Reminder that "Medicare for all" is the only real solution to the healthcare crisis in America.
Basic healthcare should be guaranteed and paid for via taxation.
Also general debate thread.
Reminder that "Medicare for all" is the only real solution to the healthcare crisis in America.
Basic healthcare should be guaranteed and paid for via taxation.
Also general debate thread.
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Medicare for All saves businesses and families money.
Payroll taxes ensure that every working family is covered.
For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.
One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".
Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.
I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.
Conservatives are afraid of universal healthcare because it helps the poor and fucks the rich. They should all be rounded up and exiled to some barren shithole like Alaska.
This is true but corporations run everything so tough shit
>Reminder that "Medicare for all" is the only real solution to the healthcare crisis in America.
just make everyone have the same plan congress gets
Corporations should be for this. It eliminates the need for paying for healthcare costs, which are one of the largest parts of a company's payroll.
>Medicare for all
Yeah I'm down for heading that direction. Probably is the healthcare industries are very wealthy and they are entrenched. The kinds of changes and fixes we'd have to do so this program could be effective and solvent will be incredibly difficult so long as monied interests outside of the tax payers have a say.
I'm fine with this.
>The kinds of changes and fixes we'd have to do so this program could be effective and solvent will be incredibly difficult so long as monied interests outside of the tax payers have a say.
"We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too."
American problems require unique, American solutions. The solution to our health care problem lies not in an existing system, and anyone telling you it does is either uniformed, or lying to you.
I would vote democrat if they weren't obsessed with browning the country because republicans are just plain retarded and they always make everything worse for the sake of an extra shekel in their pocket.
What's your solution?
What do you mean "browning the country"? America is already very diverse and always has been. We are a nation of immigrants after all. I think many of us have forgotten that.
No it’s not.
Universal healthcare will just encourage the breeding of more poor and stupid people with trash personality traits and genetics.
Libtards believe democrats actually give a shit about poor people, but all the welfare programs are designed to sustain and grow a parasitic class of knuckle dragging genetic throwbacks who will reliably vote democrat.
They’re literally fat disgusting cattle for rich pedophile kikes that run the democratic party.
Well thats kind of true but the coyntry was set up by white people for white people and was over 80% white until the 60's when it became policy to make the country less white
Imagine every knuckle dragger flooding the hospitals for every sniffle, every cramp, the millions of doctors visits seeking drugs. GTFO
Ok first can you explain to me the "CRISIS"? There are hospitals everywhere, doctors offices, Emergency care centers, And pharmacies every 2 miles. Why should I pay for your heathcare ? I want you to die if you cannot take care of yourself.
How so in countries like denmark the tax rate is 50 percent for middle class
Communist sanders even admitted to this
key word white immigrants
Let's assume you get sued and lose everything. You personally. You lose your job and healthcare, then you get cancer. None of it is your fault. What little money you have left feeds your children. You cannot afford chemo. Do you deserve death, user?
Fuck yeah.
I would support UNI healthcare if POC were involuntarily sterilized to better humanity.
Not an actual argument.
What's wrong with Pedro moving in? Pedro pays his taxes.
Yeah imagine that. American Citizens getting treated instead of staying home because they can't pay the $250 to go to the E.R.
>I want ((you)) to die if you cannot take care of yourself.
Lmao fuck that old fool. Months of arguing with my stupid friends about this guy losing and Trump winning. Nobody listened. They never listen man.
Yes, I want my taxes to pay for free health care for half of South America
Look at the top image.
I'm fine with letting more white people in.
This guy gets it.
>involuntarily sterilized to better humanity.
>thinks giving the government this ability is a good idea
ER cannot turn anyone away and you know it so state another lie. Ohh and Pedro does not pay any taxes as an illegal except state and local taxes.
Yeah the only people whohave time to fuck around at the doctor all day are people that don't work. Nobody is stopping you from going to the doctor fuckface, just don't ask me to pay for it, simple.
I once crushed my ankle while unemployed and yet the ER fixed my leg, then provided therapy, and then allowed me to pay as I could. They took my state income taxes for 2 years. No big bawler days at walmart taxtime, but muh leg was fixed. You fucking niggers just want large return checks every year, free life, and now free extension of your shitty life that drags down the good of humanity.
