Syria General /sg/ - cheeki breeki Edition


>SOUTHFRONT Jan 8 (Iran)

>Latest interviews with Assad
>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>Idlib Jan 7
>E Ghouta Jan 6
>DeZ/Bukaal Jan 3
>Random Dec30
>N Hama Dec 29
>Quneitra Dec11

Devs Jan 7
>E Ghouta:SAA breaks the siege on vehicle base
>Carbomb explodes in Idlib near jihadist training camp,100+dead
>Houthi air defenses shoot down Saudi Tornado warplane over north Yemen
>E Ghouta:SAA is now 80m away from lifting the siege on vehicle base
>Idlib:SAA liberates Sinjar + 9 other town, 15km to Abu Dhohur airbase
>Beit Jinn-HTS hands over tanks and armed pickup trucks part of recon deal
>104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard has left DeZ to E Ghouta
>Iranian official:No permanent Iranian base inside Syria
>Sy gov allocated 60m Sy ounds for the reconstruction of Aleppo city
>Jihadist attack drone taken out by Ru Air Def before reaching Hmaymim base
>Reports:FSA commanders visit Washington
>IS attacks SDF positions N of Hajn, killing 9
>355 civis from the provinces of DeZ,21-Aleppo & 14-Homs have returned to their homes
>USAF Gen:Russia now has ‘treasure trove’ of info about F-22s&how we operate, but so do we
>10000+ protesters in rebel-held southern Damascus demand reconciliation with government
>IS declares war on Hamas over Jerusalem loss to Trump & Israel
>Yemeni women hold protest marches against Saudi aggression


Other urls found in this thread:



Death to the Jews

Death to jews

When do you guys think this war will be over. Did you always think assad would win?

>Long live Bashar!

SAA prefers attacking HTS for political reasons, basically.

Lol if you don't support either side then fuck off

wtf is wrong with this nigger, it's like he's ready to shoot the guy in front of him

and death to the jews of course

>Lol if you don't support either side then fuck off
Name a single reason you support Maduro that isn't "f-fucking imperialism!"

2019 at the earliest.
Back in 2015, after SAA got BTFO in Idlib and Palmyra, I thought it was over for Assad at that point. And then Russia stepped in.

>Yes, he has a strong aura, also I really just watched 1,2 interviews and I knew he is the guy what the 21st ceuntry needs.
>I was worried in 2014 but I never thought that he will be ever defeated.

I think the SAA should continue this advance all the way to Aleppo .

reason they seem to have the hts on the run don't stop until they liberate the eastern suburbs of the city and reach the turk occupation zone

We should go to bed anons
Tomorrow we will have gains to report and enjoy.
Good night

in case you don't get out of here stalker

>They will, but the flanks, those damm flanks.
>I hope they remember Palmyra mistake, and will wont do it again.

>Good night user, may Franco guard you in your dreams.

1. MUD literally pulls out "not real Socialism" to attack Maduro's economic policies.
2. MUD is a load of niggers.
3. Russia supports the Maduro government.
4. Maduro maintains bans on abortion, gay marriage, etc. MUD supports Western social liberal bullshit.

So LebAnon was correct.

>1 post by ID
Jej, good night to you too.

1. Whataboutism.
2. Whataboutism.
3. Fair point, but Russia also supports Kurds to destabilise Turkey, so it's not black and white.
4. I hate MUD, but Maduro is shit too, just in a different way.

Hopefully he sticks around, it'll be nice to have an early warning about airstrikes.
Means we can prepare for flood of kikes.

They are at Abu al Duhur now and about 2.5 miles from the airbase. Tiger troops have been waiting for reinforcements there since yesterday and now have it in the last 2-3 hours.

Linkup with the troops to the north and airbase capture by noon local time I wager probably a push south to meetup aswell considering the buildup of armoured vehicles around Aleppo. Then the pocket cleansing controlled by ISIS and Rebels will happen. Surely they learned not to leave their flanks unsecure like Palmyra...

>Russia is interesting player
>They not helped Iraq,Libya
>Syria was also because inside pressure
>Also they really let Turkey to go easy with what they done
>They sell them S-400 and that is a hugewtf.jpg

>Tiger troops have been waiting for reinforcements there since yesterday and now have it in the last 2-3 hours.
A spy (that's was last in Saraqib) =/= Tiger Troops, you doofus.

comfy abu duhur gains in the morning, I cant wait!

