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Some goofy youtuber came up on my recommended and he just video tapes his Russian life. He's not political or a douche but holy fuck am I glad I hit the lottery and was born here.
there is literally nothing wrong with that
link possibly?
Believe it or not a lot of those commie blocks are quite comfy and warm inside
They look like shit because everyone inside hate each other and cannot agree on how to renovate them
Looks like shit
>be American
>be poor
>still own house and fuckton of land
I just tried looking "day and life in russia" and I couldn't find him but there are lots of others. I just kinda watched his because it didn't seem to have an agenda and he didn't seem bitter. It was just "this is what it's like to get groceries in my town" and he wasn't in a large city or out in the boonies.
>Believe it or not a lot of those commie blocks are quite comfy and warm inside
Only a dumb spoiled westerner could actually believe this
it's rare to find an objective russian. if you showed that vid on here, a shill would come out and say it was western propaganda
>tfw a rural and suburban retard
They have managed to preserve the ancient temples much better than the Greeks themselves have.
socialism, not even once.
Thought it was Canada for a moment.
Now this looks like urban Canada
Suburban Canada
Eerily similar
I hate this all.
Wow so black people live there too? I thought that was a blue state city.
Very cold and bleak looking, yet not a single nigger in sight. 10/10 would live there.
It's truly one of the most depressing places imaginable. I often forget so many people live in Afro-Eurasia (the majority of people, in fact) because it all just seems like such a dreadful place. I'll take the British Isles any day, anything to be remote from the unthinking barbarians of the world.
no fucking way canada looks that bad
Every country has a "rough side of town". Iceland, Canada, ETC.
socialism gave us those buildings so we can at least have a place to live at
capitalism added some billboards on them
stay foolish goy
I bet you meant this video: youtube.com
I could see you calling the guy a goof, but he's done very, very well for himself by making English language videos about Russia.
How was it determined who gets the balcony apartments
>a shill would come out and say it was western propaganda
Or he lived in the equivalent of a ghetto or something.
Your comment makes no sense. If he was spoilt, then wouldn't he be complaining about commie blocks?
Nice raiyon. 10/10 would cheeki breeki in
Urban and even some of suburban Canada looks something like that. It's a sad fact. When most of the country is crammed into a narrow space along the border, you can't expect a whole lot in the way of innovation. Especially when Cuckdeau and the liberals are cramming refugees and whatnot into urban areas.
Why does everything in Russia look like it was built 80 years ago? Did Russia look better when this shit was new?
That's just abandoned
I didn't vote for Putin and I'm not planning to
on 2018 election my vote goes for dude from picture
who knows? that's Stalin era building and they have weird ass layouts
but hey at least they look good compared to Khrushchev's disgrace which is known as commieblock
The last time russians worked was about 80 years ago at gun point under communism. Now they are like eskimos (makes sense eskimos came from russia they are genetically closer than say the welsh are to the english) and just drink gasoline and shoot krokodil. And no it looked like shit 80 years ago too
Most of the buildings in the picture were built in the 50s and 60s
Russia must be an urban spelunker's paradise.
>I'll take the British Isles any day
There are parts of Glasgow that look similar, though
>Urban and even some of suburban Canada looks something like that
Even Rexdale doesn't look that bad, and Rexdale is the fucking worst part of Canada. I lived in a commieblock there in the 80s and still wasn't as dilapidated on the outside as the Russian ones
Whadup, I thought if mixed European and Asian genes produce great results? Sup Forums told me it would result in high iq and creativity
That looks like Vorkuta on Google Street View, a place where they still have snow on the ground in June. Strange to have a town built solely for the Gulag and populated by descendants of its inmates
looks comfy af desu
wish I could live where it's alway snowing
>Asian genes
I think Tatars are a far cry from Japs, user
>cherrypicking this hard
I could look at any nignog infested US city (which is most of them) and post neighborhoods that look 3rd world too.
Mongolians aren't though, they kicked China's ass breddy good
Believe me, there are far bigger shitholes in this country than Glasgow. Middlesborough is pretty much the worst place in Western Europe.
