Does anyone else feel ill or violent when they see a beautiful aryan god wasting his genes on a shitskin? Or is it just me?
Does anyone else get physically ill when they see this?
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Pro sports are literally worse than rectal polyps.
I hear ya Fatmaster..
This was his ex before he married the thing on your pic.
Also why is a german football player watching “football“. Absolutely disgusting
did the white bitch cuck him with an African nigger named Dikembe or some shit?
She must have hurt him, hurt him badly.
He's watching hockey, which isn't a faggot sport.
jesus christ, wtf is wrong with him??????!!!! aaaaaaahhhh i want to die
She honestly looks like a half white half northern native girl
it's possible she moved south to chicago
This Aryan girl is wasting her life with a shitskin
she's a serb
She posted this on her IG a few days ago
And if the money wasnt there. There would be no girl and no car
We know jews feel ill when they see white couple. Feel free to stay angry faggot.
No, because I'm not an insecure faggot. Serious OP, reevaluate your life. Its okay to object, but "physically ill"? Feeling harm in someone else's folly is weakness incarnate.
some serbs are, but she's not. chinks are paler than her
this is why you're 56%
Nice overused meme, friend.
it's not a meme
In the end, being a blackhawks fan does make him a fag.
but he's so BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Blackhawks are having a bad season too.
Look up the definition of meme and come back.
Also are you gay?
he's german's top ranked soccer player, i don't think he knows much about the NHL
Hate to break it to you but that woman is clearly white. She just homely, basically your average white woman
>Look up the definition of meme and come back.
projection: the comment
>Also are you gay?
no? i'm female though if you that's what you're wondering
she's "native american" brosephine. Sad that you think that's what a white person looks like.
I think they're all jewish, just look at all their disfigured pointy noses and faces, why stop jews from polluting their genes further?
>Look up the definition of meme and come back.
>projection: the comment
Deflection: the comment.
>turkish rapebaby
Its the equivalent of a fat old hag post menopause with a young nigger male.
Now, I wouldn't have a problem with this if there was a guarantee these people wouldn't breed AND at the same time revoked their right to hold political power and vote.
Disgusting losers both types.
im all for men bleaching the lesser races.
breeed those inferior genes into
They're both white you cretin. Anyone who doesn't consider Slavs white is a shill or a kike
he's a chink, all the males have going for them is IQ and money
Only when I learned that their married, but I honestly can't blame white men who grew up in progressive cities for hating white women. They're total fucking sluts.
She's not white. They might be able to have children that are barely passable, but she clearly has some injun or asian blood
oh sorry, 61.3%
Still haven't looked it up.
That explains it. What "Aryan god" in your life upset you to the point you vent on this chinese cartoon forum? Did he pass you up with some chink or something? Such is the weak pathologies of women.
He is German and she is Serbian. Now end yourself.
you gotta pump and dump in a way where they don't know who you are and can't get you for alimony, the resources and job connections should be saved for white children.
t. mutt
It's an epidemic.
When I see Hawks fans? Yea
I want to kill that guy, and that women should be publically beaten and then used as a cum slut for breeding white babies who are taken from her at birth and raised by other whites
and who were serbians conquered by? kys
>some serbs are,
>He is German and she is Serbian.
She doesnt look like a Serbian. She is a Turkish Muslim rapebaby. This is what a Serbian female looks like.
She needs to be killed for being a FUCK TRAITOR! unless shes a whore, than whatever.
something wrong white boi?
You have anger issues user. His life is his life, why is it a reflection on you?
t. 56%
you obviously care nothing of whites
>This is what a Serbian female looks like.
With her Chinese boyfriend
The ones pushing the Turkish baby meme are always Turks themselves
my dad is serbian heres his dna
hes white in winter and fucking blacker than a nigger if left in the sun
we thought he was part gypsy
>>This is what a Serbian female looks like.
