Rally the troops

Time to sabotage the 2020 election!
Get everyone on social media, we have to make the normies think that oprah's a nazi.
Dig up everything you can to prove it, make stuff up if you cant find anything
we can't let oprah win

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making her a Nazi will help her win if Trump is any proof

No, it won't. Her supporters are libtards. If we make her an alt right symbol, it's all over.


Nah...we're gonna stick to smearing her as part of the globalist cabal, keeping company with Weinstein, Bloomberg, Soros, Gates etc.

President Trump was repeatedly accused of being a nazi and you see what still happened.

She’s super sensitive to being black it’s why she hates racism not because of how mean it is but because she has money! She thinks she’s not black it’s an insult to her
Don’t believe a word she says
She fed sex offenders girls and did everything in the book to stay at the top
It is her funding that put so many dems in office
She is responsible for a lot of the Black roles in movies she pays off directors to get people like Jamie Fox movies and awards
Hell she loves bill Clinton as well.

Just post youtube videos of her speaking to whites "My name is Oprah, it's very nice to meat you" and blacks "hey baby girl (double finger snap)"

Bump for war

Here ya go guys:
Over 25 years ago Oprah Winfrey recorded a shocking interview of a 29 year old Jewish woman who stated that her family, and many other Jewish families throughout the USA, routinely practiced Satanic rituals in which incest, human sacrifice and cannibalism occur. The interview on May 1, 1989 also revealed that these practices were a common occurrence since the 18th century and that they were practiced by certain Jewish cults.

i'll be funny if all the hate she gets motivates her to run even though she didn't want to at first