What does Sup Forums think about hitting children?
What does Sup Forums think about hitting children?
i think if more kids got a smack around the ears we wouldnt be in this mess
It´s bad M`ckay?
Child abuse turns Einsteins into Hitlers and Staliins
Read some (((Alice Miller)))
sounds like we need alot more child abuse m8
you shouldent hit your kids but then again im not a parent so they probably know better.
meh idk hitler would have been cooler without all the hate and destruction.
And if we were not traumatised by this shit we all would not be natsoc or fascist.
teaches discipline and toughens them up at the same time
kek just googled Alice Miller
Mrs."child abuse is evil" did abuse her son as it seems like.
Still don´t know what to think about this whole stuff, i mean natsoc sounds really logical but desu hitler and the nazis were not really healthy people and most of Sup Forums seems to have an history of abuse
In the ancap utopia, will I be able to outsource it to spics and niggers so my kid will literally be Hitler?
It's more about imposing your will and high standards of expectations. If you are competent in doing this then that is good. If you have to resort to force you may have missed a better opportunity. That said, punishment works. View it as a tool with pros and cons.
As far as morality, effectively the father, and by extension the mother, are benevolent dictators if there ever was such a thing. Biology and shared interests will tend to keep maliciousness to a minimum.
It’s ok to hit a kid once in a while if he’s making a complete ass of himself but don’t fucking beat him.
Every kid takes beating different. Sometimes they toughen up and sometimes they get softer. Hitler sas beat relentlessly as a kid and he killed 20 million people. One of my friends was beat real bad by his dad and up until he was 20 he was afraid to do anything because he was afraid of getting beat by his dad.
Hitler was TOO forgiving.
>hate and destruction
Violence is the ultimate corrective tool but it should be a last resort in most cases. When a child is young, you have to resort to a swat cause they aren't smart enough to reason with.
I support corporal punishment on a limited basis, but I certainly don't support the reckless and arbitrary use of it, and too many people do that because so many people are stupid.
It is ok but it shouldn't really hurt, just be used to get their attention. When I am babysitting my little sister and she starts throwing a tantrum and won't listen I'll give her a very light smack on the cheek(face). Just enough to get her to pay attention. She'll start to fake cry after but I call her on her bullshit and she starts cracking up laughing and then she behaves.
Using pain to control children is fucking degenerate though.
It's funny and quite easy, because they are generally smaller and weaker than you.
But you should beware their parents.
This is basically the summation of the don't hit your kids idea. You are exchanging opportunity to exchange wisdom for opportunity to exert your will.
FDR got America out of the great depression with his new deal, focusing on infrastructure, and creating jobs for Americans. This included making arms as entering wwII was almost practically unavoidable. Yes, tge interment camps were a mistake but he did so much right that Americans CHOSE to elect him a third time.
to many people get angry at their children and hit them not to discipline them but to vent their anger.
It's for brainlets that can't argue with children.
If I raise my hand and my child doesn't immediately wince in fear, I have failed as a parent.
its a sad day when i cant tell if this isent sarcasm.
Yes he got America out of the depression by destroying Europe and eventually handing his country over to the jews which would lead to the US's demographics replacement. Bravo.
Never change, Ivan
The new deal prolonged the depression for years. The only reason it ended up working was because the war. Can't fix an economy by government spending a shit load of other peoples money.
It would be better than raising an ungrateful cunt who's never learned anything that contrasts his self-centered worldview (that almost every kid adopts by default)
I wouldn't call it the ultimate--last resort, maybe. While they aren't smart enough to reason with they are very easy to manipulate. Often predicting bad courses of behavior and simply redirecting their attention is more productive and avoids unnecessary problems. I do find it useful that force is an option though, and if you are smart it will only take one time to let them understand the extent of your authority. Children are naturally eager to please, so rewards can be more useful than punishment. Of course using both is fine within reason.
>arguing with children
Spank your kids when they act up, pain is the only thing that'll reign them in, but only until they're 8-10 years old. Any physical punishment after that age can breed resentment and neurosis, and it's just in bad taste overall.
Physical pain is unnecessary at that point anyway as they have enough possessions and privileges, as well as the mental faculties to appreciate them, to give you leverage over their behavior. Rescinding privileges and confiscating valuables will be far more effective and unpleasant for them than a switch across the ass.
>What does Sup Forums think about hitting children?
don't hit your kid if he ends up bigger then you by 13. I beat the beard off my dad as soon it was a fair fight.
i bet your kids will turn out as very well adjusted and happy people.
Why not let them evolve as people instead who act on reason and not on fear of punishment?
>don't hit your kids idea
That's not what I said. If anything, I don't like hitting kids, but it is probably going to be necessary.
>exchange wisdom for opportunity to exert your will
That sounds good because my will is wiser than theirs. My job is to get them to adulthood before their twenties. How else should I do that other than investing my time and experience by directing their attention and discipline?
been to a public place any time in the last 10 years? you can tell which kids get disciplined and which ones don't. spanking, to a certain degree, is good. as long as it's not the go to for everything and you're not constantly beating on the kid like some degenerate.
It's ok as long as you do it in calm.
