Populist discourse

Populism, left and right wing, is a failure.

Neoliberalism is the final redpill.

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>if we actively undermine it, and even resort to all out war to end it, its a failure
ummmm ok


The one thing Commies and Nazis can agree on is neoliberalism is cancer. Unless you care more about CEOs, Pajeet, Jose, and Xi than your fellow countrymen, why would you support neoliberalism?

Because unlike your fantasy ideology it works.

It's actually this simple.

Now look at absolute poverty in the US, Canada, Europe. Again, I don't give a shit if it makes Chinks and Indians live better.

Well, good thing Trudeau is letting all those hard working and educated immigrants into Canada because of racist Drumpf. May Canada be blessed!

Why do you hate the global poor?

Agreed. Current system is bretty comfy. I'm genuinely A-OK with the neoliberal status quo.

t. middle class elite

>won't leave home town for job

THANK YOU that someone finally gets this. People deciding that because they were born in one town/county/state/country it means they have to live and die there!

Don't have the job/life you want? MOVE TO WHERE YOU WILL HAVE IT

Yeah that's my issue with the coal miners. There immediate parents moved to the coal town because of the boom; maybe they can follow in their parent's footsteps before they get left behind...

I'm not a Trot, I'm a Stalinist. Socialism in one country. I care more about my kin and their suffering.

Why do you hate your own poor.

>care about my kin and their suffering


>good for the west
Didn't take long for your argument to get btfo off you fuck now leaf.

Liberalism is the reason the one thing that defines the West, and led to our success over other countries around the globe.

When you can't even accept basic reality...

Islam isn't a race though.

I know liberals really want to believe that hatred for Islam is a racist issue but it's really not. It's completely rational to hate a barbaric religion and it's fanatic adherents who, due to their backwards religion, will never properly assimilate into your country and come in enough numbers and breed enough to likely cause serious instability in the future. If not worse.

Go read your own arguments by your own admission it makes westerners poor and foreigners wealthier, you managed to btfo yourself you brainlet.

I respect the commies more than liberal scum like yourself. Your system is unsustainable. Your time is coming.

classical liberalism > (((neoliberalism)))

Basically this pic.

Did you fail Econ 101? Read a textbook, immigration benefits the native population.

Why is it always a fucking leaf making these topics?


>Horsehoe theory
lmao i'm not making you post these things you stupid autist

You mean capitalism.
The best ideology is what Pinochet had in Chile. Free market (or at leat a mixed economy) + social conservatism.
That's how Europe and the US originally became rich. And that's how China will dominate. That's how Poland will become the safest country in Europe, and Japan is the safest in the world.

Guaranteed replies.

Because of our great politicians.

Surely business should move to them, rather than people moving to business....
Anything which doesn't relie on harvested resources could be relocated... why builds a factory in britian, import a load of poles to run the business, export the product to Poland... logistic can be a factor which renewable fuels can overcome along with it creating more jobs in logistics. To many cars on the road owned by people who work no where near home

>immigration benefits the native population.
Your one of those people who believe population growth is a good thing along with it being sustainable.

There's still hope for you buddy. Go read some relevant policy papers, and become W O K E

>Neo Liberalisim makes western countries poorer thats why it is based

>(((((((((government bailouts)))))))))

OP arrives at the party . . .

2% of economists disagree in this panel disagree that refugees are bad long-term.


its a shame the other 98% weren't one of these people then.
forgot pic

Humankind is your kin faggot
You could have been born in any other shithole

now I know this is bait

another cucked thread

>oh no, there are ideas and concepts that exist beyond our narrow, dysfunctional, Weltanschauung
You shall die.