If the American white population explodes in the next 10 years, otherwise it would be doomed to fail from the start
Yes name one good thing that comes from low IQ breeding. The ghettos in the US are shit because the people do not work, pass disease to each other, and do nothing but breed for GOV gibz.
One I *get* to buy. One I *have* to buy.
jesus, this. you can declare bankruptcy if you just got totally fucked, but as long as they get like a payment a month they can't go after you. also i can get raped by a bad bill and still afford food and shit
Medicare for All and paid parental leave would help grow the white population. Just sayin'
KYS right fucking now.
No. It would help niggers and spics survive, and drive more spics to come here
>jesus, this. you can declare bankruptcy if you just got totally fucked
Not always, sometimes they'll take your house first.
>but as long as they get like a payment a month they can't go after you
>also i can get raped by a bad bill and still afford food and shit
If you have no money how are you affording food?
>No. It would help niggers and spics survive
Also white people.
This healthcare debate is all about testing the waters to force every person by law to buy a product. What is next? Mcdonalds is going to lobby the Gov to force all people to eat Bigmacs whether they want to or not.
The white population is not going to boom because whites are not like niggers and spics that act as a cancer upon their environment....
Life expectancy for hispanics is higher than whites, and the black life expectancy would raise even more.
Its not worth the risk.
You are thinking ahead user, but its too soon.
White people would definitely have more babies if they got paid leave and good health insurance.
We just need more pro-white baby media campaigns user. Fund it.
White population needs to increase first user, our only hope right now is trump removing more protections from spics and deporting them
This is now a McChicken thread.
Healthcare for all is impossible. There simply isn't enough healthcare to go around. Rationing by price may seem cruel, but rationing by lottery or first come first serve is no better by any metric. If you think socializing an industry will increase total output, let alone efficiency, you have no idea how economies function.
Obamacare and Canadacare do nothing to increase the count of doctors or machines, so how could there possibly be more total healthcare? Its just redistributing healthcare from the middle to the bottom. Its the lower-middle class that suffers under nonsensical policies like these.
I like Wendy's chicken sandwiches better.
>Reminder that "Medicare for all" is the only real solution to the healthcare crisis in America.
>Basic healthcare should be guaranteed and paid for via taxation.
Why isn't price fixing a better solution? Healthcare should be made affordable by laws that prevent predatory medical bills. Make it illegal to charge more than 120% of the cost of any serious medical procedure.
Rename Alaska to "Galtsville".
Buy me a pair of sneakers fag. Basic footwear should be guaranteed and paid for via taxation.
>It eliminates the need for paying for healthcare costs
Is it possible to be this retarded?
Wendy's chicken taste like horseshit.
The American system is why we're in this fucking mess to begin with. America was one of the first countries to experiment with health insurance, but as a consequence of that we effectively have a majillion shitty healthcare systems instead of one decent one.
Honestly, if it can work in Europe, why the fuck can't it work here?
No white people will not produce more children than they can care for and educate themselves. You fallacy is that you think white people rely on others to care for their kids when they for the majority do not.
>why the fuck can't it work here?
too many spics and niggers
If you're poor, even through no fault of your own, you're utterly fucked.
I'm fine with deporting the illegals.
>Why isn't price fixing a better solution?
I'd support it.
Fuck your shoes.
It doesn't. Paid via payroll taxes. Or if you don't work, an alternate tax.
So we need more white people communities then user.
Reminder that niggers, non-whites, and non-taxpayers don't deserve healthcare, welfare, or life in general
American mutts dont deserve health care, it's better they die before they can further the decline of the west.
Don't forget which group pays taxes and which group takes handouts.
OP is a:
>Do you deserve death, user?
*SPOILER* Everyone dies.
Not enough doctors or nurses
>Let's assume you get sued and lose everything
>What little money you have left feeds your children
You should really think before posting.
The answer is yes, I will die if I cannot support myself. Why did I get sued? What could I possibly do to lose absolutely everything (but still have money to feed children?)
