What happened to the wall?

>What happened to the wall?
>What happened to labelling China as a currency manipulator?
>What happened to those infrastructure projects?
>What about congressional term limits?
>What happened to repeal and replace?
>What about locking her up?
>What about draining the swamp?
>What happened to renegotiating NAFTA?
>What happened to ending common core?
>What happened cancelling federal funding to sanctuary cities?

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congress is the opposite of progress
gonna take several elections

They're building prototypes
They straightened out in the face of the threat so we didn't have to
Congress has to do that
Congress has to do that
Congress has to do that
It's in process right now
It's in progress
There's been a lot of news about that. It's in progress.
I don't know
I would agree that this could be more aggressively pursued by the president.


>implying Congress has anything to do with many of these
What's stopping DeVos from ending common core?

>They're building prototypes
Yet there is still $0 in the federal budget allocated toward wall building.
>They straightened out in the face of the threat so we didn't have to
Are you somehow implying China isn't a currency manipulator? How naïve.
>Congress has to do that (infrastructure)
>Congress has to do that (congressional term limits)
Why haven't ANY bills been proposed?
>Congress has to do that (REPEAL AND replace)
They utterly failed multiple times because their solutions would endanger the lives of millions of Americans.
>It's in process right now (locking her up)
Doubt it. How many times does the FBI have to investigate her before we decide enough tax dollars have been wasted?
>It's in progress (drain the swamp)
All his advisors are kikes.
Goldman Sachs and Exxon in the cabinet
Nepotistic administration
Israel First
Where have you been?
>There's been a lot of news about that. It's in progress. (NADA reneg)
No results thus far.
>I don't know
t. victim of common core

isn't it voluntary anyway?
my state doesn't have it

Trump is a neocon kike shill, we got played.

>It's in process right now
>It's in progress

It's almost Trump is just another politician who says what he knows what you want to hear and then when he gets into office does nothing because democracy is a sham to appease the dumb gullible masses and prevent actual revolutions from actually changing things.

we should have voted Hilary in office at least we would be dead by now.

You got played because you are a gullible fuck with zero awareness of how the political system actually works.

American "democracy" is meant to stall change not cause it. It pits two puppeted sides of zealous useful idiots against each other so that they both never accomplish anything and the jews/rich corporate CEOs laugh all the way to the bank.

>currency manipulator
what do you think the FED does everytime it adjusts interest rates?

Don't forget his fucking horrible foreign policy.

He's a puppet of the deep state and the Israeli kike lobbyists.

>these lists are getting shorter every day they're posted
>"lol trump doesn't do anything"

Trump promised to get rid of common core in his Contract to the American Voter.
>my state doesn't have it
Where are you from user?

He promised these things AFTER he was already elected, in his Contract to the American Voter.

Congress has to allocate that money first. Mexico will pay for it in the form of the Gaines from less illegals and remittance taxes. Maybe also tariffs depending on how nafta goes.

I am stating plainly that China bent before the threats of Trump.

Because senators have to propose bills.

No they failed multiple times because of discord within the republicans, and also that just happened to contentious legislation.

Then continue to doubt it.

There s a huge investigation going on right now and Mueller has so mittes thousands of sealed indictments. Where have you been?

Because the negotiations haven't happened yet but trudeua and how to have already given ground of rock solid stances they made prior to the election

Im admitting when I don't know something and you're pouncing on the opportunity to put me down.

Be patient you autistic cockmonger.

Washington doesn't move as fast as Sup Forums.

I think he's done surprisingly well and has done much more of what he said he was going to do than you could ask of most politicians, let alone a president. Sure he acts like a moron sometimes but I really enjoy his comedic timing and how much it TRIGGERS the media and leftist. If that were the literally ONLY thing he did he would be worth re-electing in my book. Stay mad faggot.

>Hillary would have caused WW3 meme
She wanted to enact a no-fly zone over Syria. She wouldn't have fucking shot down any Russian jets in violation you dipshit. Russia claimed it was an act of war just to scare drooling morons like you.

