>whites in Russia 118,000,000 >whites in Germany 64,000,000 >whites in France 59,000,000 >whites in the UK 56,000,000 >whites in Poland 35,000,000 There's so little whites in all of Scandinavia it's not even worth noting, I giggle at all the Eurolets that are mad at the OFFICIAL BIGGEST WHITEST COUNTRY AHAHAHAHAHAH!
Tyler Wood
You misunderstood It wasn't "The 56% of Americans are white"
It's "Americans are 56% white" at best
Tyler Rodriguez
according to the official census only 2% of white Americans which are not identified as hispanic white are mixed, where are the 56% statistics from?
Hunter James
i mean sure, i'm willing to believe just 2% of white americans are unmixed
Zachary Russell
Eurocucks get so angry when they realize that Russia and America are the saviors of the white race.
Jackson Moore
>how do genetics work
2 black bunnies and 3 white bunnies = tapped bunnies
2 black bunnies and 30 white bunnies = mostly white bunnies
20 black bunnies and 30 white bunnies = tapped bunnies
Logan Cooper
>Implying volume matters Who cares if you have 182 millions whites if you have a trillion niggers and shitskins
Ayden Foster
This. There are more europeans in the USA than any europoor nation.
Kayden Jenkins
Yare yare daze.
Wyatt Perez
The United States is not Texas you dummy
Benjamin Ortiz
this, euromutts btfo
Asher Evans
Whatever you say, Juan Carlos.
Sebastian Parker
The only European country I still respect is Poland
Sebastian Price
Im sure you know lots of Americans.
Daniel Russell
Elijah Ward
Now add up the whites in Russia, France, Germany, UK, Poland. What do you get?
Landon Hernandez
>what is percentage?
I'll take being 80/90% white in a country with 25 million people over 56% whites in a country of 350 million.
Christopher Hughes
>being this dumb Did you faggots even finish 14 year old maths? Seriously? Comparing the USA to individual European countries in absolute terms is retarded. The USA has 330 million people and a landmass roughly equivalent to Europe as a whole. If you want to do a brute comparison, compare the USA to western, central, northern, and eastern Europe (including western Russia). That way you'll get a similar landmass and population size. I'm sure even a moron like you will be able to figure out which will be the most white out of the two. The fact you mutts ITT believe you're making some gotcha moment is hard to believe, surely nobody is this stupid.
Julian Ward
Crime statisticians in the U.S. often use "WHITE" for North Africans, Mestizos, Arabs, Indians (both dot and feather), Persians, Russians, etc...etc... so as to make the stats more balanced between races - kinda like "ASIAN" in England.
If a Mexican kills another Mexican however, it can be recorded in FBI records as a white man murdering a hispanic.
The men pictured wouldn't actually consider themselves white, hombre.
Jordan Lee
From a CIA psyop, brother. I think everybody realized it at some point; still, shitting on murricans was more important than stopping CIAniggers meme wars
I mean, why even thinking about trying to stop a forced meme if it's triggering potential is so high?
Mason Smith
That's why PR considers themselves mostly white, and all the arabs think they are white. My guess pakis are also white. No, the real white number is much lower than 56%. And if you don't count Irish, Italians, the Jews and slavs, the number is probably in low 30% if not lower. Probably much lower.
Elijah Sanders
the classic race classification is pretty much just white and black, maybe also asian. Even native american is more often presented than hispanic. Only systems that adapted have it. other mutts from abroad are even less available. There is almost never a mark for poos.