It's all about collectively chipping in to fund something you might desperately need one day. By that logic, why don't you quit paying the taxes that fund your fire department, and then bitch and complain when your house catches on fire and nobody is able or willing to help you?
This; it doesn't matter if a public or private system is in place until the AMA's monopoly on medical education is broken. Med schools literally turn down stellar students with high GPA's; a career in medicine has literally become an aristocracy.
I'm unironically for single payer and I'm NatSoc. So long as we deport/WALL/immigration reform beforehand.
Fuck the 1% (43% jewish, btw) and their stranglehold on European-Americans.
100% correct. However, if it comes too premature like the Emancipation of serfs in Russia, it can and will tear the whole country down.
Bullshit... My wife and I started with nothing but min wage jobs and one shitty 400 dollar car for the both of us. Im 39 she is 38 and our home is paid for, we have built a successful maintenance service business, and care for our 2 kids BTW we have been married 20 years now.. Some people fuck themselves by making poor choices.
>hurr socialist policies am fix democracy
As a single-payer healthcare system is a boon to the poor, it helps increase their wealth, and you should know that people that have more wealth to invest in their kids tend to have less of them.
I mean, why doesn't everybody in the first-world have a massive brood of children?
>What's wrong with Pedro moving in? Pedro pays his taxes
The hospital is always there and already being paid for by my tax dollars just like the Emergency services.
So let's train them. Not a hard problem to solve. Use that giant military budget as a jobs program to hire and train doctors.
This guy knows what's up.
Yep. Welfare state can exist with closed borders.
>Forcing me to pay for others shitty health decisions
You can go ahead a suck a fat one sage
Worse they want a bailout on all their shitty choices in life. Why be responsible when daddy GOV will provide for me?
>Reminder that "Medicare for all" is the only real solution to the healthcare crisis in America.
>Basic healthcare should be guaranteed and paid for via taxation.
or you can just deport black and brown
problem solved
You're not entirely incorrect, but it's just that I think that forcing people to wait longer for care to become available is the lesser evil to shutting them out of the system entirely.
Another alternative: People typically use up half of their overall healthcare costs during the last six months of their lives. So by that logic, if the average lifespan in a country is, say, 75 years, simply don't perform certain expensive procedures for or put to the back of waiting lists everyone who is 74-and-a-half years old. It sounds cruel, and it is, but given the choice to give a life-saving procedure to either a working father of three young children or some old geezer, I know who I am going to choose. We all have to die of something, eventually.
HMMMM lets see
Fed income tax was 32% I think
State income tax another 7%
My state sales tax 7%
Fuel taxes God only knows now my state just increased another 2%
How much more in taxes to provide everyone free healthcare?
>a career in medicine has literally become an aristocracy.
that's by design
in the early 1900s they decided it was too easy to be a doctor and too easy to get medicine
so (((they))) restrict who can be a doctor and who is allowed to get what medicine (doctor's note/prescription required)
so doctors are in higher demand and the supply is kept small so the prices they can charge stay high
>Deporting black and brown people will give Appalachia healthcare
I'm not wild about continuing the welfare state at the fed level. I think that states/local communities/religious organizations will do the heavy lifting once we stop importing and remove illegals. There are legitimate cases, but they should be fewer and with the consideration of whether they've taken advantage of local resources.
Congrats on your success story. But let's say you or your wife got sick and incurred a high hospital bill when you were first starting out. There's a strong possibility you wouldn't have the resources that were able to get your business off the ground. There's a reason why high medical expenses are one of the biggest reasons why people declare bankruptcy.
I think that the U.S. should model its healthcare system after that of Singapore. It seems to be the most cost-effective if you go by the ratio of life expectancy to medical expenditures as a percentage of gdp. The guiding principle is that no care is provided free of charge to prevent over use.
>Basic healthcare should be guaranteed and paid for via taxation
No. Maybe in a 100% White nation of right wing values, but I'm not paying shit in this country.
First point is bullshit. the government is gonna make something cheaper... Yeah, never happens..
Other points don't really matter it is just other people paying for your sorry ass.
