She definitely could win in the Democratic nomination. The problem with the general election is that, although she would drive turnout for blacks and minorities and shave a little off of white women, white men are still a major percentage of the voting population, and what white man would want Oprah, she would drive that percentage up into the 80's for Trump/Republicans.
Why Oprah Can't Win in 2020
The black turnout would be Obama level. The cackling hen housewife women would switch to Oprah because they love that daytime TV shit. Hispanics are a wildcard, but they hate Trump.
I don't know mate. I hope Bernie, Karmela Harris, or Zucc wins the nom is all I'm saying.
Hillary Clinton lost because she couldn’t maintain Obama’s turnouts, not because of the demographics who voted for Trump.
If the dems get someone to run who will get millennials off their ass to vote Rs will be in trouble.
Bernie and Oprah are all I could see doing that, but old people wouldn't vote for Bernie and even blacks hate him.
My point is that Obama won over McCain, a weak candidate. Oprah is different, she is candidate that can't win white men, and no matter how much you drive the black vote, you need to do well with white people, specifically white men, if you're gonna win the presidency. Ever since Trump unleashed white anger, you can't put that genie back in the bottle
One way to crash the stock market, for sure.
>The black turnout would be Obama level.
That shit is never going to happen again.
You've got ONE chance at a "first black president", and even the blacks know he didn't do shit for them.
You're right, but the black percentage will definitely be higher than 2016 and they'll all go Oprah. Trump won by a few thousand votes in key states, imagine if all those niggers in Flint and Detroit got off their ass and voted?
I'm legit worried. The white turnout may be enough hopefully, but it wasn't in Alabama.
Black WOMAN president tho, they got the double minority card. Oprah is a famous name too so they might be like "ay yo she made it senpai she'll help us"
Oprah knows better than 99.9999% of people what goes on in spheres of power[Luciferian schlemiel clubs]; Hollywood being one of those spheres of false influence. Genuine people know phony when they see it. Fuck the schlemiels! They will fall on their faces before authenticism.
Trump won with only 200k votes in 3 states. White men will never influence an election unless they vote 100%-0%, which is impossible these days thanks to cucked nu-males.
Blacks won Jones the election in Alabama. They don’t have jobs so they have all day to vote.
>black vote
Literally doesn't matter.
The white people who voted Obama learned their lesson.
Its more complecated that really she got nearly the same amount of votes as obama in the popular vote
Rust belt voters turned on the democrats
>shave a little off of white women
ask me how i know you don't actually know any white women
>seriously believing that it was "black vote turnout" not "democrats being bussed from other states"
Soyboy cucks aka 98%of liberal men will vote for Oprah. They’d vote for an aborted fetal matter over a republican.
>candidate takes pages out of the Hillary playbook and doesn’t campaign for a month before election, doesn’t bother to campaign in major areas
>blame election loss on conspiracies
Just as bad as “muh Russians stole it”
Right Hillary didn’t bother campaigning in the blue wall states (Michigan/Wisconsin etc). Dems pretty much chose the laziest and least inspiring candidate ever and she still won the popular vote by 3 million.
Dude so many middle aged women love these stupid talk shows and Oprah was the biggest one for years. Normally I'd agree but it's like if Dr. Oz or Ellen ran for President.
They can be demoralized into staying home
Focus on what's important burgermen, the 2018 election on the 6th of november is far more pressing than which freak the dems are putting forward. Neocons needs to be replaced with nationalists.
>rolling for /ourguys2018/
>but it wasn't in Alabama.
That race was decided by the GOP sabotaging the candidate. Between the majority leader telling him to surrender, all the talk about not seating him even if he won, plus even Fox news ignoring the accusations getting debunked, that was a win for the swamp, not just democrats.
>Black WOMAN president tho
How did that work out for Hillary?
The only advantage there is extra support from all the racists and sexists who will vote because she's black and a woman.
In an election with that much racism and sexism, white people and men will say "fuck it" and be racist and sexist too.
