To all the retarded armchair generals on Sup Forums saying a war against NK will happen...
This is written by a US military consultant, WW3 is closer than many believe. Very tiny chance the world won't be at war by mid 2018.
Other urls found in this thread:
>will happen
won't* happen
fuck it NK thread.
what's going on with that Iranian oil tanker that the burgers rammed while it was trying to trade with the people of NK?
>usa vs nk
can somebody explain me this shit?
It's okay you can start now, I just finished calibrating the the warhead for Kim. Let's see which country gets the biggest crater. Ready?
>insane boomer rambling
china PLA backs NK, russia supplies NK but stays neutral
how much is that probable? will china really take a risk to engage in the war together with nk against usa?
it is real
They said they will stop USA if US attacks first, otherwise they will remain neutral.
They also backed NK against USA in the last war, and are preparing to do the same now:
North Korea finally feel they're in a position to negotiate. This means it's unique this time.
China will sit back and let war happen, they lose too much participating in a war. They only give lip service to North Korea because they like the current status quo.
Ultimately, the USA can argue that North Korea has already acted in a way to justify war. They're selling chemical and biological weapons.
ok thanks for the insight
i'm sure as fuck nk would never dare to attack first, so use will have to make the first move, we'll see how
China is even shittier than NK. Their government does the same shit and more.
>Ultimately, the USA can argue that North Korea has already acted in a way to justify war. They're selling chemical and biological weapons.
Like All the first world countries aren't guilty of this. can't count him for that. Make him stop, but don't dare use it against him to justify war.
>They're selling chemical and biological weapons.
Can you also bomb UK, France and Russian Federation?
this is only chimping because SK is screwing the optics by siding the us and talking to NK
a war isnt economically feasable
and a first strike is already to risky
watch covertcabal in youtube or others to understand why
the only thing that its left its to starve the regime
>like if kims care
but to do it SK and NK cant be talking
I mean some youtube channel has next to no clue if war is coming, only Xi,Trump and Putin + a few others around them know.
Its not going to happen, you probably think Kim is insane. Well actually Kim is very smart and rational. Every other regime that didn't develop nukes got taken the fuck out, its the only way for him to survive. He knows he'd lose a war, but if he has nukes the collateral damage just wouldn't be worth it, especially if America gets hit.
Russia and China were caught recently bypassing sanctions they voted for by secretly trading oil with NK, doesnt mean they will fight for NK but highly likely they will both indirectly support during war at least.
USA still has 3-4 months until an attack on NK would be MAD.
>covertcabal referenced a study by the own us army made in 2013 where it stated that the cost all other us wars in history would pale compared to this one
>nevermind the potential millions of death in SK wich would damage US optics forever
>nevermind that almost all important geopolitical analists dont predict a war, with the exception of friedman, but friedman predicted it a year ago, and stated that the us only had a window
there wont be a war
Injured NK waifu's coming right up boys, get em while they are still warm!
>made in 2013
You clearly didnt read the article in OP thats a few hours old. It's by a US military consultant and refutes everything you said.
>I said
also, covertcabal is known for extremely bias for the us
there wont be a war
repeat with me
there wont be a war
in a year you will realice that there will never be a war
all that its left is to starve the regime
and SK is screwing that
>Before WW1
there wont be a war
repeat with me
there wont be a war
>After WW1 right before WW2
there wont be a war
repeat with me
there wont be a war
>After WW2 right before WW3 (2018)
there wont be a war
repeat with me
there wont be a war
Foreign Policy mag is run by neocons always rationalizing why there will be a war and should be a war.
well yea
i mean
there wont be a war with NK
its WW3, i agree with you in that one
to be seen if the transition of power from the US to china can happen peacefully
to be seen if mankind can scape tugicides trap
Oh it would never be MAD thats stupid. The American could take all NK has and more. It just would never be justified in the eyes of the public, or from any strategy stand point. Kim will never attack SK, they don't actually even care about reunification. Nor does SK at this point, China definitely want to maintain the status quo.
There won't be war because there is nothing to gain. Only the Nk people and some SKs care about reunification. No one else wants it
You're fucking stupid
They cannot inflict nearly the damage we can
By the time they hit NK will be mostly smoldering
Nah we want lasers now, bombs are passé
Correction, it won't be MAD until at LEAST 2020 but what i meant was by mid 2018 an attack on NK would result in way too many cities (4-5) nuked by NK for it to happen.
That's still not MAD
close enough for the MAD principle to still work tho
This is the worst timeline.
