>How can people believe this bullshit? 50% of any population is cognitively challenged. Fact.
Dominic Roberts
The majority of humans are beta trash, therefore, religions for the weak became popular among them.
Noah Smith
>a dead kike bastard will hurt you unless you love him
Adam Brooks
You haven't answered any of my questions. Is your god afraid for a mere human asking questions, seeking knowledge? Show me the error of my ways by answering my questions and I will praise Jesus.
Dylan Sullivan
It's less destructive and closer to the truth.
Elijah Rodriguez
at least 50% FTFY
Nathan Torres
The majority of humans are beta trash, therefore, religions for the weak became popular among them.
Camden Ortiz
>was mary taking bbc on the side
pagancucks and athiest subhumans projecting their fetishes and penile insecurities again. kek
Adam Martinez
>a dead kike bastard will hurt you unless you love him
Alexander Hall
From a religious standpoint, because it's the truth.
From a historical standpoint, the consensus seems to be that Christianity was able to ally itself with power in ways that helped it spread incredibly effectively.
Cooper Collins
Should I have said Turkroach-Khazar cock then?
Joshua Gray
It does seem that the gaussian distribution is showing signs of lobing...
Landon Butler
is this a raid?
Jeremiah Rivera
>Rome burns 100yrs after becoming Christian >200 years later Christians create Islam in Africa >Europe race mixing 200 years after becoming Christian >Europeans are Christian only for 600yrs and then the Enlightenment frees them, creating all of science and tech >100 years later Rabbis invent Communism (Moses Hess)
Austin Edwards
BTW Joseph DID raise Jesus as his own son, dumbass. Read the gospels.
Xavier Kelly
so athiest subhumans have to samefag in order to bump and have a discussion?
what the fuck. athiest are literal soygoy cuckolds
Connor Cox
> From a religious standpoint, because it's the truth.
Carter Davis
>From a historical standpoint, the consensus seems to be that Christianity was able to ally itself with power in ways that helped it spread incredibly effectively. Like Communism.
Like a Jewish virus.
Jordan White
Ian Reed
yes by your subhuman kin. The Soyboy Club of Athiestcucks and Faganbois
Xavier Clark
>BTW Joseph DID raise Jesus as his own son, dumbass. Read the gospels. cucked by a 14yr old girl.
Robert Roberts
Never question christ, you obviously havent read the bible lmfao
Jack Gonzalez
> BTW Joseph DID raise Jesus as his own son, dumbass.
Why did he invent the virgin birth bullshit story?
> it's real lol, eat shit. I think religion is a good thing to keep people in check, and enforce some kind of universal morality, but don't give me bullshit stories about "virgin births"
Isaiah Gonzalez
you take it on faith. what I meant is that people who are Christian see its ubiquity as confirmation that it is the true way.
Eli Gomez
Islam is your alley goys
>Rome burns 100yrs after becoming Christian >200 years later Christians create Islam in Africa >Europe race mixing 200 years after becoming Christian >Europeans are Christian only for 600yrs and then the Enlightenment frees them, creating all of science and tech >100 years later Rabbis invent Communism (Moses Hess)
Julian Miller
fuck off then.
Jaxon Gray
That's an extravagant claim if you haven't already been convinced that it is or is close to the truth, but the invitation is to have a closer look and see if you don't think it's at least mostly right.
One important thing to notice: unlike, say, Judaism or Islam, the basic notion is to love and help people from outside of your tribe without violating the basic code of your own tribe. The other ones say anybody outside of your tribe is trash and you can violate all your own codes to make sure they get exploited and subjugated. See the difference between truth and deceit?
Liam Gray
>muh jesus was a jew >bible literally says dont trust jews or practice their practices >decides to do some cuck shit instead.
strongest religion on earth literally
as above so below
Wyatt Ramirez
Michael Peterson
Why do you guys hate christians? What happened to people of the book?
Michael Moore
>I think religion is a good thing to keep people in check, and enforce some kind of universal morality Rabbi worship is the source of all immorality. Communism stole their "morality" meme and ran with it.
Adam Torres
It is nothing of the sort. I cannot help that I am an alpha and thus have a more commanding presence than a cuck faggot such as yourself. If you want to be a good goy and worship a dead, dumbass kike rather than true white gods be my guest.
Jeremiah Morris
>One important thing to notice: unlike, say, Judaism or Islam, the basic notion is to love and help people from outside of your tribe without violating the basic code of your own tribe. The other ones say anybody outside of your tribe is trash and you can violate all your own codes to make sure they get exploited and subjugated. See the difference between truth and deceit?
