Has anyone else not noticed any difference since the net neutrality repeal?
Has anyone else not noticed any difference since the net neutrality repeal?
Keep repeating your shillpoints, faggot. It was never intended to happen overnight. When the caps come, you'll be the first to know.
>Keep repeating your shillpoints, faggot.
Why the homophobia?
>It was never intended to happen overnight. When the caps come, you'll be the first to know.
Why wouldn't ISPs be prepared to immediately implement these "caps" if all they care about is profit?
The real battle is between ISPs and the FTC. Ending obsolete NN rules =/= ending NN. The FCC chairman Ajit Pai made it quite clear but some of you didn't listen.
my download speed got a bit faster
The FCC and chairman himself are being sued by the states.
My Internet speed was also upgraded free of charge
Sorry yuropoors us mutts are here to stay
Fuckin bump
>This image took almost 5 minutes to load in Canada
I took me a few minutes as well....
>>This image took almost 5 minutes to load in Canada
Probably just because the internet lines have ice on them, it slows down the packets
They are probably just waiting for it to no longer be "current news" and for the masses to forget about it. Then they'll do whatever.
Why do people keep using this term. No one is afraid of you faggots.
One, he’s canadian, he never had net neutrality, two, it’s not going to affect him, three, it’s not going to affect you.
Wish for forgiveness for falling for a scam and for the dumb people just like you that actually killed themselves who thought the internet was ending because you couldn’t handle political propaganda.
The real gold mine are the big tech companies dependent on the ISPs. It's time for Facebook and Google to pay out the nose.
Netflix: 12,99$
More than 10 movies a month: $5,99 extra streaming package
Traffic cost wholesale $1=10tb. Extra 10 movies is like 50gb. So, your ISP will ask for 10000% on the extra traffic.
I'm absolutely shilling for monopolistic ISPs gauging people. And yes, this already happened before this, when AT+T "strangely" reported they have no clue why Netflix "stutterts" saturday night. And stop stuttering when netflix paid without a single new fiber line laid down.
my favorite poo ever for making reddit cry their eyes out for a week straight, we could only ever hope to reach his ability
Global Warming hysteria 2.0? Your comments can be said forever. It can never be disproven. Forever fighting a ghost
Because there is no difference.
spectrum bunped my internet up to 120/12 before was 100/5