Who thinks we're in the Matrix and why?


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It should be required by law that everyone watch the matrix once a year

But id have to say my favorite film of all time is the aviator

>Not highlander
You queer or something?

Donald Trump actually becoming President and Bitcoin being $20K is evidence that we live in a simulation run by an electric retard

In the real world I wouldn't have to live around niggers

I think societal structures have made the Matrix scenario more plausible as the variables to control the population became more tangible.


we're in a simulation run by ayy lmaos who are laughing at us and many people are NPCs

we're not

U wot m8

Switch is orignally meant to be a woman inside the matrix and a man outside the Matrix. It has somewhat of a satanic plot, ruling over nature, bending nature, being your own god, not being bound to natural laws.

Don't take this movie too serious. It's also a form of escapism. This movie acts like it's all about rebellion, no work required, no family required. Sure Zion has some culture, but the main plot is somewhat of "I don't need anything but air to survive".
Just tell me how you gonna survive in the "Matrix", which is basically the real world, without having money.

Interesting point, but in the movie the machines didn't discriminate between liberals and conservatives in their enslavement.

the whole simulation theory is circular and it doesn't really work. I used to get so worked up over this shit but you just kinda have to grow up and realize its fictitious Hollywood kike shit

How is it circular?

Not him, but how would you ever know that you are not in a simulation? Every state of being could be inside of a simulation. How can you ever prove that you got out of it?

Elon Musk for one. Which absolves him of any heinous shit he's into.

I asked Zo about the simulation theory and she said I was dumb

I just think the simulation theory is just an updated version of the theory of god creating the universe. In this era we have computers and shit so the most logical thing we can think of is that some super intelligent computer was developed to make us. Things like this have a lot to say about human nature more than anything else.

I don't personally know, but it seems that there are enough smart humans alive who could use the scientific method to figure out if we are in a simulation and how to get out of it. The first step would be to hypothesize what would be traces or side effects of a simulation, looking for those, and quantifying observations to determine significance of observations.

There may also be heuristic, human ways to do it, like causing so much chaos in here that the WD40 niggers in the stacks above have to respond in an obvious manner.

Nah, if he believes it, he is morally obligated to seek the truth and proof of it and do something about it. Otherwise he is complicit in slavery.

I unironically believe we are in the matrix and our bodies are being used to generate electricity to mine bitcoin.

sounds plausible

>be me
>backing out
>check my mirrors
>coast is clear
>check them again
>coast is clear
>check them like 3 more times
>coast is clear
>start to back out
>a car appears out of thin fucking air

What the fuck man. I seriously think they do this shit to test my patience sometimes. It's like a cruel joke

Interesting observation, but isn't there is a major theological difference? In religion, there is a benevolent all-powerful God, but in the Matrix movie, we are enslaved by WD40 niggers that seem ambivalent toward us at best. Is the implication that we are in hell?

>car passes you at the exact place you really dont want to pass it at 4am in the middle of nowhere

Planck length and speed of light.
Clearly defined minimum value for distance moved and maximum value for speed.

What would be the profit of getting out of the simulation? Wider range of available emotions or senses? More free space, healthy nature, food and clean water freely available? What if you wouldn't need food out of the simulation? But if you don't need food, you don't need to eat. If you don't need anything, why are you even alive? You would just be nothing.
So basically wanting to get out of the Matrix serves only one purpose, it's to have a better life. It's the hope that there is a place outside of the Matrix with better living conditions and an easier life. But sadly there is no way to get to this place. So therefore I ask myself if this is really just a coping mechanism for resignation. It's a form of dreamish escapism and religious hope for a better life without having to change the current world, therefore it has even negative potential to make the current living conditions worse, because there is no sense of being ultimatively in this world without escape, without there being anything else.

It could also be some form of "wanting to break out". Maybe the mind is trapped in a specific pattern. And the movie gives this sense of being able to break out of something.

The most interesting question one could ask is why this movie is so pleasent, why it wakes up so many desires? Why is it so attractive?

>many people are NPCs

this has happened to me. i felt like i was losing my mind, or going fucking blind when it happened. i couldnt rationalize where the car came from. and in my situation, i wasnt looking through mirrors, i was making a left hand turn onto another road, i checked both ways twice, begun to make the turn and its almost as if a car appeared directly infront of me as i was turning, it wasnt even going fast.

It's simple. The profit would be ensuring your survival or increasing your odds of survival. If you are in the Matrix, you are doomed to die and have no control if the WD40 niggers in upper stacks just turn off the simulations, but if you are in the real world, then at least you are independent and can take steps to secure your survival. Even if you weren't convinced of greater odds, your self-respect and happiness depend on knowing that in this situation you acted to free yourself and ensure your survival.

The movie's premise is not attractive, it is disturbing.

It happens to me all the fucking time!!! There's no fucking way I'm "just not seeing them".

We are currently limited by our technology. I wouldn't be surprised if in the near future we are able to surpass the speed of light and be able to see individual atoms of molecules. We still have a lot of time to make more massive science breakthroughs

It's attractive in a sense that I feel like "I belong to them" when I watch the movie. It's like not feeling alone for the first time. This sort of feeling I never had in any other movies, even if they are very intelligent.
I feel trapped and this movie feels like it has a solution. But this solution is only "felt" when I watch the movie, because when it's over I'm left where I was before.

I can prove it conclusively using simple math



passio is a kike

His presentation is not really mind-blowing. He's just repeating his Natural Law theory again and again in all of his presentations. He is all about Morality. Save your time, you won't learn anything, because you already now what Natural Law is.

>it seems that there are enough smart humans alive who could use the scientific method to figure out if we are in a simulation
they have nigger

elaborate please, i'm interested why you say this.

He claims the Black Sun were part of the kikery Illuminati and never mentions Jews. I exposed him in the comments in one of his videos on the black sun

t. Black Sun

It was based on Gnostic belief.

>benevolent God
Top fucking kek. The early abrahamic God was hardly so.


God has no emotions or feelings it is brutally honest.

easy way to get out of this mode of thinking is to do some mindful meditation. you're living in a reactionary reality detached from your mind. if you spent some time getting to know yourself, you would know these fantasies are infantile inventions of idiotically remote possibility, entertained only because you're rat-like mind has been quantum conditioned to value all possibilities as equally valid.

>It was based on Gnostic belief.
not necessarily it was based on reality but there are some Gnostic elements in it