What goes on here?
it is rightfull finnish clay
a big field
Trans-Siberian railway. more modern than anything you would find in burgerland
But thats ok since Finns wuz Turks also
yes but go down to Turkmenistan and there are interesting things
I want to say there was a MadTV skit from years ago where they carved a second america out of Siberia.
It's snowing outside but I don't want to make a photo.
Any spooky tundra story?
redpill me on tatars. Are they common out in Siberia, or do they fuck off and live separate from the ethnic russians?
siberia still has 44 million people in it. i assume they do the same shit as the northwest. factories, farming, oil, military infrastructure. it seems like the last undespoiled place on earth desu.
Is it ever NOT snowing in Russia?
The Eurasian master race lives there. As such it's a giant shithole full of unstable people.
Only northern parts of Siberia is tundra
Tatars live in Tatarstan. Those of them who live outside the republic are mostly russified and feel themselves more Russian than Tatar. I think so.
remove kebab
There's one faggot shilling and the others eat dirt and fuck goats
Crimea is a subtropical region.
it isn't part of Russia until you finish your bridge
I see no bridges to Alaska from American mainland
True untouched wilderness. Would really like to visit in the summer if it weren't for all the crazy Russian living there.
Cold weather and Finnish people trying to claim clay.
Siberia is a world leader in freezing.
It's called Canada
Canada doesn't really exist.
So as Ukraine
>implying we should call them Canada
Greater American expansion when?
Why did'nt they use they closest way to mainland?
Only if you're dumb enough to send in troops and have a prolonged conflict with something that doesn't exist. The only time I hear about Canada is when someone (((((claims)))))) to be Canadian and puts on a silly fake accent. Canada is a think-tank code word.
they built the bridge in 1944 but ice got it. this is a rebuild
>Only if you're dumb enough to send in troops and have a prolonged conflict with something that doesn't exist.
Canada is basically our land that we don't bother to manage.
The future white ethnostate.
>Allied forces suffered over 313 casualties in total during the operation, due to stray Japanese mines, friendly fire incidents, and battlefield combat.
I bet those 4 ((((claimed)))) Canadians had a really good accent.
Yea, but why not like this?
Thats where Native Americans are from.
The chosen race that God gave North America too.
But then white people used tricknology to steal it like they always do..
chinese will have a much lower birth rate so the russians can sleep peacefully ,siberia will be russian until the end of times
Just no.
Informative thanks.
the relative poverty of russia will save them for total destrucion of their identity,,the times of slavs is coming ,the south and north european moment has passed
I do not know why the engineers chose that design for the Kerch Strait bridges, but the main arches are already in place so it is too late to redesign now
There are a lot of chinese in russian territory.
it is just cold
yeaa but not enought to make a difference ,australia canada and other wenster nation will safe us and japonization of birth rate with the increase of weath of chinks will make siberia undesirable in the next 30 years
It's pretty cold and there's trees.
it belongs to Australia