The most popular black person alive just roasted HM as the cumskins they are.
Sup Forums BTFO by LeBron James
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So is LeBron James, Jay-Z's actual name?
>most popular black person alive
>literally who
Really activates my almonds.
the kangz meme is officially too far.
The KANG has spoken
He's "kingjames" on Instagram. Wtf the meme is real!
What’s it like having shit colored skin? Can you do anything about the smell? Asking for a friend.
LeBaboon is too dumb to realize that h&m is a swedcuck company. Nothing to do with America. Also niggers are projecting hard. If they are kangz and kweens why are they so insecure
if a white kid wore this would it still be racist
Why are niggers so easy to upset?
it's so cool when niggers are nazis
indian pajeet here
soap helps
not that OP uses it of course
Its weird, if Americans hated niggers so much, why did they bring millions of them into their country by force?
They paid money to have as many niggers as possible in their country.
Because nigger is considered the most offensive word in the english language.
Are you dumb?
so did your country
try that as a white person
Having pride in your race is not the same as wanting a regime change and an ethnostate purged of all opposition.
I know it's hard to realize that different, but nazi is an organized political movement.
>a force that cannot be denied
>break barriers
This sounds like he's threatening a strongarm home invasion robbery
back then they were farm equipment, sort of like how we import cars nowadays.
Not as much as YOUR did. We never had a civil war about it that the ramifications still continue until today.
We realized it was wrong. You still haven't.
I mean, we just apologized about the natives but we paid reparation for that.
You guys pay reparation to the niggers yet?
This only shows your own ignorance you literal buffoon. He's one of the biggest and best basketball players ever and a pop culture icon.
Right, and they're LITERALLY destroying the planet.
we pay everyday having to live with them.
>paying any attention to niggersball
welfare seems to be a prime example of this
The rich wanted them as cheaper labour harvesting cash crops. The average person did not want nogs anymore than the average American today wants illegal Mexican immigrants. Imagine trying to work as a farmhand when you're some poor Irishman or indentured servant and all the major landowners have slaves. Compare the economies of Latin America and the southern states to places where slavery was virtually non-existent, like the north, Canada, Europe, etc.
What makes you think most Americans wanted nogs around?
>just vote against it!
Only landowners could vote, and most rich people voted for slavery to remain legal, obviously. They could also cast extra votes on behalf of their slaves. It'd be like if some owner of a megafarm who employed thousands of illegals could cast votes on their behalf to encourage immigration.
No, but if it said "harshest cracker in the field" it would.
yeah, and when whites do it they're ebil nazis
so it's actually very simple
jew psyop. I want proof this kid even exists.
He honestly makes the other blacks look smarter when he speaks. I honestly think Lebron might be mentally retarded.
lmao leaf
I see a lil niglet.
>racial pride
>declaration of racial greatness
all totally cool if africans do this right, but NO WHITE MAN U CANT DO THAT, THAT WOULD BE EVIL
My choice is “cunt”. Or as you would say, “Me”
I have never seen a race of people lack so much awareness in my entire life, what a joke.
yeah, an organized political movement BASED ON RACIAL PRIDE, fucking leaf. also, try to be proud of your race and you will be called a nazi regardless of political aspirations
>. It'd be like if some owner of a megafarm who employed thousands of illegals could cast votes on their behalf to encourage immigration.
Which is the foundation of the Democratic party now and has always been their foundation. They've just gotten a lot better at hiding it.
>a race of people
>implying they are people like us
this is why we have the term "subhuman" -- they will never be able to organize like europeans
>most popular black man
>a basketball player
lmao you can't make this shit up
why did floyd mayweather change the slogan to 'Black Is Beautiful' but lighten the skin color?
R U tellin me you don't want a pet monkey?
Why do people do this shit?
>Most popular black person alive
>Not Obama
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you dumbasses even step in it when you're trying to defend your own.
Because Floyd is fucking insane. All famous black men are insane. I don't think they can handle dealing with the jews. It's why Dave Chapelle went apefrica. He'd rather be in the 3rd world than around Hollywood jews.
Us white folk don't have racial pride we have species pride, and until monkeys evolve to have a consciousness I will continue advocating a mass extinction of multiple select species on this planet
The rich voted for slavery then in much the same way the rich votes for open borders now. Really makes you think.
>cheap labor makes the rich super happy
Well at least admits he'll be on benefits at the end of the road
woah woah woah now even the innocuous ITS OK TO BE WHITE was too much
Hahahahahaha oh shit nigga you nailed it
Once whites are exterminated I hope the chinks drop multiple nukes on america, europe and africa.
And you are an ugly nigger.
It's because they're mentally and emotionally weak.
>work hard
Because blacks know they are ugly deep down
Why do Gehtto blacks always have to be Kings and QUeens (of the world)?
That sounds as if their talking about white supremacy is just projection of their own narcisstic fantasies?
