Mister metokur suggested an attempt to convince the press that there is a group of suburban kids who call themselves the "Katana's of Purity" who hunt black people in the ghetto in an attempt to start a race. I think it's a genius trolling scheme.
Mister metokur suggested an attempt to convince the press that there is a group of suburban kids who call themselves...
why is jim so based?
Get off pol Jim.
>be white kid next to ghetto
>fantasize about sparking race war
>jim fucks it all up
God damn it. I just bought a damn diesel truck and some rope to drag some niggers if I stopped being a beta.
Fuck you metokur
Why do people automatically associate swords with autism? I have a vast sword collection, mostly Asian and Old Norse blades which seem to be the main issues, and I don't understand how this makes me autistic. I'm a virgin, yes, but swords actually make me MORE likely to get laid. I have had countless conversations with cute, cute girls in my classes about the weapons I own. I have been able to speak to women for the first time because they want to know about my Viking Sword, or my latest Bamboo handled Katana. I dream of meeting a girl called anya so I can say ''I own a Katana but I want a cute Anya'', that is when I will lose my virginity. But I'm not autistic. I buy these swords to use as often as I can. I have many friends
Holy shit the autism.
> implying that's not a dope idea
Do you live in western PA? I might have worked with you.
we could also use this to fuck with reditfags
>A dope idea
think of the possibility
You don't think weebs inadvertently starting The Race War with country-fair tier weapons funny?
it would be perfect
Dude in the age of firearms collecting swords is hardcore autistic as fuck. Talking about your swords with girls is literally autistic God tier.
Actually, I just think we should get actual weebs to actually go and start an actual race war.
use some Sup Forums mind tricks
Girls are looking for practicality in a lover. Katana's are not an everyday blade
I knew saving this pasta back in 2012 would pay off.
>nothing personal...nigger
what does his dick taste like?
we wuz weebz n shiz
if you're going to farm (you)s, do it quietly with dignity.
Independence mainly
le BASED ! xddddddd
saged and hidden
this isnt politics or news related. i suggest people do what they have to do to clean up this site up from faggy ecuck worshipping retard
Is this a pasta? Holy fuck user.
I totally agree but the premise of katana wielding neckbeards genociding niggers was just to hard to ignore
saged :-(
Namefag, complaining about someone that lurks the chans like an user,that has deleted his channels when he could have been the biggest shill.
Why don't you go do something useful sage and shit post in all the nigger dick threads?
>is this pasta
idk what does it look like sherlock?
Spread it around as much as possible.
this could be great
>butthurt ecuck worshipper
o boy. remember this place is 18+