Meanwhile, Trump is threatening a nuclear power with "Fire and Fury" while mocking their leader incessantly and loudly. He's also actively supporting an open rebellion in Iran. All of his international actions directly benefit Greater Israel.

The FED changes interest rates to keep their fiat currency from collapsing.
China purposefully devalues the yuan to keep their labor force competitive in a global economy.
These are 2 totally different things, and you're a dumb faggot for your false correlation.

I've been posting this list since day 1, faggot. He's gotten out of TPP and given the rich a tax cut (causing the deficit to skyrocket). Nothing else.

>Congress has to allocate that money first.
I wonder why this Master Negotiator is having so much trouble passing his first budget (with a supermajority no less)
>Mexico will pay for it in the form of the Gaines from less illegals and remittance taxes. Maybe also tariffs depending on how nafta goes.
Hilarious. Trump asked for $18 BILLION for the wall. How long do you think it will take to recoup the losses with remittance taxes. Tariffs won't happen, and if they do, Americans will be the ones paying higher prices for Mexican goods. It won't effect Mexico as much as you think it will.
>I am stating plainly that China bent before the threats of Trump.
Delusional. What on earth could make you think this? Are you aware China continues to send North Korea aid?
>Because senators have to propose bills.
Trump isn't allowed to direct legislation? Again, why is The Master Negotiator having so much trouble getting things done?
>No they failed multiple times because of discord within the republicans, and also that just happened to contentious legislation.
>contentious legislation
That's exactly what I said. The bills the Republicans proposed were garbage.
>Then continue to doubt it. There s a huge investigation going on right now and Mueller has so mittes thousands of sealed indictments. Where have you been?
>implying Mueller is even investigating Hillary in the first place
You should be more worried about those sealed indictments than you appear to be.
>Because the negotiations haven't happened yet but trudeua and how to have already given ground of rock solid stances they made prior to the election
Reword this. I have no idea what you're saying.
>Im admitting when I don't know something and you're pouncing on the opportunity to put me down.
Maybe you should be asking, why hasn't DeVos done anything about common core?

>I like Trump because he speaks honestly. He isn't like other politicians!
>Who cares if he hasn't stuck to a majority of his campaign promises? He makes half of the country pissed off and motivated against him! Everybody knows popularity isn't important in politics
Stay asleep.

Who are you quoting ?

Causing the deficit to skyrocket? That's a bullshit comment. Would have had no deficit if the Fed didn't raise the interest rates 3x. No raises in 10 years, but 10tril to the national debt


>I wonder why this Master Negotiator is having so much trouble passing his first budget

Congress isn't willing to work with him or play ball.

Not him, but here in Mississippi we don't have it.

Let me break this down for you, since you seem to be mathematically illiterate.

Right now, we have a deficit of $666 billion. That means that, in 2017, the government spent $666bn MORE than what they took in income.

Trump just cut taxes. That means the government gets less money to pay for things.

Trump also increased defense spending by $140bn. Trump's actions will definitely add to the deficit.

Any questions, faggot?

>congress is the opposite of progress
regress is actually

I thought he was a Master Negotiator?
Shouldn't he be able to come up with THE BEST deals, deals so amazing that even liberals couldn't say no?
>"Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it,"

>decent education

It's a joke. Pro is the opposite of con, therefore...

When you pair average with bottom(Gulf Coast area, sans Biloxi) of the barrel retarded(Delta), you get below average.

i know i just had to point it out

>implying any part of Mississippi has decent education
Stop it user, you're too funny!

At least we don't have common core.

Don't listen to this bad goy! Based God emperor Trump has put Israel first and ensured the USA prosperity.

You probably couldn't reach the lowest common denominator.

Do you even know what a denominator is without having to use Google?

To be fair, permanent tax breaks that would benefit him, his family, and his puppet-masters was the top priority, user.

Most of that shit is either cockblocked by congress or the supreme court jews

>She wanted to enact a no-fly zone over Syria.
>She wouldn't have fucking shot down any Russian jets in violation you dipshit.
Then why enact a no-fly zone?

>Trump is threatening a nuclear power with "Fire and Fury" while mocking their leader incessantly and loudly.
>a nuclear power
Thanks Clinton, Bush, and Obama!