Why is a story about a man and woman who are supposedly husband and wife, but the wife is 7months pregnant without her husband's cock ever having penetrated her...a prerequisite for a philosophy about how to live a good life?
Kevin Cox
Most of this is demonstrably untrue or misrepresented and oversimplified.
Jordan Scott
Jesus was a Rabbi
Jesus gave us Satan. There was no satanism or judiasm before that kike spread it.
John Russell
>jewsus doesn't like jews
Adam Wilson
>oversimplified. lol
>Rome burns 100yrs after becoming Christian >200 years later Christians create Islam in Africa >Europe race mixing 200 years after becoming Christian >Europeans are Christian only for 600yrs and then the Enlightenment frees them, creating all of science and tech >100 years later Rabbis invent Communism (Moses Hess)
Joshua Williams
Nicholas Murphy
It's literally true though.
Ethan Clark
I can verify a bit of the supernatural side, namely the gifts of the spirit. But, I don't think my words would be convincing to you. You have to pursue it and experience it if you want to be absolutely certain, or you can have faith.
Ayden Roberts
Something somebody wrote down once that might or might not be exactly what happened. I wasn't there to check it out myself so if I want to think that part is exactly right I have to take it on faith. And if you want to be convinced to take something on faith then proof is secondary compared to some combination of your internal instinct or a spiritual experience or whatever else.
But if you think that sounds like BS that doesn't necessarily undermine everything else. One of the main teachings is to not harden your heart if one day you should come to believe that you were wrong about what you did or thought in the past. So if as far as you want to go is saying Jesus reportedly out-Jewed the rabbis and proposed consistently better ideas, there's nothing wrong with leaving it at that instead of saying it must all be hogwash because some bits don't seem likely.
Jaxon Hughes
>this passage literally means there is no such thing as being a goy any more >is such a fucking goy he cant even understand.
>from a religious stand point >read the bible.
What you mean was, From a historical standpoint is it the truth? Obviously, who the fuck knows. Jesus wasn't even said to be equal to the holy ghost until 300 years after his death. Just because a religion changes doesn't mean it doesn't hold value. Maybe if you took the fedora off yourself and looked in the mirror you'd realize this life is just one big acid trip anyways.
You realize because your lord and goat fucker Muhammad said its cool to marry your 1st cousin, and because you've done this for about 40 generations, you are now on the wrong side of evolution, genetically speaking? sub-human, literally.
Evan Martin
Joseph was Mary's husband.
God sends Jesus to be born of him through Mary.
Joseph is not the father of Jesus. God is.
Samuel Taylor
Maybe you should learn the facts about how Christianity spread and stop thinking about the bible. Religion is politics. Religion was politics even back then. Maybe stop talking bullshit and learn something useful
Joshua Foster
give me the quote then faggot
Michael Long
Read Acts, much opposition from Jewish leaders. It'd be weird for a "Jewish virus" to portray jews negatively.
Ryder Hernandez
Tyler Torres
Simple: forced popular belief. The Middle East got hit by Christianity three times during the multinational holy crusades. It took a solid hold of Europe through the fall of the Roman Empire and rise of the Holy Roman Empire during the dark ages. Charlemagne and his forces alone cleared out a good deal of European druids, with others clearing out surrounding islands like the current UK. The encroachment of Islam through the Balkans, and south Italy/North Africa/Madrid served as a unification against the enemy, with a victory serving as a sign that Christianity is the superior religion. Purges such as the Spanish Inquisition and the Conquistadors/Pilgrims in the Americas established the religion there, and when US had its immigration boom, (and even before), the majority of immigrants were from Christian-majority European countries like Spain, Italy, Eastern Europe and Central Europe, helping to root Christianity in the Americas.
Basically, after a series of wars and purges in the name of Christianity, most people just believed in it and brought it with them.
Caleb Hughes
OI gevalt. The stupid it burns.
Kayden Williams
"Jesus" is more likely a poor translation of what should be "Joshua" if you look a little closer.
Ryan Mitchell
sooooooooo Joseph raised his wife's son?
Jaxon Bennett
>Was Joseph Mary's bf/husband or not? He was her mortal husband, but he was more of a caretaker.
>If he didn't creampie Mary, who did? Was Mary taking BBC on the side? You’re such a faggot.