Russia was too weak to do anything about Iraq outside of shit talking in UN.
And in Lybia they trusted US to actually not abuse the no-fly zone resolution. Medwedew got burned so hard on that he's literally more anti-US than Putin or anyone else really nowadays.

win? no , but i never tought he would loose . honestly i expected russian intervention waaay before , like 2013/2014 , they waited too much imho

>sell them S-400
> hugewtf.
not really
Russia sells a stripped down version of the S400 to literally everyone that wants one
Russia will work with anyone that doesnt spit in thier face
they sold em to Saudis and T90s to Iraq
Russia is pragmatic and doesnt care about what kind of person they trade them

1 and 2. Zero shits given. I made up my mind on "Whataboutism" when the US overthrew Ukraine's govt and then condemned "revolts" against the junta.
3. I'd say their support for Maduro is more like their support for Assad than their support for the Kurds. They're not doing it to screw anyone over. They're just supporting a long-term ally. And MUD is just a pro-American, liberal version of GPP now that Project Venezuela has been marginalized in favor of Socialist International affiliates.
4. K so why do you care

>Medwedew got burned so hard on that he's literally more anti-US than Putin or anyone else really nowadays.
Medvedev is retarded and his whole liberal fraternity should be purged 2bh.

why is the SAA not opening another front from the north or the east ?

pretty sure they only sold s-300s to the saudis

That event basically ended the friendly liberal Medwedew though. He won't trust the west on literally anything now.

>Just like the Soviet times I guess
>S-125 system with older or wrong radar type,aircraft missing important parts,tanks downgraded
>At least Syria gets fine things today

nvm, russia was trying to get them to get s-300s but i guess they ended up getting s-400s

I'm still not over the feels of Tiger hammering into that PTG boipussy
>T I G E R t r a i n

>Accidentally packed the wrong order?
>Is this some kind of Russian black ebay?

I'm suspecting there are political difficulties given those are controlled by moderate terrorists and not HTS/IS.

Can you stop doing this, it's annoying as fuck.

allah, souria, bashar ou bas

>K so why do you care
I don't, really. I just don't like Venuzuela being compared to Hezbollah/Houthis/Assad/Norks/Russia/Iran. They're a shit heap of their own creation. All the others are fighting for their independence and their nations, Venezuela are just a bunch of commies that tanked the economy, the US doesn't even really care about them, sure, they funded a few protest there but that's not a major thing. To compare them to actually genuinely good countries that care about their people and aren't just chasing some nearsighted romanticist ideal of "socialist utopia" is retarded.

nah they were trying to talk them into buying s-300s

Ok user I stop.

The mountains. Try using the terrain map some time.


Make Syria great again. The SDF is going to bring democracy to the ME!

holy shit how fucking new



Hey Lankan, you want to have a competition on who can post the most?


How do you not realize what they have in common with how many pics I've made?




>The real redpill is replying to the same post thrice

>Too new to believe


I learn from the best



Because I haven't been here in weeks and haven't seen any of them.
Do you honestly think a backwards commie shithole is anything like based Arabs directly fighting US invasions?


>won't trust the west on literally anything now.
I've heard this since '93. And Medvedev himself was burned already by 8.8.8 war. Mental deficiency doesn't allow certain people to learn on their mistakes sadly. And often it's just plain corruption. I'm 100% sure there are still plenty of people in his circle who buy this crap.

RIP bread, Lankan and I are active


dont lewd Megumin
you degenerate nigger

As soon as I figured out what he was I knew the world had no choice but for him to win

whats up nibba

DO lewd the Megumeme

I love how you all overreact to the pictures I post on /sg/. In particular, you are all quite hilarious with your consistent complaints regarding busty Megumin. It is quite amusing.

I've been posting these for months.


>shitposting on steroids
gn frens
and tfu on the maltenigger

by Christmas or NEver depending on how cunty American wanna be

JEJ, good night Doc.

Actually, why don't you stick around and watch the shitstorm?

Good night lad

I really think my lewds on here are not that bad.

Are you really storing anime grills on your pc, or this is just downloaded now?

Good night.

gotta wake up early tommorow
also i have the feeling you'll catch a ban tonight
be careful my gut feeling never lied to me


More like Chinky Breeky edition

....Ok, I'll be careful.

Wtf I love degeneracy now

>where do you think you are mateyo

stop it you degenrate

Now that is some huge collection.
>That Assad image in the corner tho

Wait, if I do be careful and don't get b&, would that mean your gut feeling lied to you?
Or is my b& inevitable now that you have mentioned it and set a chain of events in motion that cannnot be stopped?

>not keeping GBs of cute anime girls on you hd

Gn m4+4

Chubby assad is a cute Assad

you stupid wetback
why the fuck do you have such a massive image

Schrodinger's cat
don't pick up the wrong timeline when you'll be at the crossings

God Bless the ConfederateBro


>He doesn't know about the Galician Faggot's 10000x10000 anime reaction pic

No, I am not anime fan, but also I am not anime hater, there are good films (no,not the hentai one)

Hmmm. I'll keep this in mind.


>thinking that I actually care about storing this shit on my PC
Europosters are retarded. This stuff isn't illegal, so I have no reason to not store it on my PC.