>he gave the rich a tax cut
The Republicans gave pretty much everyone a tax cut, except for people in high-tax (solid blue) states who just happen to be exceedingly wealthy Democrats.
Capping the SALT deduction hurts rich liberals (this is why the media hates the tax plan), not the poor who aren't paying anywhere close to $10k/year in State/Local taxes anyway.
Mortgage interest deduction doesn't kick in until the mortgage is >$750k. Would you consider a $750k house a poor man's home? Again, this hurts rich liberals in high-tax solidly blue states.
Corporate tax rate applies to all businesses. This includes Pedro's Lawn Care. Most small business owners are not rich, far from it.
The "tax cuts for the rich" narrative is retarded. It's a tax cut for almost everyone.

>Senate 51-49
Are you retarded? 60-40 would be a supermajority.

Lol yes. Yes I can.
Pathetic comeback.
Exactly what I expect from the worst public schools in the country.

the stuff of nightmares

>supreme court
Has ruled in favor of Trump every time
What the fuck are you talking about?

>If he doesn't fulfil every campaign promise on day 1, he's broken his campaign promises.
I agree, Rome was built overnight.

I live in an area that has the "best" public schools in the country. Let me tell you a little secret... Most people here are still retarded and this is a very blue area.
Education does not equal intelligence.

He promised to do a lot of this in the first 100 days. It's been more than 100 days.

>gave pretty much everyone a tax cut
The tax cuts disproportionately benefit the rich. There is no denying this.

>Has ruled in favor of Trump every time
It decided against in the moslem and transexual bans

>why enact a no-fly zone?
To prevent Syrian forces from flying planes, dipshit
>Clinton, Bush and Obama enacted multiple sanctions against North Korea. Should have we gone to war sooner?

>>What happened to the wall?
In the current congress deals
>>What happened to labelling China as a currency manipulator?
Being used as bargain chip to deal with Norko
>>What happened to those infrastructure projects?
Already announced and bipartisan talks on the way.
>>What about congressional term limits?
Bargain chip to force rhinos to submit to MAGA agenda.
>>What happened to repeal and replace?
Started with one of the first EOs signed, now being BTFO by the new tax reform.
>>What about locking her up?
HIllary investigations re-opened.
>>What about draining the swamp?
It's up to the voters to elect congressmen, not the President. He can show how his agenda works and lead the way to better and more republican in congress.
>>What happened to renegotiating NAFTA?
Makes no sense to fully renegotiate it while the basic reforms are on the way, and the country starts to grow again to its fullest potential. Than it's easier to see trade discrepancies and fix them. Some talks already happened, enough to keep Canada and Mexico on their reels.
>>What happened to ending common core?
EO signed repealing common core state standards.
>>What happened cancelling federal funding to sanctuary cities?
In the works. House already passe law the withholds some grants. The judiciary system is also involved and the matter won't totally settle until it reaches supreme court (my guess)

That's it? Anything else?

>education does not equal intelligence
True, but proper education can help intelligence prosper.
>best schools in the country
>majority blue
Hmmmm I wonder why...

The supreme court upheld the Muslim ban, and Trump won't even appeal the transgender ban to the supreme court because he knows it's a shitty, divisive policy.

It's been more than 100 years for communism.
When will it start to work?

Well yes, 1% of $1,000,000 is more than 1% of $50,000. The rich get a disproportionate share of the benefit because the rich pay a disproportionate share of the taxes. In a progressive tax system, any tax cut in a lower bracket (ie: $0-$25,000) is a tax cut for the rich because the rich pay the same rate on that first $25,000 as your or I do.

Just curious, what exactly does rich mean? Let's quantify it. At what income level is someone considered "rich"?

Because of segregation, but I suspect you already know that. Blue areas also have a lot of the worst schools

Wrong. That was the ninth circuit court which has a huge liberal bias and which is overruled by the Supreme Court more than any of the other circuit courts - including in the case of the Muslim ban. They haven't ruled on the trannies in the military yet afaik.

You realize it's only been 1 year right?
You expect too much.
No wonder half of you can't get laid

kill yourself shill rat

You've never dealt with the U.S Congress, have you?

