This kind of behavior starts early too. This is from my 12 year old cousins instagram...
This is just a small piece of the bunch of "omg so pretty posts". As a joke I put "meh" in the sea of compliments and she deleted my post.....
This kind of behavior starts early too. This is from my 12 year old cousins instagram...
This is just a small piece of the bunch of "omg so pretty posts". As a joke I put "meh" in the sea of compliments and she deleted my post.....
Other urls found in this thread:
indistinguishable from posts by women in the 20s and even 30s
You got deleted and come here to cry? LMAO loser
>why do women act like women
>my 12 year old cousin doesn't like me
>"""as a joke"""
At least you still have your dog.
women are mental infants and their brains do not change past early teens.
Get a life you fucking faggot.
as if need any more proof that normies and women are animals/NPCs
its pretty simple. if you like someone's pictures and leave a comment they're now obligated to do the same
Fucking this. This is the biggest proof that we are in a simulation. Maybe 10% of people are actually people, the rest are npcs
Fat women do this all time for eachother.
Women are lifelong children. This isn't news
I hace ser it too, you could put a spaceship in front of them and nobody will notice, but i think is because edycation\domestication
It's called low self-esteem from being around pieces of shit Like you that can only feel special by making a little girl feel bad and cry.
Your a PC of shit and your day will come soon. Karma gets everyone at some point when they least expect. The cosmos is NOT a net sum zero game. You tipped the scales so be prepared for them to be rebalanced .
>it's healthy to teach your daughter to vapidly valuate her esteem from the basis of IG comments
>this isn't part of what's wrong with the West
Don't pretend you don't deserve the rope.
Pic related wouldn't get endlessly identical validation, but is superior, and probably had healthier expectations in life.
>a fucking leaf
Spotted the female with a child brain. Are you triggered? Does it upset you that OP didn't say, Ermagherd so PRITTAY!!! ???
Seriously, who gives a fuck? Also sage.
>12 y/o cousin
I've seen 40-year old women interacting the exact same way, really activates the almonds
>heh heh i trashed a 12 year old in instagram and she had the AUDACITY to delete it xDD
stop posting anytime
Read this
Calm down on the tequila, jose.
I've read about her before, probably on a Manosphere blog. Honest lady.
My little sister is 11 years old. I stalk her instagram without her knowing. She used to be a cute girl, but now she's picked up a lot of slang. For example, she calls other girls "hoes" and "bitches".
She also despises Trump and racists. Worst of all, she thinks she's pansexual. I can only pray that this is only a phase.
What do you expect from a 12 y/o girl?
>She also despises Trump and racists
good girl
Lol, Karma is a goddamn fairytale you stupid bitch
Are you underaged? Why would you do that to 12 year olds?
The problem isn't the conversation. The problem is social media making it visible to the entire world.
When boys are 12 they jerk off to their mothers and you have a problem with "bootiful omg" comments girls do? That's how girls are. Beauty is what interest them even at a young age, which is basic character development, 3 years from then people hit puberty
They don't even look at the pictures. They are spamming their shitty comments in hope people come on their pictures to post shitty comments too. A weird type of social media circlejerk
You have to understand the psyche of a woman.
The only things modern women care about are:
A) They are pretty
B) They are accepted by others
By Woman1 saying, "Pretty" to Woman2, Woman2 has both accomplished objectives A and B.
Thus, Woman2 is then forced to respond to Woman1 by saying "You're pretty too", so there is a mutual transaction and both women have achieved objectives A and B.
If Woman2 DOES NOT respond to Woman1, then Woman1 did not accomplished objective B.
And since Woman1 did not accomplish objective B, Woman1 now thinks that Woman2 is an ugly cunt.
Since Woman1 thinks Woman2 is an ugly cunt, Woman2 thinks Woman1 is an ugly bitch.
Thus, Woman1 and Woman2 are failed to complete both objectives A and B.
So the mutual understanding is, Woman1 compliments Woman2, and Woman2 responds a compliment to Woman1.
And this is why you see this stupid shit all fucking day.
Op needs a life. Fucking mr.burns skeletor lookin ass nigga.
>When boys are 12 they jerk off to their mothers
I got another one
>when boys are 12 they jerk off to their mothers
no they fucking don't what fucking men are you talking to lmao
You always need moar proofs.
You're not alone in this thought process.
>When boys are 12 they jerk off to their mothers
Fucking swedes the fuck is wrong with you people?
I was hoping she would see the humor in my comment. Maybe she's a bit too young but the the point of this thread flew right over your heads
She's fucked, the commies have got her.
>When boys are 12 they jerk off to their mothers
This is Sweden now?
everyone who isn't a lonely socially isolated virgin hates trump and racists
I'm 18. She's the youngest of 3 female cousins. I saw it happen to the older 2 and now it's happening to her. I was wondering what psychological phenomenon causes women as they reach their teens to behave this way. My relationship with my cousins is great, we're a tight family.
I know a girl who go 174 on her LSAT and is extraordinarily knowledgeable and is pretty hot too.
You incels make me sick.
Yeah your English is muy close.
This is unironically how i see the world
this is fucking retarded. its just the equivalent of guys on /fit/ going "mirin' hard". how is this any different
you people are actually losers.
Being /fit/ takes effort. Slapping a filter on your face does not.
this kind of positive reinforcement circle jerk only happens when they're actually not pretty
Modern men are pathetic.
