>be me
>come to pol
>go to catalog
>she knew
>0 results


>post SheKnew memes
>save SheKnew memes
>share SheKnew memes on every platform available
>repeat process until Nov 9, 2020



She’s headlining Drudge
Crush her



Checked, my friend

Boy, are you glad I happened along.

I'm pretty sure the whole 'Oprah running for president' thing was a joke. It might be a bit early to be ramping up the weaponised autism against her

Blacks hate Satanism


#MeToo is popular with normies
Get the enabler/pimp image stick to Oprah now.

She participated.

Put this on the backburner until she gets the democrat nomination in 2020.
Don't blow this chance.

Nah. That hand gesture symbol is meant to be a triangle or goats skull.
Oprahs is a diamond Because if u want it you better put a (((diamond))) on it

He’s here

>projection nigga

Ok keep me updated

She's not even going to run you spazz

Nope. We will have PLENTY of meme fuel if she really does run. We can start up #SheKnew now if we want to

Shareblue go home

>be soros
>spend 18 Billion dollars to shill the internet and shut down Sup Forums
>they still manage to destroy your candidate hours after she is announced
where's a heart attack when you need one these days.

Wait till she wins the primary user

wtf she knew

destroy this sheboon

She practically told Trump to run for pres. on her own show back in the day.

This is a good meme to keep in the back pocket if/when she runs, but it's a bit early to trot out and develop right now. The whole reason her big speech was all about #metoo was because she knows this would be her biggest weakness. She's testing how well she can inoculate herself just by diving right into it.

It's the same mentality that led Hillary to accuse Trump of working with Russians - accuse your opponent of what is in reality your biggest weakness. It's typical liberal projection.

Truthfully though Oprah would never stand a chance against Trump. White working class women do not like her as much as her carefully crafted PR would have you believe.

start it now to nip it in the bud.

Half of Hollywood knew exactly what Weinstein was doing. Why do you think the #MeToo movement is so focused on shaming alleged perpetrators? All the men and women who built, maintained, and benefited from the culture of complicity and silence want to direct the blame away from them.

If you don't report it, you're an accessory to the crime perpetrated on the next victim.

>Snitches get stitches!

What in the fuck are you checking?

your mother's gaper.

If you have to put any effort into defending an incumbent president against a female nigger talk show host you might aswell just nuke your selves.

Are you pitching a film?

>I Don't Give a Shit About Victims Feed Me Votes: The True Story of Lobbying Hollywood Stars for the Democratic Party

Jej, this is the Sup Forums I remember. Has anyone noticed all the related happenings? Some good threads going on

House intel committee has docs on Trump Dossier fromDOJ, FBI