Who else is /ready for bundy to start the next civil war/ here?
Who else is /ready for bundy to start the next civil war/ here?
Who are you going to shoot?
Why do these dum dums use Assassin's Creed logo? I've seen it elsewhere too.
This flag is better. Ready when you are.
What Assassin's Creed logo?
That's the 3 percenter US flag.
It's the old 13 Colonies flag with a Roman numeral for 3 in the center.
You guys aint gonna do shit but post what a bad ass you are. Cowards. All talk. Go back to the unemployment office and do your crying there!
Huh. THose white camo ponchos aint half bad
You fucking moron!
>13 stars for the 13 colonies
>Roman numeral three for the 3% of the colonial population that fought in the Revolution
Learn your fucking history
>LARPing as a revolutionary on Faceberg for upvotes
0/10 Aesthetics
Pacifist here
I love my fellow man. I wish to live in peace... But i don't think that will be possible for long. I see dying violently after taking many communists with me in my future. It makes me very sad.
>double drum mag
absolutely disgusting
That white cloak is /fa/ as fuck
He's stood up to the government twice and is currently fighting going to jail for something he already served time for. The judge threw out the case stating the GOVERNMENT is withholding evidence. Yet she still allowed for a new trial if the government wants.
"Approximately 375,000 people out of the 2.5 million colonists—or fifteen percent—served in either the Continental Army or state militias: a participation rate higher than in most US military conflicts..."
Nice source
Johnny Snow the drum mag fag pointing at his friends will never not trigger me.
Michael Lanning (2009). American Revolution 100: The Battles, People, and Events of the American War for Independence, Ranked by Their Significance. Sourcebooks. pp. 195–96. ISBN 9781402241703.
Jack P. Greene and J. R. Pole. A Companion to the American Revolution (Wiley-Blackwell, 2003), p. 328.
>American Education brought to you by the Progressive Education system
The Feds have become either incompetent or overbearing. They've far exceeded their powers.
Balkanization now. Republics of California, Cascadia and Texas when?
Meh, I'll respect them when they slaughter a bunch of agent fags in an actual miny war. Before then they are just posturing memes.
Let me explain why your numbers are fucking stupid.
You can reasonably assume that half of 2.5million are women. Maybe a bit more.
So, you have 1.25 million men. 30% of which you are saying by war's start served.
But it gets stupider. Because you forget slaves. So, you have the total slave population of the time at around 500k. So, with half of that gone you're looking at 1million.
Let's not even talk about age.
I guarantee you at least two of these fuckers are FBI.
A wise old man I once knew said that when you think you can’t take the government shit one minute longer, load your gun and step onto the porch. Look up the street, then down it, and if no one else is out there with their own guns, go back inside and unload. It’s not time yet.
Right? They look badass as fuck.
can Hispanics join?
Dude doesn't need his elbow anyway, stop being a drama queen
I hope the feds dronestrike the entire Bundy family right into the Stone Age. Fuck those albino niggers.
that fag with the dual drum mags aiming to kneecap his friend looks fucking gay
There was actually only 12 colonies. Delaware was part of Md. or some shit but it is all a lie because of the Jews.
I admit it will be hilarious when two tanks run their group over.
Motherfuckers need to run for govoner.
FBI pls go
They falsified evidence that's why they walk free.
German snow camo poncho
Fuck the Bundy clan. They invaded my state, along with their white trash friends, caused tons of damage with fucking excavators digging tranches in a wildlife refuge. If they were brown skinned everyone there would have been gunned down within the first 48 hours. While I do not wish death or physical harm upon anyone, I sure hope to see the day when they lose their land, their homes, and everything that they value. They are redneck fucking scum making a mockery of the laws of this land, treating all land nationwide like it belongs to them alone. Fuck them. For real. Fuck. The. Bundy. Clan.
God that looks like shit. Why is Sup Forums so bad at creating flags?
Please stop.larping
Actually don't I'll be laughing as you get droned you fucking loser lmao
>waaahhhh nasa be suckin up all de moneiz, not welfare, or corporate welfare, or national """""defence""""", or -
Fucking economically illiterate.
Why would he? Nobody's touching his cows now, if any are still alive.