>Gets called racist when he points out subhumans commit so much more crime than normal folks >Gets kicked from game that goes on to be critically shunned as a rehash on release >Extremely successful comeback >Skyrockets in popularity
Tumblr tears still delicious to this day! THATS ALOTA DAMAGE Can anything stop the Jonno?
Its interesting actually. Every single youtube celeberty that has had some sort of politically incorrect drama around them (jontron, pewdiepie and that suicide forest fucker recently ) they all seem to come out more popular and making more money than before
Joshua Bennett
They stand out and people pay attention to them. No one likes a cuck deep down.
Dylan Reyes
those fucking penguins
Henry Johnson
Who is this fucker?
Ryan Wright
> non-whites commit so much more crime than normal folks
So, who was it that slaughtered a ton of Native Americans, invented capitalism, invented religion/bullshit, enslaved millions of Africans, and dropped atomic bombs on Japan, killed 60 million in WW2, and conquered most of the world?
I'll wait
Dominic Moore
The alpha race did those alpha as fuck things
Christian Howard
>So, who was it that: >slaughtered a ton of Native Americans other native americans >invented capitalism jews >invented religion/bullshit jews >enslaved millions of Africans other africans/arabs >dropped atomic bombs on Japan jews >killed 60 million in WW2 jews >and conquered most of the world? the eternal anglo (nonwhite)
Ryan Clark
He should debate Destiny again
Nathan Baker
Destiny's too busy fucking his daughter
Jonathan Lopez
Evan Wright
it isn't that surprising to me. People are sick all of this bullshit and for all his mistakes people liked the content he was putting out. The big mistake Jon made was going into a debate unprepared. Leave stuff like that to better speakers.
Liam Garcia
I thought we weren’t allowed to take pride in our ancestors???
Kayden Russell
Is Jon even white? He's half Iranian.
Blake Lee
Looks pretty white to me. He's no shitskin that's for sure so who cares
Noah Lee
and he's half an idiot, mostly why there's an admixture of cringe in everything he does either way the fact that he looks eerily similar to me is discouraging
Ryder Martinez
>slaughtered tons of Native Americans That was the Native Americans. They did a lot of that for ages before we put a stop to it.
>invented capitalism Yes and?
>invented religion You can't be this retarded
>enslaved millions of Africans That would be the African tribes. They made quite a trade out of it.
>dropped atomic bombs on Japan Saving millions of other lives that would have been lost in a fanatical mainland invasion
>conquered most of the world Alpha as fuck
Caleb Brown
Whites are neck and neck in most categories of crime with nigs. The difference is yes the (muh per capita) but the worst types of crime (mass shooting, serial killing, pedophilia) is overwhelmingly committed by whites. Whites shouldnt be committing any crime when you look at the socioeconomic advantage they have and being supposedly so much more civilized that non whites so they lose by default
Samuel Davis
That's a long-ass way to say "won".
Cooper Morris
Logan Paul is just fucking stupid not doing politically incorrect things. He's obnoxious and his fan base are retards.
Anthony Allen
Why do you keep coming to Sup Forums and using My Hero Academia images?
Jaxon Morgan
So being insane is worse than killing a guy for a pair of shoes you don't need?
Noah Collins
Logan Paul hasn't uploaded since the incident. I wouldn't say he is more popular. Not mention that filming a dead body isn't related politics in any way. If he laughed at a dead hobo in San Francisco people would be just as mad.
Jackson Martin
How often is the mental illness used as a deflection though, most mass shooters are not mentally ill. The thing with nig crime is its predominantly compartmentalized to the inner city ghettos so 95% of people that have to deal with black crime are other blacks.
Matthew Mitchell
Pretty sure blacks are over-represented in mass shooting and serial killing, too, just not to the gross extent that they are with regard to murder, rape, theft, battery, etc. It'd be interesting to look into the religion of most of these (((pedophiles))) as well.
Andrew Watson
That isn't the question. The right one is: is he a mutt? The answer is yes: therefore he'll hang first on the day of the rope.
Exactly, whites have dominated the world so hard we're getting bored and going insane. Nigs commit crimes because they're systemically retarded, whites are just bored; it equalizes
Jaxson Reed
It’s the shills go to images . Normie tier anime
Blake Rodriguez
It's one of the most Westaboo series, though. All of the antagonists are one-dimensional leftists.
Andrew Stewart
Logan has like 10% more viewers since the video m8.
Robert Reed
>I PUT A HOLE IN THAT NIGGER uh jon >I PUT A HOLE IN THAT NIGGER barry please edit that
Christian Reed
None of this is true.
Robert Hill
Duh, but that doesn't make the example less relevant.
Matthew Gray
Exactly, and when Jews are subtracted out of the white category, white pedophilia plummets to half.
Hunter Gonzalez
>implying Persians aren’t white.
He looks white to me.
Camden Jackson
Some Turk
Daniel Foster
Holohoax truth here:
Xavier Rodriguez
Because they break the conditioning.
Michael Morris
No shit, everyone wants to see the video that got him fucked. The key is to look at the comments and dislikes. He himself is either quitting YouTube or going into hiding until everyone forgets this happened. Unlike political drama, he hasn't gained a following of new subscribers looking to support him. No one supports filming dead bodies and laughing at them while there are thousands of people looking for someone with balls to say they're right-wing. This sudden increase in views will be short lived. Harvey Weinstein also gained a great deal of popularity but it's popularity that has ruined his reputation like it has to Logan. Both will ultimately lose more in the long run.
Anthony Walker
I only read/watch 80s manime and Ruroni Kenshin so I don’t worry about this degeneracy.