Has Sup Forums come to any conclusions as to why nu-males/bugmen are always posing with their mouths open yet?
Has Sup Forums come to any conclusions as to why nu-males/bugmen are always posing with their mouths open yet?
They crave cock
Imitating cartoon characters expressions of over the top joy because they're manchildren
they thinks to be funny, it's a typical expression of some cartons or shitty american TV series.
They know that they can't be proud man beings so they try to be funny
There is evidence that primates when they feel threatened, show their teeth and tongue in a display of submission in order to avoid attack. So its a subconscious action they do to make their mouths a more attractive target for chads dick, instead of their anus
I did it when I was younger, all of middle school and some high school. I know from experience that it just results from insecurity. These guys just never became men.
They think it's attractive.
Females do it, and bugmen numales are feminine.
>reduces size double chin
>forces a smile - hard to smile when you are depressed
>shows off clean teeth - arguably one of their only assets
This, these guys are just soft.
Oh yeah, I cant wait another thread of armchair psychology redditors
They think its funny
This thread gets made 50 times every fucking day, with the exact same question. Why do they do it? Because they're faggots that's why.
Quit taking up space with these dumbass threads you fucking nigger.
These posts are all correct.
Even the bad American television is better than anything that's come out of Italy
It's an insecure defence mechanism. They're uncomfortable in their bodies and existence and having a picture taken amplifies their insecurities to a social level. So making a "goofy" face suggests they aren't taking themselves seriously, making them a "purposeful" joke.
beta fear
I think it’s an attempt to be XD and RANDOM
To demonstrate that they're "fun" and "childlike" and "non-aggressive." That they aren't these racist bigots full of toxic masculinity but instead helpful, apologetic, self-hating allies of all the regressive left and their agenda of wretched lies.
Also because they're low-test faggots that haven't really ever grown up and don't know what it means to be a man.
Davis J. Aurini was talking about this in his latest podcast with Rollo Tomasi.
Essentially this, the former sentence more specifically.
>Sup Forums
>social media
t. bugman
Why can't faggot lefties ever meme? Why are they never funny and why do they never make any sense?
they have an egalitarian model of sexual attraction - they think women look for the same things in men as men look for in women, so they try to signal cuteness / submissiveness / other loli traits, because that's what they're into. the results when filtered through a bearded manchild face are overtly horrific, but if they were conscious of aesthetics they wouldn't be bugmen to begin with
There is something inside them that's still alive and it uses photos as a chance to articulate itself. It's like an inner cry. "Aaaaah, I'm trapped in this bugman, please help me." - It's like music, you do it to express yourself and think you are doing a specific thing, but all other people here something different than you. You think you rap about "Fucking bitches", but everybody else knows you are rapping because you are still virgin and desperate to see a vagina once in your life.
It's the same for bugmens making a screaming pose. They think it looks cool, maybe something inside them is tricking them. Like making the prison guard believing "it's just cool and funny", while actually it's sending subliminal messages to the outside world to cure this fucking bugman, so it can actually enjoy something positive in life again.
It's always fun when I hear it
>Female attracivenss is created by a long thin face and a relatively wide body.
Theyre trying to elongate their face to appeal to a female Beauty standards.
Better question: we need a saying to go along with the expression, even if it's not real. I think they're saying "hee hee hee ho ho ho"
fuck aha it's their fading masculinity screaming as testosterone levels drop to zero
I think it all began with youtube
since it's populated by 12 year olds every successful youtuber has to put extemely exagerated shit in the thumbnail to attract 12 yo normies
in this way then fake faces of surprise became a sign of "success" or being popular and every wanna be social media e-celeb began copying them
copying stupid girls that copy porn whores face designed by jew directors
That they are actually evolving into a more self-emasculating species of men that will actively shrink to 1800s European heights due to their bad diets.
this meme just keeps getting better and better
They were taught to be dickless losers by their heroes.
I post maybe two days a year, when people are wondering about how to get women off radical leftism. I mostly lurk because I feel like this is one of the only places left for free discussion.
Holy fuck that is so cringe
The bugman exists in a constant state of stupefaction. His brain has reprogrammed itself to feel pain and anguish when he encounters anything that challenges his dreamy yet simplistic concept of the world. And when this stunted, self handicapped brain comes into real stimuli from the actual world it kicks into overdrive to discard and ignore things that would cause him pain, thus he reacts with a cartoonish expression of false joy that never quite reaches his unfocused, dead eyes. His existence consists of masochistic self inflicted mental abuse. Perhaps the open mouth is his lower brain managing to bypass his hellish prison of a mind in an attempt to scream for help or even the sweet release of death. The bugman is truly a wretched creature.
Why do we use the term "bug" though? Is it because they are detached from their humanity? Because they sre drones? Why?
waiting for theirs wifes bull cum.
>There those geniuses go again with their psychoanalysis, little do they know it is they that are the insecure ones, making fun of these saviors of women and POC
Git gud you absolute fucking sapling
For sucking nigger dicks.
>show their teeth and tongue in a display of submission in order to avoid attack
It's actually a display of aggression and dominance meant to scare away adversaries.
It is a newborn behavior. They are all innocent, weak and drink fluid nutrition liek babies a.k.a. soylent. So the strong adult don't attack them and pity them instead.
They think it makes them appear "exciting!"
They have never studied what a neo fuedal oaf is
and what a moron looks like.
You just proved his point faggot
God help us. The horror
> Rollo Tomassi
Get into a real PUA not a bald manlet uzisicaro.com
Seriously, just shut the fuck up you inbred moron. The reason you social midgits post are like this is because you were never taught how to treat people fairly. Your feelings are hurt because you can't into empathy and feelings. Which are highly important for living and understanding injustice in society.
>Blathering about feelings
>Can't even see anything creepy in the eyes of bugmen
Found the empty drone
What's with those black-rimmed glasses? This was noted in other thread. Good herd mentality?
I suppose it's their way to shout "look, I'm a true geek and an intellectual, I need glasses because of books and screens"