Unsurprisingly he left her. I don't know where i went wrong, i'm more than positive i reinforced in her that niggers are subhumans from an early age. I've been seething with rage for days now and drinking excessively, it's negatively affecting my performance at work. I'm sacred of what i might do if i ever see her again.
This must be the feeling Muslim fathers experience before they honor kill their daughters.
Nicholas Sanders
>honor kill tiem
Jayden King
>I don't know where i went wrong when you posted here instead of
Dominic Thomas
If your daughter was prego by a nigger you wouldnt be on pol, youd be on yor way to an abortion clinic.
Or youd be making molotovs in your kitchen
Austin Evans
If it happened to me, I would badger her into getting an abortion. If she refused, I would just kill her.
Aaron Reed
I know where you went wrong. You sent her to public school.
Blake Cooper
The problem is that your sister is a white roastie. All roasties burn coal, especially blondes.
Adrian Brooks
Gavin Bailey
By being a racist faggot you showed her you’re a hateful bitch. The fact that you drink when you’re upset shows that you’re a massive bitch. She most likely did the opposite of what you told her because you suck and she hates you.
Justin Richardson
Aside from this being obvious bait
Dumbass, you created a taboo for her and of course she's going to violate it. Don't go overboard brainwashing your kids with racist propganda. If you don't want them to like black people, don't raise them racist, but instead when the time comes and they start getting into relationships, sit them down and give them the racist redpill. The facts of the situation calmly and rationally explained to them at a time when they can weigh the truth of your words for themselves instead of feeling like the idea was forced on them, should prevent a well-raised child from the situation described in this post.
Jackson Lee
Only virgins until marriage don't burn coal.
Leo Murphy
And virgins before marriage are pretty much only found in Asia.
Andrew Smith
Connor Morgan
>I reinforced in her Stupidass. You know nothing of how the mind works. You spent all your time making sure she subconsciously knew niggers were NOT to be trusted never realizing that the subconscious doesn't recognize the word 'NOT' commands. You LITERALLY programmed her to go for them.
That's ~hilarious~. But now we have to let schadenfreude go and look at reality. You have a daughter, you have a granddaugher or -son on the way. It's time to reconcile your racist past with reality and make a choice -- close your heart or open it.
You've already failed the Test once. Will you choose right this time and reclaim the worth in the title 'Father', or will you fail again?
Jose James
You should have paid some nog children to bully her at school back in the day. It could have all been avoided if you let her experience anti white behavior instead of preaching.
But I'm the real fool for posting unironically in a larp thread.
Ayden Green
>I'm sacred of what i might do if i ever see her again. Do the right thing. Kill it. That's what your ancestors would of done. Even the Bible characters would have.
Levi Miller
Hunter Martin
Might as well as raise the kid as your own cuck, you failed as a Father and as a man
Austin Reed
thank you god for not living in a nigger infested country
Landon Lewis
I'd say kill her and let the state deal with the mongrel.
Fuck murder suicide, just make it look like a robbery or something and then try to move on with your life after removing all her pics from your photo albums and personal affects from your vicinity.
Colton Smith
fucking americans love nigger babies. >raise the child : ) become a good man!!! 11
kill it, her and yourself op you fucking nigger making spawn of hell. Your founding fathers and ancestors are spinning in their fucking graves.
Josiah Allen
Chase Parker
>1 post by this ID
Joshua Lopez
>If you had ever had sex you wouldnt be on pol ftfy
Connor Jenkins
Nobody loses when a white roastie dies. The world wins.
Daniel Perez
Ever hear of child support? What about welfare? She has a bright future ahead.
However, drinking is BAD BAD BAD. If you have a drinking problem, you may want to stop into an AA meeting some time. They helped me get sober, and get my life on track. I haven't had a drink in years, and never felt better.
William Ward
Landon Rogers
Kill the daughter, then the nigger
Jason Peterson
Blame the mother, I divorced my wife and left my son when he came out as gay, never spoke to either again and didn't even go to his funeral when he an hero'd. Sure your family will hate you, but you probably don't care much for them anyway.
John Nelson
Get a hold of yourself. Its your daughter ffs. Do you teally hate this guy, more than you love her? She's probably terrified and has a difficult path ahead of her. Be her Dad.
Tyler Jenkins
Charles Harris
On the off chance this isn't bait... I hate to sound harsh here, but it's not her fault, it's yours. If you had voiced your objections to her, and commanded respect from her, and lovingly instilled fear into her for disobeying you, she never would have done that. Not saying you needed to beat her while screaming no niggers! But you needed to keep your daughter under your thumb. Too late to do anything about it now, may as well disown her. But you will still have to live with the knowledge that your failed her as a father.
Carter Myers
Well aren't you a fine specimen of a piece of shit. Satan will be proud of you, I suppose.