>capitalism allowing public assets to go to seed is socialism's fault
o, выcpaлacь. зa кoгo тoгдa пpeдлoжишь гoлocoвaть? зa cтpимepa-ютyбepa? или быть мoжeт зa пынькy-дoбpoвoльцa, вeдь oн тaки peшил eщё c дecятoк лeт пoyпpaвлять cкoтoм. нe, пoнятнoe дeлo, глaвнoe - чтoбы дeвянocтыe нe вepнyлиcь!
Jump. Do it. Death will be more fulfilling than living there.
>>capitalism allowing public assets to go to seed
They didn't look any better in the Soviet era
I wish I had a slav snow bunny, hardened from years of constant abuse from people and conditions, to sit on my face with her sloppy ass that hasn't ever been properly cleaned with soap and water.
>The jews made people work
That must have been fun for them. Aggression was a bit misdirected but what the hell, you let one kike in and this is what happens.
Looks like any other city with melting snow. it always sucks
9/10 towns in this country are utter shit
Oh fuck that's comfy, storms are always awesome.
russian building look old, even when is brand new
British towns and cities seem to be either/or. I was born in a concrete slum in Glasgow but spent most of my childhood in Edinburgh, which was much nicer (and is likely one of the most beautiful urban areas in the world)
looks just like home here in massachusetts except for the russian signs everywhere
Pretty comfy here. Shill harder tho.
Taблeтки пeй.
What's with the shitty color corrections? Are they trying to purposely make it look like ass colorwise?
It is called "rustic". Superior Russian aesthetics you are beholding.
That looks just like Pavlov's House from Stalingrad.
I think for the most part Russian cities and towns look bad because most pics are during fall/winter/early spring, which will obviously look like ass anywhere
pretty interesting but not as entertaining as ol' Boris
гдe oн?
Хopoшo, ивaн.
>Implying we don't have just as shitty places.
looks comfy
Where in assachusetts do you live?
дpyгoгo oтвeтa oт любитeля пыни и нe oжидaлocь
nice Moscow pictures you faggot
gee I wonder who lives there, must be those average Russians who are able to afford
>2 616 850 rubles for 1 room fucking flat
Write in in english instead google translate. It doesn't work with Russian in 99% cases.
We do have a lot of beautiful towns and cities, tbf. Edinburgh, York, Bath, Oxford, Cambridge, Ely, Durham, Chester, Canterbury etc. Our countryside is also majestic. Hell, even parts of London are quite pretty. The problem is that they're outnumbered 10:1 by depressing, post-industrial shitholes like Birmingham and Hull.
I'm learning Russian at the moment. Thought I got it right, but apparently not. Should have written "gde eto" instead?
Something that's made me curious about Putin in particular. He can clearly see that Russia isn't the shining Utopia of communism or dictatorship or whatever the fuck it is half the propaganda pretends to be. So why does he seem to insist on dragging every other country down to it's shitty state? Why not stop wasting money invading others like Georgia and Ukraine and actually make it a decent place to live?
Or do they just accept the fact that they're asshats and just want to drag everyone down with them out of spite?
I suppose in short, what is Putin's endgame with making everyone fucking hate him?
At least with something like China they're actually developing as a country a bit, their methods are probably terrible or just bad but no one can deny they're one of the economic powerhouses in the world, Russia is just shit.
don't listen to nadsat speaking mongrel, those buildings are considered to be elite in modern day Russia and pretty much impossible to afford for average person unless he or she spends like 10 years saving money
cherry picking at it's finest, even worse than OP's photos with high contrast filters
>"gde eto" instead?
Yep that's will be correct.
It is. Sauna XDD
russia was in a fight to preserve its sovereignty
now they clearly are pimping china to take their place in an act of last revenge, they are entangling their economy to them
china is now investing heavely in eastern russia, easter russia will probably have an economic boom now
Looks just like New York
This Stalinist style is probably the best desu
Nice stone buildings with just enough decoration.
However, a lot of people did not have homes.
In Khruschev's time, all the prefabbed apartment buildings with paper thin walls and low ceilings were built (primarily because there was a real housing shortage), and many of them stand to this day.
LOL. You must be a Trump supporter. Nobody elsecan be so clueless as to how Autocratic Strongman function.
It’s not about you, or the country or any of that. It’s about THEM in the moment.