ONE of Australia’s most senior Aboriginal tribal leaders has delivered a sharp message to African gangs causing fear across Melbourne, telling them that their poor behaviour is an insult to the First Australians.

“I know you come from a place where bad things happen. But don’t make this country bad like your country.”

Mr Marika said he struggled to understand why the African youths were running amok, but said his people — including one of his own sons who is at Monash University — had strong connections to Melbourne through education and sport and felt concern.

“I don’t understand why they do that,” he said. “Have they been hated or disliked?

“They are disrupting and spoiling things. Their spirituality is elsewhere. They need to reconnect with their spiritual world and meet people who understand mother earth and father sky.”

Mr Marika said he had African friends working at the local mine and said they were “friendly and smiley and they have a great life and work within society.

“But these (young) people think they can take anything, as if it’s theirs. No. That’s a bad way, to take other’s belongings. You got to show your respect.

“Live with the law that your father and mother have shown you. And show love to other Australians. And then we’ll show love to you and any other people living here.”


VIDEO heraldsun.com.au/news/national/founder-of-yothu-yindi-says-african-gangs-poor-behaviour-is-an-insult-to-first-australians/news-story/c11c7bc821bade85e21de9475f7791de

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Mup dup bix nood imho

This game is so boring. $10 says lefties acknowledge aboriginal heritage in any rebuke.

lel bloody aboriginals pretending they own the shop again
at least their heart's in the right place

>Originally published as Aboriginal elder’s warning to African gangs

yeah i noticed the title changed

abbos have an average IQ of 64 and from my understanding people with low IQ have a propensity for violence, is this the case with abbos, is there any chance they would chimpout on the african youths?

Kinda respect the fact that abos were able to survive as nigroids in australia before whites arrived. Glad I don't have to live with them though.


>Like other populations outside Africa, the Australian Aboriginal man owes small chunks of his genome to Neanderthals4

they're the most disorganised group on the planet and their "propensity for violence" is their probability to drunkenly and fruitlessly swing at a bartender

They'd have to stop huffing petrol, diddling their kids and sinking taxpayers dollaryoo's piss first....

Abos and niggers have the LARGEST genetic distance between any two races.

Shocking footage has emerged of a violent racial attack on a packed city train - as one passenger hurls vile abuse at an African man before throwing him onto the ground.

The shirtless attacker, who claimed to be an Aboriginal man, screamed at the African teenager before assaulting him.


Dump them all in the middle of the desert and give them plenty of weapons. Film it with drones and show it on the Gorilla Channel. It'll be a huge hit!

Abo vs Kiwi

iq and violence are not causative, consider women have lower IQ (in non africans) and they are less violent

So not all niggers are niggers? not white = nigger.

Absolutely zero

The aboriginals live on the other side of the country to where the africans are an issue right now

Also, aboriginals aren't really violent, except amongst themselves/other tribes

didnt they burn all the forests down and turn it into half a desert

It really is true everyone hates nigger eh

Retards are generally peaceful unless they're niggers.


meant for


>claimed to be aboriginal

Oh no that looks like a very tanned anglo australian attacker!

abbos don't know what they're talking about

that is an effort post brainlet. IQ vaguely measures intelligence, it is not a measure of behaviour it correlates only in certain situatins


lol even the didgeridoodles noticed there´s something wrong with niggers

>I demand you remove this ad!
Lmao fucking uppity niggers thinking they can boss people around

>Does Melbourne Australia Have an African Gang Problem? (2018)

is there an "with open gates" style vid about the current situation the m8's are facing?

when you're hoping the Abbos fuck the fucking fuck out of "African Gangs"

come on abos

Abos just want to get drunk and be happy, nigs always gotta shoot someone in the process

Uruk-Hai vs. Morgul rats

at last, now someone else gets to deal with abo autism

Yothu Yindi is a great band btw

Europeans need to listen to this

>While others don't give a damn
>They're all waiting for a perfect day

>So you better get up and fight for your rights
>Don't be afraid or the move that you make


Highest crime is around 85iq. This is why american blacks(1\4 white) and south Americans negro mixes are so violent. Abbos are too dumb to crime. Mulattoes have the ability to have Kang fantasies from stealing a liquor store. Kangz dream of having a caddy with rims and an expensive sound system. Abbos fantasize about food, drink, sex and sleep.

Alpha abbos stand out, small WHITE cucks BTFO!


lmao, your indigenous people are as pathetic as you are. We have no muslim shit happening here as maoris would literally kill them, as whites turned their eyes

When even abbos say that Africans are bad, you definitely know the situation is dire.

but which one knows DE WAY

Side with the abbos obviously, do it

>be NZ
>Instantly sign a treaty



>mother earth and father sky
I swear to god all aboriginal cultures around the world meme the same garbage trying to look spiritual. What a bunch of fags.

lol at this meme that abos aren't violent .

