>watching television with mum and grandmother >something on tv about chimps burning shit down >say "niggers are not people" >ask grandmother if she has any objections >"no" >mum says >"blacks wonder why they can't have nice things when they behave like this, it's hard to like them"
Sounds like your family was already redpilled on the state of niggers to begin with.
Sebastian Jenkins
My dad is floor manager at a factory with 900 niggers.
Luis Carter
I guess so, yeah. I knew my nan didn't really like niggers but my mum tries to be more "tolerant".
Aaron Edwards
my condolences.
Jack Hall
are you a bong?
Austin Allen
Austin Sanchez
If only we could all be more like you. Any tips?
Colton Wood
damn that's impressive, how does he keep those niggers from burning the place down everyday?
Julian Fisher
Idk user, show your family niggers in their natural habitat perhaps.
Charles Baker
Literally there's a fire department next door. We had to put cameras over the grain alcohol vats to keep niggers from drinking it straight from the tap.
Landon Anderson
>900 niggers Fuck, How does the poor guy ever relax
Samuel Gray
Last Christmas, my mom just said "black lives matter!" In a really sarcastic way as videos of niggers chimping out ran on the news. The niggers had ransacked the local mall in one of those things that they do.
My lefty sister got up and walked out, then came back in and yelled at my mom for being racist.
Alexander Sanchez
>But me mum trois to tolorates em
Is how im reading all your posts now
Carter Fisher
You say that like they actually show up for work.
Parker Ward
My dad calls anyone who is tight with money a jew and blames most crime on "lebs"
My mother just randomly mentioned that the rothschilds control all the money in the world and the reason we invaded iraq and libya was because they didnt have rothschild banks.
I don't even have to hide my power level around them any more.
Nicholas Gomez
>dis is hoo oom reedin yoor poosts reet noo eh
Parker Howard
Chase Parker
I bet if everyone started being honest about how disgusting niggers are, even subtly, we could reverse decades of liberal programming.
Nolan Wood
and i sez to hur, nan, watch u think o niggers an she sez to me, she sez, they aint bloody people mate Then me mum chimes in, roight?. "Oi, aint no bloody way in eck these daaarkies can av noice things is er?"
Hunter Wood
im not scottish nigger. although i might have written my above post in austrailian
Xavier Morris
My nanny was like this, always complaining about how "the darkies are everywhere now". She died 3 years ago ;_;
Ian Lopez
See, my only reservation is that I don't hate black people so much as I love living in a first world country surrounded by people like me, so whenever I come across overtly racist people I tend to shy away, even though I would deport nearly every non-British person in Canada without so much as a second thought.
Jaxson Sullivan
>im trying to do it but you did a bad job. Only one tiny part of canada even sounds like that and its upper ontario and maybe saskatchewan/manitoba because no one ever goes there to show them how to speak.
Newfoundland, nova scotia and non french parts of new brunswick accents are the best and completely 100 percent different from that shit. PEI and Quebec are french and gay. BC sounds like smarter californians and alberta is almost kind of southern or something.
Evan Kelly
didnt mean to greentext that..
Eli Sanders
Robert Sanders
explained to my parents that triblinka was completely fake and that a group of aussies scanned the whole place with ground penetrating radar and found nothing. They agreed to start watching tgsnt to see the other side
Joshua Edwards
Joseph Cooper
Colton Clark
Truth crosses all boundaries
Jose Davis
He had to ask them to stop calling him bossman openly.
Easton Sullivan
Just saw that movie for like the 100th time the other day, fucking classic, ill have a coke
Eli Clark
Be glad she didn't have suffer anymore, user.
Thomas Ortiz
Jacob Scott
>be me watching the evening news with mom and pops >report about some local crime happening >"here's a photograph of the accused suspect" >it's a nigger >my dad: "I fucking knew it.."
Sebastian Sanders
you didn't "redpill" them (provide them with reality-shattering information), you just realized that they are racially conscious and agree with you
Ryan Reyes
>dad hates niggers You're surprised at this? It's not like niggers have gotten worse over time. They've always been a plague.
Jackson Morris
>triblinka why would they fake it? and do you have some links? I never wanted to go down the fake/exaggerated holocaust rabbit whole but i think im mature enough now hahahaha
Luke Green
Sounds nice. My family is somehow redpilled on race but still leftist, so they will one minute talk openly about someone getting jewed but in the next get on their soap box about the odd way Trump takes a shit or something.
Adrian Smith
i dont understand
Dominic Morgan
Im starting to feel the same way. My mom has always been liberal and after years of my constant redpilling on blacks and muslims on christmas she exploded into a racist rant about how niggers are sub human. It was awesome.
Ethan Harris
apparenly my friend's dad hates niggers as much as I do, and I bonded with him over hating niggers and discussing our taste in women
Liam Stewart
I'm amazed that you could get 900 niggers to work towards a common goal more complex than 'loot and rape'
Well they probably have terms and conditions to attend work for their parole otherwise they go back to jail.
Parker Bennett
big difference there user
Ryan Morris
i think most are afraid to share their true opinions for fear of being ostracized
Joshua Cook
well most people dont think the holocaust was entirely made up. they just think the gas chambers part was fake and not as many people died. or some shit. But sand niggers think it was entirely made up as fuck. You know what i mean nigger, it just depends how far you wanna go with it once you get onboard
Justin Gray
Kevin Foster
That's pretty close to plantation status. Too bad they get paid and get to go home.
Luis Long
I wasn't aware they called plantations "factories" these days
Caleb Watson
Woah, are you a wizard? Or actually a commonplace racist who lives in a family of other people with racist thoughts.
Isaac Edwards
>my grandma is driving me to go out to eat >she sees a little mulatto girl walking down the street >"If there's one thing I hate, it's a zebra!" >I didn't understand it at the time but it makes me cry laughing as soon as I do And she to me to Florida once and made me tell my mom that the Waffle House in Georgia that we were eating at was "awfully dark". Based grandma.
Carson Phillips
Their fear isn't rational. They just don't like to be called a racist or anything else since it's been hammered in their minds it's the worst thing they could be, even worse than being a murderer.
Eli Williams
>sitting with famil >*hey MOM i HATe Niggers howbowchu? >"yes sun nigg are nop" >OMG i repdil fa-m amerisharts ladies and gentilemen
Angel Hughes
I have a relative who is completely illiterate with social media norms. He openly posts about Jews, Hitler being right and Rothschild/Illuminati/etc on Facebook despite me advising him not to. He even has friends on Facebook that are Jews, he's constantly arguing and forcing redpills on all his old co-workers and friends
Oliver Cook
Post some of his best hits
Caleb Sanchez
we dont really say 'nigger' in britain we'd probably say darkie or wog or nig nog
Nicholas Ross
>. I used to think my fianee was racist and then I moved in with her. Now I believe I was being naive. She was right, not racist. There's a difference.
Luke Smith
Some reading for you user The Holocaust Handbook series The Jewish State - Theodore Herzl All books by Mike Walsh The Communist Manifesto Daz Kapital All 5 parts of Marx's Capital The International Jew Culture of Critique The Proletarian Revolution in Russia Germany Must Perish Also visit codoh.com, they have a vast amount of info
Camden Nguyen
>ooga booga ooga booga
Dylan Mitchell
this the world is only going to get shittier from now on
Joshua Hall
pic would have been far more funny if Weinstein was the behind her.
I suppose Affleck too. Gross and racist got off far too light.