How do I stop my daughter from being lewd around me?
How do you raise a daughter and win the war against media and educational system degeneracy?
How do I stop my daughter from being lewd around me?
How do you raise a daughter and win the war against media and educational system degeneracy?
>not using your daughter for lewd things
But that's what daughters are for. If you don't use her for lewd things what's the point of a daughter? I lewd my daughters, they're so hot and so much fun.
Spend more time with her dumbass.
Tell her niggers and jews are bad
Open a bible
Teach her not to follow the masses
But rather rise above the status quo
What do you mean you lewd your daughters?
Dunno. Do the opposite of this guy.
Raise her to be SJW and tell her what the people on Tumblr say?
>tfw she’s already had her finger in a dyke
>Open a bible
That'll just teach her "go ahead, be a whore, nothing you do matters anyway because JEBUS will forgive you".
Make them walk around naked, tickle their kitties, tongue kiss them, all kinds of stuff. Little girl daughters are so much fun.
Hmm, tell me more about your parenting
Yes, I too am curious. In fact, why don't I come over?
Wrong. Jesus can and will punish you. Open a FUCKING BIBLE you claim the confederate flag yet you know nothing of the word of christ. Fucking degenerate
take away her innocence
You reek of being inexperienced in life. You have never seen Christian girls, have you?
I have started the red pill early. Just be open about how people are different and that sometimes it is okay to judge a book by it's cover until proven otherwise. Also, keep them busy with some activity they enjoy so they don't have time to be distracted by bad things.
You need to instill in your daughters that they are not people, they are things that you own, that females are just pieces of property for men to own. This will help them be more obedient.
Don't ever let them(girls) wear clothes, wearing clothes will get them thinking that they are people.
Dick them good and dick them young. Make them understand getting dicked is all they're good for
Jesus isn't real, you retard, he can't punish shit. Stop praying to the big jew in the sky, he can't hear you because he ain't real.
>meme flag
Your opinion means nothing and you are a waste of oxygen.
fuck off slant eyed demon and or dumb ass english teacher that couldn't amount to anything in the states and ran away to nuke county
What percent of Japan is Japanese?
>Thanks Mr. 56% roundeye
How big is your trailer?
I need to cum, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gush gush gush gush, I let my sperm rot in my hand ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>How do I stop my daughter from being lewd around me?
Bring company (male) around often, and by surprise.
>3 quality posts by this ID
Says the obvious weebfag pretending to be jap
The swirling of pedo symbols represents mental instability and mind control. Encourage critical thinking and mental stability and kids will not be overcome nearly as easily.
Huh, I thought I gave you a constructive answer to your question. If you want to be rude to me I will go.
No social media and spend more time together
If you sent her to public school... it's already too late
Do you have her pee on your dick ever?
Pretty sure these daughter threads are new type of slide threads.
Agreed. Make reference to the pedo symbols and youth mind control each time and they will go away.
Hey.... aren't you feelin a little... sleepy?
Pretty sure calling anything you don't like a slide post is the new sliding
No, ew, that's gross.
It's just a newfag thing. They see a thread they don't like and say "SLIDE SLIDE SLIDE"
Says the memeflag nigger
I have. Christian grills are a lot of times pretty white girls from an upper middle class family (also there’s trailer trash but I do my best not to interact with them) that I have no chance with.
Muttflag is the biggest meme though
If you were in the same league which you are not and you would get to know them well enough for then to be honest around you, you'd know they are degenerates
why don’t you use the Colgate from your flag and brush your teeth you inbred fuck
Why do you assume that all women are whores? Honestly. 70 something percent of them believe in premarital sex, what about the other 20 and change percent?
its probably the case that you don't know how to set and enforce appropriate boundaries because your faggot hippy boomer parents have some kind of free-love free-range granola shit-for-brains ideology.
Sad. Many such cases.
either that or they're passive centrist narcissists
Why can't mutts make any good posts?
why cant toothpaste niggers make any coherent and useful posts? or threads for that matter
>guess what went into the options box
>americuck using Muslim meme flag
Go watch Trump bow for Saudis while you jerk off to it
1. homeschool
2. no exposure to media, phone, web
3. innawoods
Have sex with her, OP. Show her how utterly boring degeneracy is.
Plus you get laid!
How will you find a woman who will agree to this life?
She will divorce you and take your child
The way I got my sister to cover up was I would always walk in on her when she was naked and then make fun of her and point out her flaws
It worked she pretty much only wears long dresses now
Tried that. She likes it
What was the wank like?
I hope your shoes give you splinters faggot. Your silly little below-sea level "nation" is a joke.
Every Netherlands male has an amputation fetish whether they know it or not (the women, not so much). Cut off one of her legs the next time you fuck her.
Stop protecting your American fetish
Americans don't have amputation fetishes, we just have vore fetishes that unfortunately oftentimes lead to amputation.
Never interface with the Dutch; they're cancer
KYS you mentally ill retard
Why so angry Van Wyck?
Not angry, just think that all vore and ampu- fags need to kill themselves