Yes, promote nationalist candidates in the midterm. Bannon's going to put some people up apparently to primary the GOPe, and then there's guys like Nehlen doing their own thing.
millenials don't care about oprah, it'd be a swing in white women. plus the negress card.
a lot of flakey white women who voted trump would vote for oprah because he'd be perceived as mean to her no matter what he does.
it all boils down to we gave out voting rights like candy and it'll lead to our demise. but the books won't say so. trump will go down as the most ineffectual hitler of all time regardless of the next seven years.
if you aren't headed for the mountains with an enthusiastic but stubborn wife, you're part of the problem.
Blacks didn't win it for Doug Jones, Roy Moore won it for him
>le popular vote meme
Get back to me after they count the absentee ballots.
Lot of people, including white men dislike Trump. I think it's more likely Trump won't run again, especially if he loses in the midterms - won't be able to get shit all done and possibly face impeachment.
Should be interesting either way
Trump and Oprah are friends though. It would be more likely that they ran together.
Hillary wasn't black though. I don't want her to win, she'll target whites like no one ever before. She's not Obama, she's far more into the civil rights social justice rhetoric than even him. At least a lot of his message was economic, Oprah is pure identity politics.
Alabama was an outlier true. White men aren't going to vote for her except for the soyim. Also a silver lining if Trump does a decent job and the economy keeps its current pace then more people will be swayed because they'll see he wasn't actually that bad so more may be more willing to keep him in.
>Thinking Moore did literally anything wrong
fucking Hispanic liberals
boot these fuckers out of our country
She won't run
With her image being a nice and charming talk host, running would run her name in the mud. Trump didn't have this problem as he was playing with the hard businessman image and it was not hard to make the switch from ruthless real-estate man to blowhard politician.
if oprah is the nom, niggers will fight eachother to vote for her. and the dem party will have jim brown and counselors at each site just to calm it down. you guys have no idea what you're dealing with. this bitch gave niggers cars. nevermind they had to pay tax on the gift, dat be duh hwite mans prollem.
>identity politics
I love it when the alt-right pretends they don't exclusively utilize identity politics.
>Oprah is pure identity politics.
People who don't pay attention to her view her as benign, this will turn her into a villain, leading to a Trump landslide.
>In early October 1999, Donald Trump went on Larry King’s CNN show to announce he had formed an exploratory committee with an eye toward securing the presidential nomination of the Reform Party. This was a brief flirtation, but it lasted long enough for Trump to appear on television a lot and position himself as a meaningful celebrity for the new American century.
>In the interview, King asked if he had a vice presidential candidate in mind. “Oprah, I love Oprah,” Trump said. “Oprah would always be my first choice.”
So Oprah will get more white women than Hillary? Because that's what needs to happen in this fantasy.
>repeating time integers
>code 60 means "chance of recovery"
>code 80 means "attractive females"
what does it mean?
The alt right is absolutely identity politics, it's reactionary identity politics. Since I'm a white dude, I have a reason to be against leftist intersectional identity politics.
Uhhhh, and?
Protip: Telling white people they aren't allowed to do what everyone else does was only ever going to work for so long.
Oprah loses because there aren't enough niggers.
From here on out all elections will be inspired by racial conflict. The Democrats are already admitting what we knew; they are the anti-White party and want total control forever.
Whites are finding out what happens when you become the minority.
>women will flake to Oprah if Trump is mean to her
Just like they would flock to Hillary when Trump grabbed them by the pussies?
>le alt right meme
Literally created by the media to have a label to paint their enemies with.
- Michigan 2012 -
Obama 2,564,569
Romney 2,115,256
- Michigan 2016 -
Hillary 2,268,839 (-295,730 from Obama)
Trump 2,279,543 (+164,287 from Romney)
- Wisconsin 2012 -
Obama 1,620,985
Romney 1,407,966
- Wisconsin 2016 -
Hillary 1,382,536 (-238,449)
Trump 1,405,284 (-2,682)
- Pennsylvania 2012 -
Obama 2,990,274
Romney 2,680,434
- Pennsylvania 2016 -
Hillary 2,926,441 (-63,833)
Trump 2,970,733 (+290,299)
In Michigan, Trump barely pulled the win because niggers in Detroit stayed home. In Wisconsin, he did WORSE than Romney, and still managed to win, because women stayed home. In Pennsylvania, he did his best, but only because the Amish decided to come out of their shitholes for once. Also, he would have lost to Obama's 2008 vote total (3,276,363), thus, Trump won Penn again because of niggers being lazy.