>Why did Joseph not just call himself the Father of Jesus like a proud cuck and raise his wife's son? He did to keep Jesus and Mary safe or the Jews would have killed her and thrown Jesus out of society.
>Why the bullshit virgin birth story? What proof is there of Mary's virginity? If Jesus is who he said he is they that’s your proof. So instead of being a huge faggot larping about Joseph and Mary go find out if Jesus is real. If he’s not then everything else falls apart and you can finally stop making these gay threads.
>How can people believe this bullshit? Same way people believe in socialism/marxism. It’s the promise of some great solution to this shitty world.
Easton Taylor
Christianity was the religion of SJWs.
Poorfags in Roman empire were pissed about not having enough food/money so they embraced a religion that told them that being poor was a virtue, and that they would have a kingdom in heaven.
Once they hit critical mass they killed and pillaged to accumulate wealth, cast out the old order and started on their own campaign of killing and raping and pillaging.
Christianity and Marxism have a lot in common.
Dominic Barnes
Christianity has done more good for the human race than Anything else in the history of the world.
Wyatt Rodriguez
So? You're telling me Wait hold on You're telling me hol up hol up you're telling me, you dont think anyone has ever changed their mind before? Jesus was cleary spouting antisemitism.
>there was no judaism before that jew spread it Are you really that fucking dumb man come on.
>what is the synagogue of Satan literally preached about in the bible.
I mean he verifiably did not like jews
But its okay, you mongoloids can sit here and pretend to worship trees in a way you'll never understand because the superior religion (oh the same one that made whites the greatest ethnic group on the face of the planet??) wiped out all evidence of how Paganistic worship was done.
Cooper Taylor
>Christianity has done more good for the human race than Anything else in the history of the world
Oxygen much?
Evan Sanders
It doesn't say being poor is a virtue. It says money isn't everything and you should minister to the poor and the sick and that poorfags aren't lesser than you are just because they're poor and you can't buy your way in to heaven.
>I mean he verifiable did not like Jews then verify it from a quote form the bible instead of pretending he wasn't a kike
Kevin Carter
>you can't buy your way in to heaven.
LOL What are indulgences? What was the reformation all about?
Christian Sanchez
1. To say/imply the only reason Western rome fell is because Christianity is misrepresented, first of all the east survived until the 15th century and it was Christian. Second it had expanded far beyond it's reach and angered surrounding tribes which was probably it's worst problem, since in the end that's what killed it.
2. Simply untrue, citation needed.
3. Again untrue, Citation needed.
4. The enlightenment meme is wrong most people during the enlightenment were still Christian and saying DURR MUH SECRET ATHIEST/PAGAN is retarded and most of the time you have absolutely no proof of this.
5. No problem with this.
Benjamin Lopez
Julian Thompson
Unfortunately, Christians have not.
Zachary Carter
The reformation was about many things, including criticizing how the Roman Catholic church had gone a bit wrong over, what, a thousand years give or take?
If you think a rich powerful institution that exists for thousands of years isn't going to be partially corrupt you're being silly.
Nathan Rogers
>Jesus was cleary spouting antisemitism.
Fair enough. Gahd told the jews you are my chosen ones. Then Jebus told the jews they were not the chosen ones, the followers of jebis would be the chosen.
That is a big mistake on the part of the sky fairie. If the jews were not the chosen ones, but rather the followers of jebus, then gahd was lying to the jews; or he could not see jebus coming.
Either way, gahd is not omniscient. Lack of omniscience is less than godlike. IF you are not god like, then you are not god. If the god of the scriptures was not god, then god does not exist.
Logic rules.
Jaxon Campbell
Indulgences are relief of temporal punishment in purgatory for sins already forgiven. Priests abusing them has no effect on the truth. Martin Luther is in hell.
Jose Myers
matthew 23:31-33
Dylan Butler
> Cuckstianity is a great religion > Why are we being overrun by rapefugees?
Can A Murderer Accept Jesus On Their Deathbed And Still Go To Heaven? Jun 16, 2017 by Will Maule It is the question on many inquisitive minds. Logically, how can it make sense that someone who has caused death and destruction on this earth, say a simple prayer on their deathbed and go to be with Christ forever? This was a question asked by an apologetics student at a recent Dr. William Lane Craig conference.
A man asks what would happen to a murderer or rapist if they were to turn to God the day before their death. Would he forgive them of all their wrongdoing without question?