In the end this monkey thing is complicated. Society wants to be non racist and sees blacks as equals but still everybody reacts to the same old patterns. If blacks are so integrated and normalized why do they/we still chimp out because of that shirt?
nobody would care if a non black kid would wear this, which shows that liberals and blacks still associate blacks with apes somehow.
you get paid millions by white people to throw a fucking ball around, shut the fuck up lebron
>Why do Gehtto blacks always have to be Kings and QUeens (of the world)?
Because they have nothing else to latch to. Them claiming to have been egyptian would be the same as meds claiming they are nords or vice versa just cause they exist on the same continent.
Lebum is losing by 30 points to the Timberwolves rn
Y'all white muthafuckas really gone regret doing dis shit to our babies...we gon fuck all y'all women..we finna take ova bitch...white ass neanderthal racist pieces of shit...
@__ u got us all wrong! And we ain't going for it! Straight up! Enough about y'all and more of what I see when I look at this photo. I see a Young Kang!! The ruler of the world, an untouchable Force that can never be denied! We as European Americans will always have to break barriers, prove people wrong and work even harder to prove we belong but guess what, that's what we love because the benefits at the end of the road are so beautiful!!
#LiveLaughLove #PinterestVerbage #loveMYpeople
KangeMoji KweeneMoji
Someone hasn't read about (((who))) the actual slave ships were operated by. Yes, that's right, Jews literally brought slaves into America for the benefit of a few corrupted aristocrats who wanted cheap labour. Sounds familiar right? Only a tiny percent of the American population ever owned slaves. I guarantee if it was put to a popular vote, nobody would've brought a single nigger into the country.
Lot of angry cumskins in here. Really makes me think...
>implying only the illegal votes are for democrats
Why doesn't Trump look into this once and for all?
Starting to think he's a democrat agent with how much his government is going after Republicans And ignoring the Democrats.
Ya, except there's no nigger equivlant to the Nazi and KKK. There's only the counter-groups...
I don't hear about the niggers in the US training in the woods to overthrow the government.
That's just your opinion, I am talking about dictionary definitions.
>African Americans will always have to break barriers, prove people wrong
> work even harder to prove we belong
>Net worth of est.$400M
>High School Education
Always gotta work twice as hard.
That's because you don't hear about niggers training or going into the woods to begin with.
Jim Comey’s Hero.
Just because white supremacist nationalist is a bit too long to say. Black Pride only started as a counter to White Pride, and not in that jealous sort of way, but White Pride is based on how much better they are then blacks.
I mean they fought wars over White Pride, it's not some incidental meme that popped up last year like fidget spinners. It's kind of a thing in itself.
>Collectivism doeskin work
atomised whities btfo by the African American people
There's no equivalent because nonwhites are horrible at organization, they just hurl rocks at whatever they dont like
>black pride
>Muh black pride.
Why don’t they move back to Africa if they’re so proud of being African?
>No nigger equivalent to a white supremacist group.
>Black panthers, black supremacist group.
>No nigger equivalent to a white nationalist socialist group.
>The APSP or Ubuntu shit, literally nelson mandela and black hitler himself roberg mugabe
Time to photoshop nigger music lyrics on the shirt
>monkeys evolve to have a consciousness
You probably mean sentience.
You'd want to exterminate the monkeys too if they were considered sentient.
I thought blacks were monkeys with consciousness... or do you think blacks are not sentient and are like robots?
It's so hard to tell how retarded you people are.
It's like you respect people based on how aware they are to the world around them, but base it on their morality in how it relates to your own.
So KYS, because just want everyone to be retarded.
>the trolling potential
oh this can be fun
If you agree: Nazis & or proud europeans are the boogieman for Js
What if we attempt to bring more exposure to "black Israelite groups (goog the real isrealites)
Bring it to a point were maybe it forces the issue.
Blacks arent really to keen on Js.
all religion is retarded.
So blame the jews, christians, and muslims for the world problem.
I got no problem with that, all religion is retarded.
You're a cuck if you blame one religion and let all the other imaginary bullshit through.
If humans were able to procreate and create fertile offspring with Apes there would be justification in exterminating them.
>atheism is enlightenment
Why don't you move back to Europe if you're so proud of being white? All your family is here, is why.
The Ashkenazim and Sephardim are racial groups, and are genetically distinguishable from whites and Arabs. Religion has nothing to do with this, it's all racial. Judaism =/= Jewishness. Judaism just happens to be the traditional religion of the Jews.
This took me a while to figure out, but I forgot about the tradition of lineage. You'd think this was some medieval royalty I was talking to.
I like his hat
Africa is a shithole, is why.
I don't understand how jews benefit from atheism.
Is there something special about haven't people against brainwashing and moral manipulation you don't like?
who the fuck is hm?
There’s no problem with Europeans moving back to Europe. The quality of life is equivalent.
However, the quality of life seems to be inversely correlated to the percentage of darker skinned people.
You should just accept that some people did not evolve in a way in which they function properly within western society and the rule of law and social order it imposes.