James Lee
abortion. now.
Asher Parker
my response to the news was to shout her out of my house and tell her to not come back, i couldn't think straight at the time.
I may have to cut my losses and take my younger children out of public school.
I never thought i would have thoughts of seriously harming my own child.
Jaxson Rogers
oh leafy-kun...
Asher Young
Julian Wood
Tell her that she is nothing to you now. She is not a daughter, she is not a friend. You don't want to know her or what she does. You don't want to see her near your house. When she wants to see mother, Tell her you want to know a day in advance, so you won't be there.
Make the slut pay the toll.
Jonathan Robinson
I want to Boomer Bash you but if this is true then that sucks and the best thing to do is to bash that baby and make sure she has a miscarriage if shes not willing to abort. You still have a chance to correct this
Chase Hill
you don't sound entirely mentally stable to be honest. help her get an abortion.
Joshua Edwards
>public school
Found the problem, friendo.
Matthew Wilson
>Hybridation thread
Austin Watson
gotta love a nice mocha baby
Joshua Allen
Instilling racism has never worked well. Its always hit and miss. Half the kids are racist for the wrong reasons ("my papa told me niggers was no good," instead of having an understanding of why niggers are awful), the other half rebel against the programming that their peers aren't getting.
What you have to do is instill good values, first and formost being self-sufficiency and self-responsibility. Once those innocent and obviously right values are well established, you can start to point out people who aren't following those values (niggers obviously), but not by name. Drop little redpills like "I really wish those black guys would take some initiative in their community." Always be innocent about it, but paint the group as a whole with their negative traits, without obviously raging about it. Have a reason for your complaints, don't go off about niggers without context, and never rage about a nigger doing something you or someone you respect has done. Hypocrisy kills, and is the quickest way to create a child rebel.
Remember, with the right values a child will find the redpill themselves. No need to force them into it, raise them to be good people first.
Nolan Gray
Alternatively you can sit her down and tell her how badly she fucked her life, and your image of her, really let her have it, and then an hero right in front of her. The nice part about this is that you will not have to live with the fact that you failed her as a father, and she will likely have mental issues for the rest of her life knowing that she failed so hard that you blew your brains out all over her.
Bentley Adams
She did it because she knew it would make you asspained.
Joshua Perry
alfa as fucc
Jason Sanchez
Settle the fuck down and get her a womb broom stat
Josiah Lee
Why are you mad at blacks? If an alligator raped, murdered, and then ate her, then maybe you should be going after the alligator. Admit it, you are just jealous of the BIG BLACK COCK!
Caleb Russell
Just pack up and move without telling her. It’s not hard.
Leo Baker
You idiot, you made it the forbidden fruit, of course she wanted it.
Blake Rogers
Do you run from all your problems?
Henry Barnes
The fact that she even got with a nigger means that i failed as a parent, it's been instilled in me from a young age that burning coal is the absolute lowest thing a woman can do, you become worthless the second you do it. i will take the advice of people here and try to get her to abort, but i can't look at her as my daughter anymore.
Easton Jenkins
>Tell her you want to know a day in advance, so you won't be there. Pretty cucky desu A decision made by the husband should apply to the rest of the household
John Sullivan
Not horrible depending on where you live. I went to public school all my life and everyone seemed to get along and not be total low lives. All of my schools were over 98% white though so that probably doesn't surprise you.
Landon Cox
You run like a little bitch and I'm the pussy? LOLOLOL. I'm not the one trying to convince everyone that turning my back like you accuse blacks of doing is perfectly okay as long as it's you.
Cooper Green
And I bet your kid didn't hate you for being a white male and get HIV in highschool while his mother insisted on spoiling him. I don't have a woman's shitty "I love anything that my womb shits out" mentality, I'm just glad he wasn't born without a brainstem or I'd be stuck with a lifeless doll of a human
Cooper Fisher
Jonathan Davis
Disown her and move on. If you have more daughter be more involved you fucking cuck. Anyway, obviously not real just a larper, so here is a (you)
Jason Barnes
lmao picturing this
Juan Perry
just kick her and the little jiggy out
Blake Thompson
your daughter has to feel like she's free to fuck a nigger if she chooses to but at the same time she has to know enough about them to never make that choice.
Gavin Scott
Because you're a failure as a father. You told her that they were inferior. You then probably made her mad, boom the thing that'll make you mad. This is all your fault. Might as well just kill yourself because youre going to be spending the next 30 years saying empty "how cute" to your half nigger grandchild and then have to support youe daugter while she whores around more
Jeremiah Ortiz
Abortion and then try and fix her but don't waste your time if she's unwilling to see how bad she fucked up
Nathaniel Green
Offer to pay for her abortion and when the deed is done take her and slap the fucking fave of her and beat her and tell her how disgusted you are.