Her children will be so ugly
she's darker than bosnians, who're actual muslims. something got fucked up in her lineage
because i care about the white race 56%
you must be serb
that doesn't bother me as much. east-asians are pale at least
You must be mehmet
Pale like urine is pale
what's mehmet?
they're at least paler than that abomination he married
Nice false dilemma. Also funny you say that, being a woman. For your sex is majority of the reason why western civilization is on the brink of collapse. There is a reason why black men were given the right to vote before women of our own race was. Women are creatures that are supposed to be restrained.
a popular turk name
hockey, ahmed
She's a Serb. Basically a Turkish rape baby. Sad he's wasting his superior German genes by fornicating with that subhuman.
you're a fucking hypocrite. men can get outraged over this but women can't when the roles are reversed?
>hurrr durr we want all the brown cuties for ourselves
you're either a shitskin or race traitor. either way, kys
if i were turk, why would i get upset over an aryan god wasting his genes away?
Nice try, she's a Serb. Now if only you were not hiding behind that flag so we knew what kebab county you're actually from.
> East Asian
> shitskin
Going to take a whole lot of beatings to have white women behave this good.
All memes aside, m8, do you honestly consider that to be a white woman? I've literally seen Lebanese people more European looking.
see, this is exactly what i'm talking about. these losers on /pol are all like,
>hurr durr i want a trad wife
but when we speak up for preservation of the white race, they're like this
all your womyns are belong to us whitey... tuck your tiny soyboy cock because the Mexican GOD is here.
there is Sup Forums white and Caucasoid white
the latter is the reality.
I think you're simply jealous of these hunky Aryan gods who have an ability to form deep, meaningful, and satisfying relationships with other people.
Hes come for gibs and white womyns.. and guess what.. hes all out of fucking gibs
t. race traitor
Lol, white women are repelled by most spics. Only Asians are less desirable to them.
t. shitskin
do you think she's happier now she's retired from tennis to raise White Babies?
incorrect. i'd go with an east-asian before a spic. spics are brown
the insecurity is oozing my soy.. its ok, they're in better hands now.
Well for one the roles haven't "reversed"; men are still men but women are trying to become as men. And yes the entire reason you made this thread is because you are mad that someone you see as desirable is with someone that does not have your traits. Strip the politics away and this is the entire purpose of this ranting. Hell, you wouldn't even have the views you have if it wasn't for the men on this side. You are here for attention, just as the other tradthots. Be the woman that you are supposed to be, and keep your little succubi head out of things you have little knowledge about.
they're going to come out brown, like disgusting spics
>a spic in jewmerikkka
>out of gibs
this is not a scenario based in reality pedro
t. jew
if you're not upset at the picture, you're either not white or a shitskin. probably spic. either way fuck off
>in better hands
>you can literally see urine stains on his jeans
is she with him because she sees him as some kind of project? like if a woman picked up a retarded stray dog from the gutter to bring it back to some kind of normal? "look what I did, I'm such a good person aren't I?"
stay away ausman, if you know whats good for you
I'm wearing anti-racists glasses. Everyone looks white to me. Awesome you should all try them.
t. jew
Is that Zuckerberg's wife cheating on him with a 45 yr old aryan?
oh yea? tell me pic related isnt true love
Lots of faggots play hockey. Easy to spot them in the dressing rooms. The hit the hardest if you know what I mean.
name a cuter couple, ill wait
>protip - you cant
if youve ever gotten urine stains that far over you are too stupid to stand while pissing.
You keep with the false dilemma because you have no other intelligent thought to pluck out from the tiny female crevice in your skull. Am I upset, not in the slightest. The man chose his mate. Even if I was, I wouldn't blogpost about it, for it shits up the catalogue. You aren't developing any intelligent discussion about racemixing or how to stop it, etc. You couldn't make good thread regardless, such is the woman. Tits or GTFO.
>Chicago Blackhawks jerseys
ummmm... sweetie....
when will rahowa come
Okay, white Umer Johnson...