English, German, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh here.
What's your ancestry? What is the master race?
Other urls found in this thread:
its like you want that people post la creatura
Mainly germanic and celtic
100% boobistanni here.
german, irish, italian, english, french
pic related
So you're British. Fucking yank.
that's a man, baby.
I'm 100% snow nagger.
100% bean. I'm white though.
German is the most southern thing he listed. Basically he said british+german. Are you suggesting that his german dna is making him mixed race and less white?
Italian, my 23 and me has no nigger or sandnigger DNA much to my surprise considering my family all came from Sicily. Ancient Romans were probably the ultimate master race, so I'll take it!
European master race reporting
Your direct ancestors were starving peasants who had to flee to America in order to survive. No master race in your lineage.
I am just British, German with a little bit of Iberian.
What haplogroup?
Austrian, Irish, English, Cherokee, and Jewish and American since 1600
Now I’m 6’4 ginger.
That's some shit bait.
aztec mestizo master race reporting
>literally aztec my grandpa was an aztec indigena
Scott and native Alaskan.
I gotta little bit of this and a little bit of that. I ain't mad cause my wallets fat.
So, do you do anything with that? Dress, customs, language etc?
So you identify as a woman then?
It's the truth. Whatever the ancestry is, it certainly isn't anything close to nobility.
I am a hardcore genetic Jew. Bow before me you Eurofags.
Scottish. Just gosh darn scottish
400 years of dutch
Why do you post a pic of a mentally ill man? Fucking mutt
Why are distracting threads like this exist and relevant stuff goes 404?
Divide and conquer not even onece.
I don’t know what the fuck it means though
Completely northern european. Also .2% nazi jew.
You don't know when his ancestors came over even. He could be 1st generation American. Or he could go back to the mayflower.
Mayan and Scottish
You're a woman, I presume. Pretty common group across all of Europe. You've gotten around.
Irish, Scottish, German, Norwegian. I am the average red blooded American with ancestry dating back to the revolution. Fuck all these new wave immigrants since the '65 immigration act. Especially the spics, they aren't my kin.
Sure we did you mutt. But your media makes you afraid of your own neighbor to even discover.
btw datamining thread
The answer I like to give for the first question is always 'tits', and as for the second question, I'm going to have to reiterate with the tits theme: tits.
>posts a degenerate trap
kill yourselves, shills
The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:
Rebellious traitors, everyone of your ancestors are traitors.
>German, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh
More like a May famine.
We Waz Kangs logic right here.
Hey, those aren't real candles.
>Sure we did you mutt. But your media makes you afraid of your own neighbor to even discover.
Mexican doesn't understand fucking English, eh? Try re-reading and see if you can figure it out.
Knew poster was Amurikun before even clicking on the thread.
>le 56%
>Muh Herituge!
H on my maternal. I-M438 paternal.
My mother is fully Italian, and on my father's side there is british, irish and german ancestry. Luckily I didn't end up looking like a mutt like most half Italians.
not really
my dad choose not to teach me the language
i would say its doomed to die
but indigenous languages are actually growing its numbers in mexico, so who knows?
Portuguese on both sides of the family. We are not very exotic.
there is no English race, the entire country is a mongrel state and has been for almost 3000 years
Whiter than you Martinez
>the internet knows I'm German and Polish and now all my pop adds are for sausage
I've always considered myself a rebel in one way or another. A rebel to the corrupt American system for example.
How so exactly?
I’m 100% pure blooded Amerimutt
half and half polish/german. 100% catholic on both sides, but I don't know the precise area my german ancestors came from.
I have some French ancestry on my mum's side. Other than that, I'm completely Anglo, afaik.
how did you know?
same,more polish tho
Hence Anglo-Saxon
Hence English race
Belorussian and German
also wasnt mexicans """"""""latinos"""""""" white??
Illyrian-Slav with maternal admixture from Western Europe.
>that's a man, baby.
>posts a degenerate trap
yes, and?
le amerimutt here
I'm your Polish dad
oh so 100% pewdiepie?
Most english are essentially just danes ethnically. even the celts, with a small amount of iberian spainards.
>Hence English race
thought I was pure english but as it turns out i'm 1/16th irish so fuck me I guess i'm not white:(
only selfhating fags of the north speak like that
93% of us are either mestizo or indigenous
personally fuck them
but its pol thats what i expect
Here's your 56% indentification chart everyone, OP is considered la creatura.
Fuck is that a trap ?
you must honour your japanese ancestors and commit sudoku
100% Irish. More specifically Anglo-Norman
>French Mediterranean
I'm not a nazi sympathizer, and evenI can acknowledge Germans are the best.
Too bad they're going to get cucked out of existence by Merkel.
real shame, honestly, cause I love German girls. And several of my very closest friends have been of German descent.
Also never dated a girl that's not least partly of German descent.
>the virgin mongrel
>the chad mestizo
I'm a pale Englishman with blond hair and a thick ginger beard so I guess it's safe to assume I'm Celtic
Inbred we may be, but it feels good knowing my bloodline has lived on Britannia for literal millennia
>not 99,99999%
you are right, though. I prefer you say the true and larp as indian rather than larping as european.
I’m Russian and German.
yes that's Kalindra Chan and he has a penis.
>t. /gif/
Hungarian and Canadian
It's Cambro-Norman you stupid redneck.
The German is clearly the nigger part.
Were you one of those russian rape babies when they invaded Germany and raped all those poor women?
Do you personally appear as inbred?
>Castizo Master Race.
You done fucked up, Amigo.
first generation Polish Slav
I'm unfortunately 1/4 Jew. Otherwise I'm mostly British/Irish with a small percentage southern European.
D: I was adopted
>Inbred we may be
Au contraire, British people may live on an island, but we're far from being an isolated population of inbreeds.
I guess it's time for this excerpt to be posted, again...
typical northeast Amerimutt- Irish/English, French (via Quebec), Norwegian/Swedish (just a bit). I look English or Polish or something though, light brown eyes, roman nose, pale skin and brown hair