Africans are a total non issue i barely see any at all . Abos are a constant threat though and will attack you for the hell of it .

I'm assuming the Kiwi is in red?

Non-Eastern Aussie Confirmed. How is it living in the past mate lol

They are if the race does not have the capacity for long term behavioural planning. Even in black race, higher IQ correlates to less violence, however even the higher IQ blacks are still more violent then the lower IQ, poorer whites.

Arguable its mostly racial and geographic.

Based boonga

Okay H&M make up your mind. Are blacks cool monkeys or superior?

Abos are freaking literal retarded dark skinned monkeys and have a definitely higher crime rate than whites. But if you compare them with niggers then abos become aryan race.

kek no
the kiwi was one who got beaten

Australia deserves better.

Aboriginals are a tragic people, they're nothing like American niggers or niggers influenced by American niggerism. Aboriginals mostly abuse each other which is largely due to their extreme sensitivity to alcohol, kind of like American Indians. You might run into a drunk Aboriginal on the train who'll start racially abusing you but that's about it for the most part


Wow you know you fucked up when the god damn people that need psa's to not sleep in the road are telling you that you are acting like animals.

Aussies are pussies:

Tha’s Not kewl Mr President.


What a noble people.


Inuits and Native Americans outscore Basketball Americans, they're nothing like you're abbos who are dumber than Basketball Americans.

>Aussie Chad drinks and fights from the age of 16
>Virgin burka abhors violence and alcohol

>Aussies are pussies
the video shows an abo punching out a maori

No that's a white Aussie/Kiwi (same thing)

Honestly you guys are pussies, our niggers over here are enormous. The slave trade was quite literally an accelerated eugenics program for niggers, we only brought the biggest ones here.


>post about Aboriginal and Native American alcohol tolerance similarity
>burger replies about academic score while using 'you're' incorrectly

I want to see your score m8

>mfw thats all i fantasize about

>Doesn't use proper punctuation

REALLY made me think.

>people with low IQ have a propensity for violence
Either that explains the waves of violent attacks from (the extra chromosome-type) Mongoloids we've been having or it's a cum hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy.

>Lose little to no life
>Not constantly cucked about past wrongs.


The latter as there is evidence of an international Criminal Syndicate.

is there such a thing as white abbos?
>genuinely curious

here comes the bbc

Fuck me that is horrifying.


american cuck is proud of his superior bigger niggers


Actually niggers are shorter than whites in America, NZ and Australia.

Maoris can get pretty big like niggers too, unlike niggers it's actually in Polynesian DNA to be big.

>trust me based aussies. These niggers would hold down and fuck my wife infront of me after family dinner. What can you do against a superior king

The State of the Americas right now

>second comment

That's one of our Lebanese youths by the way

kids parent would have had to approved him wearing the hoodie

At least the nig had clothes on.


only abos i see are at the train station asking for change or cigarettes and are too drunk or lazy to be violent

on the other hand, i've witnessed african gangs with machetes dragging people out of cars and beating the shit out of women

Everyone, user. Whites, MENA, Indians, East Asians, Abos

what about the ones in St Kilda?

They are when you're a low iq male women do not have the same propensity for violence

Will be interesting to see who the SJW's side with on this.

Olympic level mental gymnastics

Yes and get this, they did it to hunt and herd game

Literally caused Australia to be a desert

>africans are a non issue becuase i dont see them

dude stop being a retard cuck. africans are everywhere where i am and its very concerning.

The fact that aboriginals are speaking out against this is very commendable. More than ur probably doing to stop this shit. so stfu

Miley Cyrus could teach them a thing or two about racism.

It isn't getting much attention outside of rightwing circles
right-leaning Aboriginals are completely ignored by the left

>Why hasn’t there been the same outrage over the continuing killing of our women and abuse and neglect of our kids? If these women victims were white, we would hear very loud outrage from feminists. If their killers had been white, we would hear outrage from the Indigenous activists. Why is there such a deafening silence when both victim and perpetrator are black? I believe that we can blame the politics of the progressive left and its comfortably middle class urban Indigenous supporters.


Price has strongly criticised the high levels of violence in Central Australian indigenous communities and supported the Northern Territory Intervention.
Price's public show of support for the Intervention policy instigated by the Howard Government drew criticism from some left-leaning Aboriginal advocates.


They'll ignore it, just like they ignored the group of tribal elders that told Australia to vote no on gay marriage

My damn I think that's from a jotun's arrow user
it's not from a spear, it's from an arrow

The indians here used to do similar things but north America is less prone to desertification than Australia fortunately

>the whole bullshit of abo environmentalism worship is ludicrous

I knew Aboriginals were /ourguys/. White Australia just didn't take a seat and listen.