I disagree
Very unlikely, all that ww3 meme just an American autism so media corporations could use clickbate headliners to make money on advertisement.
What if Putin, Trump, and king ching chong are colluding to start ww3 to trim the fat off the world. So the rich bastards can maintain social control. On a much smaller scale.
>putin and trump want ww3
Hi sharia blue
This wouldn't even surprise me to be honest.
But why kill productive people as opposed to getting rid of africa?
could the USA even beat china? They could have an army larger than our entire population.
good luck supplying 300 million troops with guns when NATO could completely blockade them, and good luck landing naval invasions of the US. the war would literally end in a stalement or us victory
Africa hardly eats/consumes/produces
US could just destroy their entire industrial infrastructure
Assuming it doesn't go nuclear, which it might.
You can't wage war without industry
Mr. President, I advice you to time your invasion of North Korea on an trade depression with with China.
Intervening now will gravely hit our economy.
Sounds like a Freudian slip, Ausgaylianon.
Basically this. WW3 is in nobody's best interests, especially not NK's. Trump's too busy shitting himself over Mueller to even think about preemptively striking Pyongyang. Ausgaylianon can call me whatever buzzwords he likes, but the fact is that it won't happen. It didn't happen last year despite so many people being sure it would, not gonna happen this year. This whole thing is a giant show at this point.
Boomers were a mistake.
Nobody in this century preemptively strikes without getting their ass handed to them by everybody in the entire world. That's why neither have acted nor ever will act.
You really, really want America to die, don't you? Screw you too, asshole.
With all this russian collusion usa and russia should btfo norks and gooks no?
Only if you want millions of people to die.
This will be like Falcon 4.0 but with nukes.
>Russia is going to nuke us any day now, thanks a lot Dreaganf!
Just IMAGINE what the internet would've been like back then.
Who's Mueller again? Oh right that guy in the headlines that has nothing. And if he does, you can guarantee Trump will start something serious with NK to distract everyone.
>you can guarantee Trump will start something serious with NK
More sabre rattling and retarded tweets? An actual world war over NK of all countries isn't happening. It especially isn't going to be nuclear.
Never underestimate war.
> U.S. first strike (conventional) against leadership/nuke targets in NK
> NK retaliation against U.S. forces in ROK, Japan
> U.S. targets all DPRK military facitilies
> NK chimps out on South Korea, hundreds of thousands of civilians die
> China uses opportunity to make move on Taiwan
> Russia invades former Soviet satellite countries
> Nukes?
Tell me again how World War 3 couldn't happen?
>Very tiny chance the world won't be at war by mid 2018.
The world's been at war for quite some time now. Never actually stopped since the "end" of WW2. Some Cold War stalemates, occasional flareups, but there's always been fighting and hostility between multiple nations. We just never hear about it on msm.
Do you understand the power that the president holds? He makes one phone-call, and every single nuclear sub we have fires. Doctrine is, if the person won't press the button on the president's orders, they are immediately court-martialed and the next in line does it.
Trump could start a 30 day war with North Korea using the full force of the American Military because of GW's shenanigans and by that point it will be too far gone too call off or will already be over for the most part.
You're off by TWO orders of magnitude. Wtf? No one called him out? Got maff?
Couldn't come soon enough.
I don't underestimate war. I'm just saying it's not going to happen especially not this year.
We all lose with nukes. ALL of us. Trump knows it, Kim knows it. If we could just casually throw nukes at each other like they're paper planes, don't you think this supposed "war" would've happened months if not years ago?
That makes sense but I'm almost hoping for it Desu. Kim jong un is just waving his nukes around at least Hitler unified the German people.
Ivan gets it.
This is just more Jewish tricks. The kikes want North Korea's nukes not because they care about the US, SK or Japan. The evil heebs are terrified the Norks will sell a few weapons to Iran and then it's game over for Israel bullying it's neighbors and using ISIS as their proxy army. The sooner Iran gets a nuke, the more peaceful the Middle East becomes.
I really don't think a country developing a functioning arsenal automatically points to war.
blunder of the century
If that's their stance, they're not neutral.
i fucks with the idea but its gotta be all or nothing
come chat with us about this shit
discord gg/c37NwyB
Yeah, no
Just be careful user, better be safe than sorry and prep for the offchance it could happen
If WW3 comes soon over NK it will ofc be due to a fatal miscalculation by US or NK.
Believes chinks are honest to west. Own country invaded and destroyed 3000 year old chinese sacred monuments like it was going out of style then left like "peace senpai, we good rite?"
i know that ww3 WILL happen.