>Its more complecated that really she got nearly the same amount of votes as obama in the popular vote
The "illegals voted for Hillary in CA" isn't a meme. It's the only reason she did better in the popular vote. Accounting for population increase and illegal spics flooding in after 8 YEARS, and she still didn't reach Obama's numbers, she did fucking terrible in turning out voters.
>Rust belt voters turned on the democrats
No. As you can see above, it was the niggers and women that decided to stay home in these states. Trump will lose to Oprah in 2020 unless he starts gassing niggers en mass.
she could win on acct of voter fraud.
that happened during 2016
it's been happening everywhere
bussing people in, etc.
no one will do a goddamn thing
do you want your race war or not?
no dude. oprah was appointment viewing for them. she grew into part of their family. hillary was always just some bitch. i realize i'm making it easier for her to run as i know they monitor Sup Forums, but if you are thinking of oprah as black hillary you've got it way wrong. i'd prefer michael obama and i think he'd make it damned close.
You're not getting what I'm saying. You can increase the black turnout with Oprah, yes I understand from Ben Shapiro that Trump had thin margins and blacks stayed home, but because of Oprah you're going to hand more white men to Trump. White men make up a bigger piece of the electorate than black people in total. Therefore, whether it's Trump or a different Republican, they win. Race and identity are strong, whether people like it or not
lmao there is not a snowball's chance in hell fucking Oprah could be elected. She is fucking annoying and everyone knows it
Literally this. Less than 10% of the taxes owed by Oprah's car recipients have actually been collected. These fools have never filed a tax return, doesn't even occur to them they received something.
She will now literally have to campaign from this point on. The election cycle is long as fuck as is. She just doubled it on herself.
>oprah was appointment viewing for them. she grew into part of their family.
By being benign. Once she adopts a political role, all that disappears.
Even when she speaks politically AS a media figure, its seen as less offensive because media figures are seen as "harmless".
As a presidential candidate, everyone reconsiders her, and they'll reject her. (unless they're black)
Just remind the Oprah loving women she was a pimp who whored young actresses out to Weinstein
If the Rats think they can win with niggers and cat ladies they should be encouraged to try.
You do know it's 2018. Right?
We either need him to be crowned Lord Empereror or there needs to be martial law instituted for some legitimate reason before there is another election.
This is too important to take chances because, as Trump said, "this is our last chance".
Trump's mission must be fulfilled before we get another Bush, Obama, Clinton or our first Oprah.
We need time to undo 50 years of damage. The whole thing is fucked if Trump only gets one term.
She is going to shit all over men, most especially black men. She will then shit on women who voted for Trump. She will have the same problem as Hillary: the Demographic age she needs to win doesn't know or care who she is. She will have to go against Biden and a DNC that is happy to rig its own primaries. She will complain about the rich but is a billionaire. She will have to go negative on America. She will have to gonegative on Trump. If the economy is good that is bad for her. If her foreign policy ideas sound like a woman that is a problem. She is not married and given the length of time she has been famous is undoubtedly close to some awful people. She has to figure out how to stay relevant for 3 years without putting her foot in her mouth and no network tv show anymore. Trump thinks she would make a good politician. Everyone will think she will win like Hillary.
These are what just comes off the top of my head. She could win I guess but it won't be easy.
>a pimp for Weinstein or at least silent while Weinstein abused women
This is something we should start working on now. Scuttle her campaign before it begins.
Oprah would be significant upgrade from Clinton though
People didn't vote against her pussy, they voted against her heart and mind
>People didn't vote against her pussy
I think her corruption probably played a greater role, but to whatever extent men were turned off by her being anti-men, they were effectively voting against her pussy.
How is that relevant?
>The alt right uses identity politics, but because they cater to MY identity, it's somehow OK
>Oprah loses because there aren't enough niggers
You're forgetting about white women and soyboys who fucking LOVE Oprah, and all of the Latinos who HATE Trump. Remember, white women vote more than men.
Shadilay, fellow pede!
Oprah could win if Trump fucks up royally. But when people like me start getting their big meaty and chunky tax returns, I sure as FUCK going to be very vocal about paying for more niggers and spics through my taxes.
