What was the fucking point?
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Because manlet hitler wanted to take over the world. Thank god communism saved the day yet again
Something something the jews
To break up the ottoman empire and free up palestine so international jewry would have a head quarters for their crime syndicate
now that, right there, is bait
Serbia ruins everything and Britain and France somehow manage to make things worse
eliminate extra males
Took a 300-level college history course in this shit
* Russia wanted the Balkans
* Ottomans wanted chunks of the Hapsburg Empire
* UK wanted markets to sell its goods
Oh, and the Brits were cucked by the Jews who were going to side with Imperial Germany against Imperial Russia
wich war was the better one, in terms of graphics and story line
>What was the fucking point?
To kill-off millions of men leaving their progeny to be raised by women. It's also what WWII was about. It got rid of the men who would balk at the type of change (((they))) had in mind, sent many home with psych problems and cucked the rest.
See also: (((Roger Waters)))
I wouldn’t have been born within WW1. I hope it’s a decent trade off.
>UK wanted markets to sell its goods
I thought the main reason UK got involved was because Germany invaded Belgium no?
I see {{{they}}} taught you well.
>It's all da joos
Elites were scared and threw millions of working class men into the meat grinder to hold on to power
Exterminate the younger generation of males, smash the powerful rise of the ambitious high morale intelligent middle classes so that the plutocrats and aristocrats could cling to power.
>What was the fucking point?
Best I can tell all the European powers essentially had war blue balls and were looking for an excuse to unload their wargasm.
So, a quick run down:
>Germany allied with Austro-Hungarian Empire
>Duke Franz Ferdinand gets killed by Order of Black Hand in Serbia
>Serbia allied with Russia
>Germany realizes a war with Russia is a skip and a hop away
>Schliefen plan contingency kicks in because that's how they do
>Schliefen plan says if at war with Russia, attack France, because they are allied
>In order to get to France, you have to go through Belgium since the French won't see it coming
>Going through Belgium triggers an automatic war with the UK
So, because some Arch Duke died by some slavshit terrorist group, the entire continent is plunged into war. Yeah, I don't think so. These were the dying days of the colonial Europe and they just wanted to prove who was boss and so they just jumped on a stupid death to attack eachother.
Good for them.
Is there going to be any cool happenings in Europe in commemoration of the Great War? I think it would be cool to visit France and some historical places, I have 2 relatives that died in the war. But I'm also afraid of trucks of peace.
Britain wanted to stop the Baghdad to Berlin railway.
unironacaly this
Alliances dragged everyone in the war.
Germany wanted to start a war, so they wrote a blank check to Austria to hire a Bosnian assassin to kill the arch duke.
Oh also the jews
How many times has England been invaded through Belgium?
2 answers depending on your view.
Either because the eternal Hapsburg couldn't control their lust of control
Or because the eternal slav can't help himself in starting shit in the Balkans
Both however have the asterisk of how our good old autistic lad Willy! couldn't control himself
Willy's turbo autism destroyed all the work Bismarck put into both uniting the Empire and keeping it on good terms with the rest of Europe
This is a level of ironic shitposting that shouldn't even be possible.
The merchents of death wanted war. And they had it again 20 years later.
>paypaezz pleazz
>ojhhj watzz iz diz
>derr juden!
Wrong war retard....WOW
Oh noo commies. There's TWO of them. What will we ever do?
I ain't even mad. This bait genuinely made me kek.
This bait...so bold...so audacious. We...we know it’s pure shitposting but can none-the-less refrain from digging deep into our pockets for (You)s.
I feel we were here for a purpose.
To save blonde white aryan women from sub-human German savages of course. It works every time.
Because fucking the Serbs is worth any cost.
Lower the unemployment numbers across Europe.
Don't forget the trustworthy American goy getting (((patriotic))) again
>what was the point
If Germany would have won we would not have had NAZI Germany - Russia would never have gone Soviet... and the world today would not be awash in fags.
To be honest they should have waited until 1925. That shit would have been interesting. But because of shit tech and horse power... and piss poor communication WW1 was a mess...
Sometimes I wonder how WW2 would have been with some of the WW1 generals tho.
There were around 10 assasins in the streets of Sarajevo during Ferdinands visit, 2 failed before Gavrilo. After second attack it is pretty obvious that someone wants to kill you, and you should go back.
There literally wasn't one. It's one of the most tragic, destructive and meaningless wars in Europe's history.
1914 was when the death knell of the UK sounded.
IT was for oil.
This but not only this.
There were the moves for Israel
>Palestine created
>Balfour Declaration
>(((Saudi Arabia)))
And the brutalization of the Amalekites
>Jews take over East Germany (failed)
>Jews crush Germany with debt at the Versailles treaty (((success)))
>Jews take over Russia (((SUCCESS)))
>Jews kill over 60 million Russians in the gulags over the next 40 years
Along with Germany and Russia, the First Jewish War ruined the rest of Europe too. From there, the last obstacle to (((total world conquest))) was US prosperity. So in 1929 they launched the Great Depression.
It meant a great deal to the Jews, they PROSPERED
desire to off as many europeans as possible, followed by power over those that survived, and to some extent money. league of nations, later on un to normalize societies around the world as they saw fit. i trust federal reserve, rockafellers and other shits had a big hand in ww1. and ww2.
It was a (((false flag))) just like the Lusitania, just like Pearl Harbor, just like 911 just like every other event that starts a great moral (((war))))
This guy gets it.
Europeans tried to play an old school territorial game with new school weapons they didn't fully understand. The end result was a massive stalemate that only ended once entire nations/empires collapsed.
That likely goes for everyone user. At 100 years you have like two dozen people’s lives who affect your bloodline. If even one of these were altered you would not exist
None whatsoever but political reasons and treaties
Are there any games that can capture the punchiness and extreme destruction that was WW1? Closest I've played would be Battlefield Bad Company and its sequel.
Evil Germans were raping Belgians.
Already been answered in this thread, but have a nice WW1 video. War is hell.