>To prevent Syrian forces from flying planes, dipshit
Yes, let's shoot down Syrian planes over Syrian territory while Russian fighters are flying CAP over Syrian territory for those same Syrian planes with the Syrian president's blessing, great idea. That certainly wouldn't have escalated the situation.

>Clinton, Bush and Obama enacted multiple sanctions against North Korea.
>Peas in our time youtube.com/watch?v=6TcbU5jAavw kek
>Should have we gone to war sooner?

>True, but proper education can help intelligence prosper.
"Proper education" can also destroy intelligence. Today's education tends to teach students what to think, not how to think.

>"best" schools in the country
>majority blue
>still produces retards
Given enough money, I could teach a chimp to take a standardized test.

>In the current congress deals
No it isn't. There's no money in the budget for a wall. All we have are a handful of prototypes.
>Being used as bargain chip to deal with Norko
Bullshit. Trump has already said he won't label China as a currency manipulator.
>>What happened to those infrastructure projects?
>Already announced and bipartisan talks on the way.
With what funding? With massive tax cuts combined with spending hikes, Trump will be forced into deficit spending.
>>What about congressional term limits?
>Bargain chip to force rhinos to submit to MAGA agenda.
You realize we would need a constitutional amendment to implement congressional term limits, right? This is hardly a "bargaining chip," user. This is a lengthy process that should have started on day 1.
>>What happened to repeal and replace?
>Started with one of the first EOs signed, now being BTFO by the new tax reform.
Repealing the individual mandate is NOT repeal and REPLACE. Trump ran as an advocate of universal healthcare, when did that change?
>>What about locking her up?
>HIllary investigations re-opened.
How many times does she have to be investigated before the American people think of it as a waste of our tax dollars?
>>What about draining the swamp?
>It's up to the voters to elect congressmen, not the President. He can show how his agenda works and lead the way to better and more republican in congress.
All his top advisors are kikes
Exxon and Goldman Sachs in the cabinet
Israel First
Trump FLOODED the swamp
>>What happened to renegotiating NAFTA?
>Some talks already happened, enough to keep Canada and Mexico on their reels.
What the hell are you talking about? None of the terms of NAFTA have been changed.
>EO signed repealing common core state standards.
Good news (for once)
>sanctuary cities
Will Trump will pursue a supreme court appeal or drop it like his tranny ban

it's coming

>being cucked by the rich this eagerly
You have no idea what is included in the new tax plan, do you?

It's slow by design.

My school bussed niggers up from Atlanta by the hundreds, but we still had a phenomenal program. Institutional segregation doesn't exist.

All of this shit was promised in the first 100 days by Trump's Contract to the American Voter

Yeah, bused them from a bad area to a good area. Now lets talk about the ones who weren't bused.

>warmongering faggot wants war with NK but not with Russia
Make up your mind

>today's schools are brainwashing us!!
I guess the answer is to defend them?
>the best schools still produce retards
They produce FEWER retards than shitty schools, that's the point.

Their schools suck because they don't get enough funding. Schools are funded primarily through property taxes, so poor areas have shittier schools by default.


Did you forget to read before you responded to ?
Answer my question, at what income level does someone become "rich"?

Did you read my response to that user?
>define "rich"
$500,000 annual income

No one wants war. I certainly don't. I wish the fat lump would give up his nuclear weapons and ICBM programs, but it doesn't look like that's in the cards. NK is a time bomb, Russia is not.

>I guess the answer is to *defund* them?
There's no simple answer. It's a complex problem. That being said, on average the United States spends ~$13,000/student. That's 3rd highest in the world. Want to guess how our public school system stacks up against the rest of the world? 30th in math. 19th in science. Throwing money at the problem, which is all the Democrats seem to want to do with any problem, isn't working.

>They produce FEWER retards than shitty schools
That's not even close to true. Explain to me how the best schools in the country still have 12th graders who can barely read? Simple answer: schools will pass failing students in order to appear "good" so that they don't lose federal funding.

those prototypes has been up for a fews months now. I wouldn't be surprised if those were there just to pacify Trumpkins, just props.