Make em laugh.
Pol Humor Thread
Oprah's speech
fucking sides in orbit
>Oklahoma-serpent people
Whatever nigger. If there were snake people here, we'd hunt them. Clubs would form, and we'd literally train dogs to hunt them better.
They don't have to make shit up. Just google Alaska Triangle.
>Armed hippies
That's an oxymoron
You killed me with this
>exclusive GIGANIGGA figure
oh man that takes me back
I think it's an e-sports thing.
>Dust in the wind.
I lost it there
Dota2 tournament.
I was feeling kind of down today, until you reminded me of that thread. Thanks man.
You've killed me.
I have this green text story. This happened today.
>Local Dollar Store having "Grand Opening"
>No freebies, but they do have a table with crayons and coloring sheets featuring "Bucky" the store mascot
>Color in several Bucky sheets
>Then write things like"USA #1" and "TRUMP!" and "MAGA" and "HILLARY 4 JAIL" and "BUILD THE WALL" and "THEY'VE GOT TO GO BACK" and "WHO'S DOING THE RAPING?" and "CHINA IS RIPPING US OFF" in the blank spaces around Bucky.
>Wrote in "DEPLORABLE" after "NAME:"
>Left like five of these sheets on the table by the time I was done.
>Some MExican dude with a face tattoo and a fat Mexican wife gave me a some dirty looks.
>Some old Jewish looking lady stared at me
>Some old woman in a Kid Rock sweatshirt commented that I was doing a really good job.
>Thought about buying one of those small chocolate milk cartons but it had like 34G of sugar, so I bought nothing and left.
Sure thing fren.
You could have just told us that you're retarded, user
I'm sure she bleaches.
Fucking Slavs man.
layer of oil and water on the surface of your skin boils causing a leidenfrost effect. The metal never heated his skin cells past flicking your hand over a lighter
I'm impressed.
Everyday is a national tragedy in Poland
Still Slav levels of insane.
They have their blessings and curses. It's all about what the lesser of the two evils is.
Wasn't there a Black Mirror episode about this? When people on twitter decide who would get killed by bees?
You're absolutely right. Once the faggots are dealt with we'll kill the shitskins along with them.
I wouldn't know. Not much of a TV watcher.
kek fucking slavs
I wanna know who's vagina is that fleshlight modeled after and let them know about this video.
sounds like the wrong order to me. remove the immediate threat first, the gays can wait
Mate, I'm fucking dead.
True, it's all a matter of image at this point. If you let Islamists practice their flavor of peace the blood is on their hands. If you let LMFAOGBT pay dearly after removing kebab, you'll have far more diseased blood on your hands.
Either way gets the same end result.
You aren't missing much
Fucking got me good
Harambe 2020
Audibly kek'd holy shit
patrician as fuck
>Sup Forums point a target for an airstrike
Everyone tells me that. However the proliferation of TV watchers has a silver lining: cheap computer monitors.
I still can't believe a 60 inch 4K flatscreen is cheaper than its monitor counterpart a third of the size.
no opera plz
Yep, works with molten lead as well.
Tell me more.
2 genders, 2 scoops, 2 sips, 2 hands, 2 terms
>tfw you've been on 4chin long enough to recognize a cartoon smut artist
God damn that’s impressive.
It triggers me that ass is before tits. Should be other way around.
Not bad.
It triggers me that you missed the punchline.
The caster on the left is jewish
Nice little ride.
>corn gods
children of the corn was based