"If a person acknowledges his moral sin or failure and sincerely turns to God in deep contrition and repentance, then God as a loving God will forgive him," says Lane Craig.
"God is not a hard-hearted being. He is a gracious, loving, heavenly father who is anxious to forgive the sinner."
So do his sins go unpunished?
"No," says Lane Craig. "Christ bears the penalty for those sins. On the cross Jesus suffers the penalty for the sins of the whole world."
"The demands of God's justice are met. He doesn't just blink at sin. His wrath and justice is poured out but Christ bears it as our substitute so that one needn't bear it themselves."
"God forgives sinners no matter how miserable they are, as long as they repent and turn to Him."
Easton Price
There was a time where I used to believe that eternal damnation was simply too horrible a punishment. Looking at this thread I can see now just how wrong I was.
Lucas Gomez
>first of all the east survived you mean the one that wasn't Rome?
Luke Gutierrez
We're being overrun because of the Jews, firstly. And then a vast number of Christians being misguided cucks isn't helping much.
Levi Anderson
you are being overrun cause you reject God like when jews were against God, they were conquered by babylonians, persians etc
Josiah Jenkins
> giving shekels to jew pope means your relatives will spend less time in purgatory
unironically believing this > faith is a virtue, so i'm better than u
Bentley Gonzalez
Ian Cox
>And then a vast number of Christians being misguided cucks isn't helping much.
How can they be not when it is a core tenet of the religion
Luis Sanders
Why do you guild you imagery? The golden calf was a big no no. How is a gold laden painting not a graven image? Hypocrite.
Nathaniel Flores
mathew 5:17
Eli Reyes
I'm not sure it's a core tenant as much as a popular delusion. Would you like to point out a particular tenant?
I'm no biblical scholar so maybe you're more correct than I am.
Benjamin Turner
>Y-YOU MEAN NOT ROME? Everyone at the time considered it Roman, and they thought of themselves as Roman everyone called them Roman and they were directly related to Rome and it's establishments. You rabbis need to read some history.
Justin Adams
>ITT, people who have never looked upon demons and hell claim to know about good and evil
Jace Garcia
If you don't believe it, then that's your loss you cuck faggot piece of shit. I know, why not try out Islam and let me know how that works out for you Schlomo Shekelsteinburgman
Aiden Adams
so i assume you'll apologize now?
Dominic Howard
>we were Romans in our minds goy they lost Rome and therefore the empire wasn't roman. Stop trying to weasel your way out of that you kike.
Ayden Flores
He's saying that he's not going to change anything until he proves himself. Then he goes on to insult the kikes. Your point?
Nicholas Morris
yea christianity is working out so well for you
Noah Scott
Why would I apologize for the actions of some messed up dude I strongly disagree with who doesn't make a lot of sense half the time?
James Gonzalez
It aligned with the white cuck pathological altruistic mental illness.
Aaron Miller
Catholicism =/= Christianity
Daniel Taylor
> messed up dude I strongly disagree with you're going to hell :)
> b..but .. my version of Christianity is the right one
Matthew Baker
>BUT THEY AREN'T ROMANS YOU KIKE!!!! directly related to Rome & establishments they considered themselves Roman everyone else called them the Roman empire. What part of this do you not understand?
Lincoln Clark
>he's not going to change anything (put in place by jews) until he is killed by Romans and his body is stole- I mean he comes back to life.
Sebastian Sanchez
I'm going to hell because I disagree with one of the popes? I doubt it, but that's not the pope's call anyway. It's called "Christianity" because of Jesus Christ, not whoever the Vatican elected to head it up on any particular year.
Dominic Hill
>damage controlling yes rabbi, keep informing us how much you hate Christianity and how the white man must abandon it.
John Cox
>(((they))) considered themselves Roman even though the empire did not include Rome.
Owen Howard
The end goal of jews was always to make their marxism the religion of earth, cucktians the reason jews are not extinct so its all their fault.
Jason Lee
Daniel Davis
you cannot disagree with the pope
> the Pope, by reason of his office as Vicar of Christ and as pastor of the entire Christian Church, has full, supreme, and universal power over the whole Church, a power which he can always exercise unhindered:[1] that, in brief, "the Pope enjoys, by divine institution, supreme, full, immediate, and universal power in the care of souls.
Samuel Hughes
>maybe the religion of the white man shouldn't be based off of (((the Torah))) and worship some guy named (((ישוע בית לחם))) >y-y-y-your anti white goy