Bullshit I have Chrons disease. I choose to work and make a living instead of sucking from the GOV teet. Do you know what it is like to stay in the hospital for a week? You have no actual clue what you are pushing for. Yes we have had hard times, but we worked hard to pull ourselves out of those times. The poor you are championing for should try the same.
In reality your goal is to make me as poor as others because I made better choices than they did. There is no even playing field, and we are not created equal. We are presented with equal opportunities, and some people squander away all those opportunities. Some people tho work 2 and 3 jobs to get out of bad situations. So again bad choices have bad consequences. It is bad when people who are blind or in a wheelchair beg to work while some fat ass draws a gov check and wants free healthcare because they cant put down the chicken nuggets.
>Gubment: Hey you.
>Jewish insurance company: What do you want, goyim?
>Gubment: I see you want to charge people $100 for something that literally costs $1.
>Jewish insurance company: What of it?
>Gubment: Well, we're not fucking gonna pay that.
>Jewish insurance company: FUCK YOU GUBMENT REEEEEEEEEEE
>Gubment: Are you done?
>Jewish insurance company: I guess.
>Gubment: Well, we're gonna pay you $5. That's plenty to cover the cost of your services and a reasonable overhead for delivery and profits to your company.
>Jewish insurance company: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>Gubment: Take it or leave it.
>Jewish insurance company: FUCK YOU, YOU GOT ME THIS TIME GOYIM.
Welcome to single payer.
Price fixing only leads to shortages, look at all other times there was price fixing.
This is one aspect of the healthcare debate I don't get. Other countries pay much less per capita for their healthcare and typically have a more robust public healthcare system.
Part of the answer has to get economies of scale. I get that government systems don't have the same incentives to slash costs, but a couple of substantial systems has to be more effective overall than a thousand tiny privately-owned ones, if only due to the lack of workforce redundancies and demands for dividends from investors.
Go ahead and buy insurance if you want. This isn't like your making it out to be.
This is about carrying leaches on our backs, they don't even pay taxes now you want us to give them healthcare too?
We already feed them house them, educate them or try to lol. All we ever get in return is more empty hands reaching out for more gibs.
How the fuck do you think healthcare works? If you honestly believe it works like insurance, you're an idiot. This shit is cheap, but a doctor isn't gonna do it for free. Are you going to tax him more? Yes you could steal the money from the rich, but why?
AMEN brother. I say let them die quickly and sterilize them before they can have kids. The problem solves itself in a decade or 2. Of course I advocate for any drug addict to be given all the dope they want when they want it. They only are killing themselves at that point, and pose no danger to society.
I'd rather niggers pay the $100 than have my taxes pay the $5.
only another 300%
Pay up
>healthcare crisis in America
You mean how it's the #2 killer of humans?
Youre retarded. You can have freedom for having guns, if you buy them.
But you cant have "freedom to" somebody elses money you filthy communists.
And thats what healthcare is, somebody elses money.
I want a freedom from having to pay on you, thief.
Niggers are getting $100 now. You would rather not save $95 in tax savings so that niggers don't get the $5?
You dumb. I mean if you're one of those "taxation is theft" type people, please don't reply. I'm talking about practicality and moving towards little to no taxation going to darkies. It's not gonna happen overnight.
Then why work if I have nothing in savings when I cant work or God forbid pass down the remainder of my estate to my fucking kids.In the end that is the true goal of Bernie and the Dems. Make everyone poor so there is no transferable wealth That would give my kids an advantage because I earned them that advantage.
fire insurance, fire sales and the fire department were all the genius of one dude
>dude has fire department ready to kill fires, tries to get other dudes to pay him money so he can pay his work force
>no one pays shit
>business (((catches fire ))) dude offers to buy it for cheap while it's on fire, or you can pay dude to put out fire...double what it cost before it was on fire
>either way, dude wins
>next day, business dudes of the town buy fire insurance so they don't lose their shit in a fire
jews don't give a shit, they just want their cut
insurance is's just gambling
>and moving towards little to no taxation going to darkies
*and especially not jews
>So let's train them.
Who's going to want to be a doctor under "Medicare for all" in the first place?