I'm surprised I never see this show talked about. It's pretty decent...

I'm surprised I never see this show talked about. It's pretty decent. Actually only found it due to the cute imouto vs bear wrestling scene.

Did Sup Forums enjoy it while it was running?

Glad he ends up with the black haired hime in the light novels

Wouldn't be the first time a Sadist wins I guess. I did like MM! too.

The OP was pretty good.

MC was literally allergic to women

He has his moments.

Wait really? Bullshit

I just remember the simpsons death note poster.

Just checked fuck you

Who actually wins then? If it's not already obvious Subaru does.

Subaru does.
Subaru is actually a pretty great character and though obvious I wanted her to really win

Although Kanade does win in the manga, but that's obviously not the original source.

Has author make any other work after this one?

wich chiki wud u mayo


Also that sex scene was hot

It had some legit semen demons.


It was garbage beyond eye candy.

Pseudo harem end where the main girls 'wins'?

How did the LN end?

Kanade-ojou-sama a best girl.
Subaru a shit.

You take that back, Subaru is love, and so is Kaede.

Kanade best girl

Fuck you guys for this thread I'm at work. I guess I'm fapping to the Mayo Chiki girls later.

Also time to rewatch this

I am glad that best girl won. Though maybe it is because that she is the only good girl in the series.

Manga's plot is literally the same with the LN's, in terms of everything.

This show was talked about every day of every hour when it came out.
The only reason why you didn't see people talk about it is because you're new.

Trap was great
Black hair was also great

Threesome end would have been the best

Thanks for answering the questions.

Truth, but sadly we don't really go around re discussing series that deserve it based on our history of enjoying it. More inclined to wallow in misery and shit talk.

It doesn't help that MC was one of many that suffered the cooties syndrome though.