As long as you do not project your anger at the kid.
Just a, as long as you're here you'll have to behave *grab him and smack the butt* back to your room. No niggety niggery niggardly drama
I only agree with it when a child is about to hurt themselves. Like if some little retard is about to touch a hot stove smack the wrist real hard. Better than a burn. In my experience explaining things works better. If you don’t have a good reason why not to do something then you’re in the wrong.
FDR was a kike and a limp dick faggit who destroyed America for ever by simply existing and allowing Truman to become president
>>pic related, el globlino heir to the south west and north eastern city 20 years from now
So a war, that America participated in for 4 years, is what got America out of the depression - you pol-retards have said that American involvement was not necessary because Germany would've been overtaken by the allies? Who exactly paid for the munitions and vehicles of war - I thought you can't fix the economy by "spending other people's money", how stupid are you that this isn't an obvious contradiction? How did America profit from sending scores of men to their death on the beaches of Normandy? And please clarify who these boogeymen jews are.
I think parents should be branded like cattle when they do, they are factually lowering their children's IQ
Reducing unemployment doesn't count if you just ensave the unemployed
Its Sup Forums
Treat this place like Sup Forums. Stories should be treated as fiction
>who act on reason
People aren't born with the faculties of reason. Until they obtain it, legitimacy is understood through force. Also,
>evolve as people
is pure autism. Development follows a clear progression. You aren't even fully mentally developed until 25, and still you wouldn't have enough experience to know anything.
And I bet the day you'll be in front of 3 niggers acting like nogs you'll respond like all the coward white guys in webm posting on pol. Yeah, it's good to initiate your son to violence to some extend. Again as I said above as long as it's not made with anger. The idea is to correct a behavior, not to dominate him with your anger.
Yes, exactly. That's why when Timmy forgets his legos out, you gotta beat him
Fucking savage animal...
>touch a hot stove
Guaranteed that happens exactly once. If you had said running into the street I would have agreed with you.
Has a kid I remember hitting my mother with a plastic baseball bat for the lulz.
Slapping my teachers and kindergarten educators.
Fighting with other kids and sometime biting them leaving marks
I was a fucking wild kid. You're probably the pacified kid I would toss around. My mother had no choice but to hit me because words were not enough. I didn't care
>parents that heavily resort to punishment are low IQ
>children are low IQ
>it must have been the punishment!
Abort thread.
You would never confront a black guy in person ever you cuck. Only weak people like you make post like that.
It's called martial arts and guns,
You're reducing IQ points in an increasingly demanding world in terms of that
Stop trying to justify your life's bad events
You also are a coward, I only fight guys bigger than me.
>violent youths, poorfag kids and niggers all come from shitty homes getting beaten by abusive dad or single mum
>violent crime on the decrease except maybe in amerimuttstan and Europe because of refugees who come from violent honour cultures where they punch each other and get their feet whacked with sticks all the time
>retard boomer says “All these delinquents just needed a good spanking this is the reason our society is so violent now no discipline...”
If you beat your kid because you want to fit in with your little political identity circlejerk on Sup Forums then enjoy your low IQ faggot kid with learned helplessness or antisocial personality disorder
>b-but yu gotta learn em!!
Even a reserved and rare spanking of kid isn’t very effective. It works in the short term but leads to increasing bad behaviour and acting out over time
>hurr durr I don't understand demand driven economics.
I never said "American involvement was not necessary because Germany would've been overtaken by the allies." America didn't profit but the jews gained political capital for their puppet state for sending young whites to die.
>wild kid
>gets beaten
You think you were a wild kid before the beatings? Probably not. I'm sorry you had to hurt other kids because your mom was that low IQ that she had to take her rage out on a kid.
>That's why when Timmy forgets his legos out, you gotta beat him
Pretty nice strawman, Tim. Let me know when you want to engage my argument. Oh wait, you won't. Have a good night user, I'm sorry your parents didn't love you.
>Even a reserved and rare spanking of kid isn’t very effective.
lol k
Not an argument
Do you have data supporting your claim?
>forcing the unemployed to work is bad, we should pay them to do nothing instead!
This is why your entire continent is going down the drain.
it must be done
they will not respect you(parents) unless you do
I don't go in the street and pick fight but I know how to react in front of adversity.
I hate how the average person just stands there with a dominating body language. They don't even know these things because they're so fucking pacified.
Just on my birthday I had a nog walking toward me in the opposite pedestrian pass. When he was by my side he jumped on his stake and rushed in my back. People like you would just stay and be like :O whot
Not me, I rose my fists, said STU VEUX TOUER TABARNAK
Nigger didn't say shit, pretended he didn't see me and just passed by, I then said oh and you even fucking speak french you fucking nigger
*proceed to flap my hand on my mouth like a native war chant as he leaves*
Nah, niggers don't mess with me
>Straus found that children in the United States who were spanked had lower IQs four years later than those who were not
>nu-Sup Forums sociologist thinks this data supports causation
What are you doing?
I do martial arts and most of the white guys I do sparring with are weak mentally. It's a fact. You can't compare these kids to fucking Carlos who'd murder them in a heartbeat. Because beyond martial arts and the form and what not, aggression counts.