I just realized I really only have NPC's as family members.
If something is so bad even Aussie sheds tears I'm just gonna shoot myself
Yeah. As I learn and experience more the less I want to talk about the day to day of life like everyone else does. It's changed the way I think about things. What's my next move? Where should I plan? Does it matter if I did? Can I do this or should I prepare? Will this make me more of a person?
A lot of the day to day troubles stop mattering. It's nowhere near as troublesome as anticipated. After all, I have a /comfy/ place to sleep, the food is nutritious and delicious, and the daily grind is predictable and can be accounted for.
Nowadays I don't talk as much as I used to. I can't relate anymore and if I do, I can't help but feel a slight tinge of contempt because they won't fix their problem. They just want to whinge and whine because they have nothing else in their lives to bring up.
That's probably why I'm on Sup Forums of all places. I can talk about those things here.
It's not necessarily NPC. You're tired of mediocrity and want more out of your living days.
>complimenting someone for the hard work theyve done for 16 months is the same as fat bitches complimenting each other as therapy and self delusion
>it's always the same buzzwords and hackneyed arguments
lol what an sjw soyboy cuck xDDD
>NZ turbocuck
Go fuck sheep Lesser Australia.
No I mean I pretty much can't have a deep discussion with any of my current family members because even though there's nothing wrong with them per say they're normies. I mean I also want more out of my days but I'll work towards that.
God, I was just with my family on vacation, and when they still laughed for the 20th time after that stupid commercial comes on with the woman sitting in gum or the guy getting his seat kicked. I don't mean to be a pretentious prick, but goddamn how many times can you laugh at that shit?
To be fair, deep, reasoned, and engaging discussion is a rarity no matter the time or place. I can't talk about anything with family either. There's nothing wrong with them, it's just that they don't care.
>As a joke I put "meh" in the sea of compliments and she deleted my post.....
cry more fag. if you actually wanted to troll, you should have caricatured the 5th message with even more hearts and 100 signs and an eggplant
Welp, this sums up my feelings perfectly. The only stuff anyone wants to talk about these days is some shitty netflix series or the new capeshit movie.
>When boys are 12 they jerk off to their mothers
no.. no sven... they dont
It becomes all too easy to drop out halfway out of society when it comes to that, doesn't it?
Requesting pics of your Swedish milf mommy
Indeed it does. Normally when I would go out and do things with people at the drop of the hat now I start thinking how little I'll enjoy it and how many painful conversations about nothing I'll have to sit through and I decide staying home will be more enjoyable.
>incest and milf fetish
>get help?
This song is for you... I think.
>allowing a 12 y/o to use kikebook
>to attention whore
nice parents she go there
You may need a new peer group. You've grown away from your current group.
In highschool I was around artsy and gamer kids. Now that I'm in college and pursuing my own interests, I've found that my peer group consists of mostly premed students, even though I'm on the engineering track. I don't talk about 2hu or simulator rigs like I used to, now favoring conversations on practical health topics, like how depletion of soil leads to nutrient deprived food, and stuff like that.
It's nothing to be disappointed or despondent over change happens and no one will ever be forced to move along with you. You move along without them. Don't do it all at once or you'll be left alone for good.
easy there, skwisgar
I remember being a faggot in college also and trying to pretend to be more "mature".
This is kinda scary...
Gonna need to go innawoods for when these people start coming of age and entering society
lol you wanna see bad check out
>When boys are 12 they jerk off to their mothers
>When boys are 12 they jerk off to their mothers
Damn life must have been a challenge for you.
1.) Why do you have instagram?
2.) Why do you have your 12 y/o cousin on your instagram?
This women can vote.
Women are stupid whores. If they're not fucking every nigger around they're whoring for attention.
>When boys are 12 they jerk off to their mothers
Has Anime gone too far?
Please someone screen cap this Swede
Pansexual!? That's what Miley Cyrus was claiming. Man she's fucked. She needs her ass whooped with the belt!
>When boys are 12 they jerk off to their mothers
Sweden, dude.......
>When boys are 12 they jerk off to their mothers
>As a joke I put "meh" in the sea of compliments and she deleted my post.....
That's dad tier, don't be that autist.
As for your question, I have no fucking idea.
This is the equivalent of
>red one standing by
>Red two standing by
It would be awkward if they all commented
>I exist as part of the tribe and my offspring are very likely to survive as I have tons of social support. I'm also unlikely to face banishment as my ideas align with the ideas of the rest of the tribe, as demonstrated hereeeeeeee
over and over again
Sven there needs an intervention.
Kek, what a great image
Yeah it really is.
Sweden has reached levels of kikery not even thinkable outside of some Jerusalem synagogues lt the federal reserve vault
>When boys are 12 they jerk off to their mothers and
Um, no? Wtf? I literally will think of my mom when I need to lose a boner quickly. Tf is wrong with you?
>inb4 ugly mom
One thing I learned in college is that a large percentage of men can't handle bantz. Bantz is bonding.
You want to fuck your sister.
It's a rarity, that's for sure. The ability to take bantz is closely correlated to the ability to adapt and take things in stride too. Without it we're doomed.
>When boys are 12 they jerk off to their mothers
Didn’t know Freud was swedish
Women want to support each other and they're afraid of writing anything ambiguous so it all becomes variations of "cute" and "pretty".
It's not a bad thing honestly.