Jacob Wilson
Why aren't you paying for her abortion? If she refuses cut her off forever.
Kevin Howard
Your kid gets HIV and you throw a pissy fit about your feefees while mom tries to make his life comfortable? Christ, it's like a walking example of toxic masculinity.
William Rogers
First, deal with the niglet. Abort it. If she won't abort it, wait for it to be born, and then kill it. Don't go to jail for this obviously. Just gently smother it with a pillow, as long as you don't confess there will not be enough evidence to prosecute you. Look up SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome. Babies die randomly from asphyxiation for reasons.
Next, deal with the girl. I'm just not sure what sort of advice to give to this situation due to Current Year(tm) women's rights and shit. The classic solution would be to just send her to a nunnery. Failing that, just find some way to change the environment she's in.
The moral of this story is:
Public school- not even once.
Matthew Anderson
>When you're so new to pol, you don't know about IDs It isn't running, it's dropping dead weight.
Landon Clark
Man you bury your regret. Do you have ulcers yet?
Hudson Edwards
>mocha baby
Jaxon Ortiz
Were talking damaged goods user, not about a competent alpha father figure.
Michael Sullivan
>OP programmed his daughter to fuck niggers >made the deepest recessses of her consciousness crave the forbidden BBC since early childhood JUST
This is what happens when some autist raises a kid.
Austin Murphy
Fuck off, he's having a normal reaction. Just murder the fetus. I don't know how to repair your daughter or your relationship with her, but at least kill that fucking thing.
Carson Bennett
you're just idealizing them maybe they're a bit less promiscuous but not that much
Caleb Ramirez
Stop it. She fucked up; you fucked up. Just destroy the creature and get a fresh start.
Christopher Butler
>7777 Kek has spoken. You know what to do, OP.
Lincoln Edwards
you already harmed your child by having her getting pregnant by a nigger you dumb american, hope the father rapes you and eats you for good measure
John Stewart
Another little mutt is born in the United Sharts of Amerimongrels. To think, you'll now have your own little 56% face to cherish.
Christopher Gomez
Benjamin Ward
lmao that's why I would h8 to have a daughter if that happens she's not mine she's my wife's I would probably just teach her to be a conservative which would backfire and she would become a leftie turboslut
Bentley Taylor
wow you're kind of an ass-- oh shit i'm sorry, you were right
Ian Watson
How old is she?
Andrew Cooper
Tell your daughter what a stupid, worthless, whorish piece of shit she is. When she kills herself just make another daughter and try again.
Owen Williams
Yep honour killing is you’re only option. > or acid wash her face..
Asher Harris
I know about ID's, I'm just having too much fun to care. Bf is sick and nothing to do, you know how it is.
Oh wait, no you don't, you'd have left them by now.
Isaiah Robinson
What in the fuck are you talking about? OP has no obligation to "support" his daughter at all. I'd just cut off all communication from her forever and let her flounder raising an abomination by herself. Maybe then she'd learn the error of her ways.
John Wilson
Pick up, leave, and completely abandon her. She decided to fuck a shitskin, and now she is lost. Just move on and start another family.
Isaac Jenkins
It's bate
Juan Sanchez
Get one of those pills which cause a miscarriage, and slip it in her food/drink.
And afterwards teach her another lesson about not fucking niggers, she already experienced that you PAY THE TOLL
Jason Reyes
Fuck, how to avoid this trap?
Hm. Come to think of it, this is what my father did.
Gavin Taylor
RIP in pieces
Jace Phillips
Yup. The only way you racists have a chance to have a white-loving daughter is to tell her why white men are a good choice, and you'll have to do that ~without~ insulting the other races. Unfortunately these days white men have next to nothing good to extoll about them, which is why black men and arab men are on the rise.
Mmmm...I do love me some swarthy Mediterranean men.
Nolan Edwards
Where was this?
Camden Bell
Good job for staying strong. It is really easy to pretend to be ok when people we love act unforgivably.
Xavier Williams
You should have cut off his hands before he stole her heart. Now you'll just have to knock him up to make things even
Caleb Moore
What happened in this pic? If it was just one or the other I could formulate a guess, but I don't understand why he's prolapsing while also getting some kind of surgery on his abdomen.
Jeremiah Parker
honestly if my kid got aids from being a literal faggot too i'd also disown him, fuck these moralfags. the kid is in hell. make another kid and raise it right this time
John Flores
The problem will solve itself as she will undoubtedly die of AIDS very soon.
Ayden Reed
The most attractive ones really are virgins. There's ongoing stigmatization for whores and rich Asian men won't get married to broken holes. From the poorest villages to the richest cities, poor beautiful Asian women won't destroy their most valuable asset. Hymen certificates have been commonplace since antiquity and there is a growing industry of hymen repair. Tear out my eyes.