>too stupid to realize more white women turn out to vote than white men
>what are soyboys
Your confidence will be your downfall
>The white people who voted Obama learned their lesson
Which is why they voted for him the second time, to made sure they really learned it...
>it's somehow OK
There's nothing wrong with identity politics. The problem is the blatant hypocrisy of insisting that only white people are barred from engaging in it.
Grow up, child. Everyone is racist, including you, you cuck.
>You're forgetting about white women and soyboys
If that was a real problem, Hillary would be president.
You're equating Oprah with Hillary.
>white males are prohibited from participating in identity politics
44 out of 45 presidents are white men. What the fuck are you talking about? It has ALWAYS been ok to participate in identity politics, you dolt.
She was his whore madame. Look at her pimping this poor girl out
she'd have an easier road than hillary because black and because there is no familial machine in the democrat party for now.
the media will have her back, you couldn't talk shit about oprah in mixed company ever. it's the new censorship that would win it for her. you'd need half of the country to publicly move against the biggest media figure of the last, what, 40 years? oprah v johnny carson? trump isn't carson and i'd wager carson was more popular than regan.
i just want to let you newfags understand that oprah should not be taken lightly, nor should mrs obama. do not understate the overlap from women trump voters to women famous niggress voters.
and oprah has the added benefit of "i'm just a simple black woman cookin soup an speakin mah min'"
the media tried to make hillary relate to the people, they don't have to try for oprah, all they have to do is cover her six.
i fall short of saying trump can't bully her off the stage because i didn't expect what he did to jeb, cruz, rubio.
but it's a lot different in le 56 to do that to a colored woman.
just saying, ya'll better get your jimmies pre-rustled and get to the lab.
even racist white women see oprah as "one of the good ones"
Black men don't really want a woman president.
>44 out of 45 presidents are white men.
Yeah, cuz theoretically, we pick the most qualified people.
Nobody cares about your whining.
Can we please have real politicians instead of celebrities this time around?
I'm sick of being the laughing stock of the world.
This. I'm not fucking voting if it's between trump and fucking Oprah.
White men aren't enough to carry a Republican vote alone, about 30% will still vote Dem. Also Trump got more of the Hispanic vote than Romney which won't hold
I'm more upset that the Democrats are bound and determined to sabotage themselves.
They can't seriously see this policy and think "Yeah, Fuck getting someone who can actually beat donald on merits or on their political policy. We need affirmative action hires. That's what really gets the voter turnout going."
I'm convinced the democrats are going to sink themselves before they realize that they needed career politicians all along. Not figureheads, and not platitudes.
Over 90% voted Hillary but sure
Oprah would win for sure - you underestimate how many brainlets there are
Nah nigga we are getting the bernsternator, the rock, and oprah. Then the republicans are running Donald and some other old white dudes.
I think Karl Rove said it best earlier, if she can't come up with a campaign based on issues then she can't win. And right now the Democrats don't have a platform other than Fuck Trump
> le merits
Welcome to politics my 19-year old m8
Oprah voters
>Every black
>Every faggot
>Brainlet housewives
>chart clearly says 82%
>nigger can't read or do math, claims 90%
would the stock market crash if Oprah won?
Bad news my anarcho-capitalist friend, I'm old enough to have watched actual career politicians crush celebrity meme candidates.
The problem last time is that they got two memes to counter one meme instead of just getting an actual democrat with democrat views and standards.
Who cares, 82% is still a far cry away of not wanting a woman
That shit still pisses me off. Fuckin pussy black men can't take the Trump banter
Hillary lost because she couldn't win over white working class voters. That's why she lost the rust belt which was the key to Trump's victory. If literally EVERY black person and woman voted for Hillary in Detroit, NYC, and L.A./San Francisco, she would have still lost.
She also lost because she was stiff as all fuck and unlikeable
Is wrong Muricans love a good meme more than anything else
The Jews took Oprah
Fuckin Kikes !!!
>All faggots
>Bitchy women who read 'hello magazine'
Blacks don't respect women
>Jewish women twice
you're retarded. trump won because voter turnout was low for democrats, and 'cause spics. but now they're all galvanized to vote for democrats. so yeah
say goodbye to orange cheeto
Millennials don't vote and the ones who do hate trump wtf
>Jews twice