier. They stay together longer and their kids grow up to be more successful.
well it makes sense if the dad doesn't leave
nah we love making them pregnant then running away, just to go get another white girl pregnant
Just fap it off bro, you'll be okay!
Is this board really filled with 20yo "men" who think that sex is the most important thing in life? White women (or women of any race) aren't horny sex machines who get wet looking at big brown ding dongs. Grow up.
Actually interracial relationships are statistically much more likely to end in divorce than a couple of the same race...
toll paid.
source? Or just emotional insta reply
White women are promiscuous whores. That should be enough to have religious minorities such as spics hate white liberal women.
Why the fuck would you want to do that you cuck?
Why would we want to turn them away from white women? It's like a eugenics program.
haha yes you want to come to my 7/11 and get free samosa
It’s probably just a single white mom roastie with a brown toddler trying to convince herself she didn’t destroy her life.
It's true. Mixed race white-asian couples have lower divorce rates than white-white couples.
This threads like this are so cringe. You might as well just title the thread "I'm not attractive or hard working and feel intimidated by EVERYBODY pls help :("
Just wait feminism will do that for you. Once all these leftish white women start getting treated "equal." People will see them as the oppressors as they are.
We should start fucking them, and leave (plus points if we redpill them). They'll be pinning onto you if you have money, but just ghost the fuck out.
And only marrying 18/24 range, virgin christians.
Be condescending to roasties and coalburners that you don't want to fuck.
Too late bubba
im an american spic
Got myself a white wife and 2 white/mexican kids
don't leave and run coke
I'm an idiot, got the question wrong.
We should pin all of them as golddiggers that will leave you pennyless and will destroy any potential family you have thanks to a sexist judiciary system, or just fuck with your life if they want, just calling out rape.
Understand the reasons they might have for liking or associating with them in the first place, and then instill doubt or disgust by repetition of memes subverting those reasons.
You have two spic kids, you soiled her genes.
How about we pitch feminism and white women siding with minorities as a way to control them. White women taking charge in government as a means of keeping minorities down while still appearing on their side.
But yeah.. pretty much this is why:
Doesn't work that way. There are no pure white people any more ESPECIALLY in North America
If ANYTHING the white soiled his genes
>How do we turn blacks and other liberal minorities against white women???
In my experience liberal white women (with the exception of hippy chicks) are giant fucking hypocrites. They spend shit loads of money on fashion and food and basically living like a fucking princess. They either don't work or work low stress jobs and generally rely on their boyfriend or husband to support a lifestyle beyond their own means. Then they go on normie book and complain about how they are a victim because they're women and that automatically gives them victim status.
Exposing them as the elitist, privileged class that they are will invariably drive a wedge between them and the working class minorities as liberal white women are completely unwilling to give up their luxurious lifestyle.
I don't even know what to say to this...
>no pure white people
There's not, stop living in your Richard Spencer fake nazi white fantasy world. You'll eventually grow up and realize how foolish and insecure you are.
Completely false
Are you having a laugh? White women love the big brown benis
That's because Indian girls are fucking troglodytes.Over a billion Indians and I have yet to see a single legitimately hot Indian girl. Hell even the niggers have a few.
Show black men some sexy Asian women.
>butthurt white boy who got made fun of as a kid by indian girls
You have to take both genetics and culture into account, since we're humans and all. Also, most populations already have large enough gene pools that you don't really get much benefit from going interracial unless the alternative is your cousin. Jews could really use a new cat on the farm though, I'll give you that.
Never really interacted with many in real life, honestly. I know a few now, but they're colleagues, so I have a great excuse to never have to weigh in on this around them. They're perfectly nice, productive people. The constant, overwhelming order of curry emanating from every Indian does get old after a while.
so I should marry a Christian dindess?
Makes sense. White male SMW is so much higher then black female by default that she's less likely to try a branch swing. White bitches just milk Asian dudes for money.
Niggers already are against white women, doesn't stop them using them as fuck puppets though.
You need to turn white women against blacks and minorities not the other way around.