Sounds counterintuitive, but it’s true. It’s the hard redpill on child discipline. Makes your kid stop what they’re doing for a little while but doesn’t actually contribute to them having long-term better behaviour. Kinda like trying to punish a cat when it starts scratching your furniture. It doesn’t actually process that what it’s doing is bad. It just learns not to do it around you.
My father only ever hit me to pacify me if I was acting out in public or did something really stupid/dangerous and then occasional warning headsmack when I fucked up and didn't realize I did and he couldn't exaclty wait for me to figure out if I did something wrong (such as accidentally insulting my aunt or when I scratched the hardwood floor while moving furniture) and I tend to agree with this kind of approach desu
I was yes. I deserved most of the slaps.
*plays vidya
*watches tv
*play board game or whatever if she removes the first two. I had enough of creativity for it.
It's not a fucking punishment you queer.
Nigger children need to be hit. Human children do not.
>It just learns not to do it around you.
Well why didn't you instill the importance of honesty into you cat?
What does that have to do with the ethics of being a coward hitting someone 50% your body mass against their will not sparring?
You're advocating to be a bully, and drag on evolutionary development.
What a nigger
>If fights all be fair.
>a being without high level thinking
>only benefit is ability to think
Rly mak u thank
so you don't data?
It is when you claim to have honor,
>checks flag
oh never mind you wouldn't understand
Baby monkeys aren't considered children right?
>your mum was lazy and didn’t even come up with a good time out for you so you just ignored punishment and played vidya
>hurrr it never works just beat the kids
Spanked IQ in action. It’s about the quality of the way your parents discipline you, not the quantity. Kids also imitate their parents behaviour when they’re not being actively “parented”.
Acceptable in extreme circumstances in early childhood but should gradually be gotten rid of as they get older.
No vidya or phones is just as effective a punishment now. When the kids I teach know that they’re getting Minecraft taken away for a few days they freak.
Embarrassing. I hope you’re just talking about martial arts sparring and shit, because id agree with you and find the other guys behaviour cringey, like he has something to prove, and not real fights where spooks like muh honour don’t count for shit. Don’t use the Greeks to justify your larping in that case.
She never had to hit my other brother or my sister.
Not as much as me at least
On first grade I remember jumping on the desks with the teacher trying to catch me and when she did I threw myself to the floor and spinned around for her to try to catch me. She had to fight me to bring me to the principal.
Some kids honestly need their ass beat sometimes. I know i was one of them
Now I'm just confused
Are you bragging you got beaten?
Congraulations, youre a non adjusted adult. I mean youre not a success story. Youre here. If anything its proving beating doesnt work
Barbarian, uncivilized and unproductive. When one is responsible for another human beings development that person needs to be logical and productive to ensure best outcome.
Yeah. I take pride in the fact that I am not as pacified as you, that as a kid I didn't obey and didn't care for the authority of the adults.
And aren't you here too^
Take a trip down here, we can step in a ring.
I mean if you value head trauma that bad.
but listen coward I realize virtue means nothing to you, but then all your relationships are based on a farce. If people don't care if you have integrity they will be fair weather friends and family.
That's a pathetic way to live, with a sham of a community
>vidya or phones
>letting the Jew attack their delicate minds before adulthood
You're doing it wrong. The only thing a a kid will get from a phone (internet) is a porn addiction. There are VERY few vidya that teach anything beyond a sedentary lifestyle.
Go choke on a bag of dicks Socrates.
I learned a lot from browsing (((Wikipedia))) as a kid.
I'm using the pic to call his argument weak dumbass
>checks flag
I have a childhood friend who is loyal to me.
I don't care much for the others.
The christcuck moral calling anyone a coward. Funny enough.
Yeah whatever keep on telling you you're doing it for virtues and not because it's easier for you that way.
>spooks like muh honour
But reputation, which is what "honour" boils down to, serves a valuable function.
>Go choke on a bag of dicks Socrates.
Meant for you
Should be reserved for kids that need a hard course correction. Shouldn't be done for just general idiocy.
I dont really know if youre insulting me or not.
And yeah, I'm a failure, but I know where I failed at. You were robbed by your parents, which is truly sad.
it's what black mothers do.
we should do better.
I do not relate to your christian morality.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Children today get phones and tablets shoved in their faces so their parents won’t have to deal with them.
You dont have to m80.
This isnt even morality. Hell, most Christians promote child beating.
> Destroying yurop
> bad
You have a lot to learn, leaf.
This was the future we chose...
That's what I meant. Not only in regard to physical punishment.
"although often the two deities were entwined by nature."
Christcucks do not value the Dionysian. They got their virtuous morality from that faggot Socrates and everything that follows is as lazy and resented as he was.
Smack the lil cunts, ever seen a child running round the shops demanding things and being little cunts, then when they get yelled at it has no affect?
Ever met a fucking absolute wankstain of a man that thinks he knows everything? They've both never had a good smack. I used to get the vaccume cleaner lead when I was being cheeky to my mum and I'm not psychologically damaged, of course some people can take it to far and they should be punished.