Is he a controlled opposition?
I can't tell anymore,and it's fucking killing me.
Prior to the big debate with Sargon,I was convinced he was a plant,either CIA or the Russian one.
Now I'm not sure anymore.
Opinions needed.
Is he a controlled opposition?
I can't tell anymore,and it's fucking killing me.
Prior to the big debate with Sargon,I was convinced he was a plant,either CIA or the Russian one.
Now I'm not sure anymore.
Opinions needed.
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No, he's just retarded. Sargon is just stupider than he is so he looked good against him. Hell even I can look good against Sargon the fat gamer neckbeard neet fuck.
He’s just a rich kid faggot who wants attention. The media gives it to him because this makes all trump supporters look bad by association.
Yes he is /Thread
CIA nigger
> physically attacked with no legal repurcussions to his attacker (who was identified)
> villified by the media
> banned from most European countries
> unable to travel by air without being harassed
He's the real deal. The fact that much of his rise was due to the media is a miscalculation on the media's part: With Hailgate (itself an artificial controversey), they sought to tie Trump to various far-right, Nazi, movements. They thought that the public would reject Spencer like they had been taught to through years of brainwashing. In their minds, far-right people were just as entertainment media portrayed them: stupid, ugly, hicks who can be easily discredited.
Unfortunately for Spencer's early media promoters, when people actually listened to Spencer's speeches, they ended up agreeing with what he had to say. Furthermore, he handsome and a snappy dresser, so it is difficult to unconsciously dismiss him like people instictively do with fat and ugly people.
Spencer is the best thing to happen to the movement in decades.
This, If he was a fed he would be intentionally keeping the discourse withing certain bounds or be calling for immediate action but he has done neither of those things.
People aren't actually listening to his speeches though. If you do, I'll admit he makes some good points. But the masses associate him with 2 things: Heilgate and Charlottesville, which were PR disasters
I don't think so. The debate made me see him differently. I always kind of questioned him, but I've decided I quite like the guy. Spergy, but I like him. I think he might have actual ties to Russians through his wife, but It's all convoluted. So I lean towards trusting him, but still wonder.
Does it matter?
I mean, obviously it does. If we put someone who's controlled opposition in power, nothing will change.
During the Sargon debate, Blair white came in the door behind him, covering himself with a towel. It was weird.
> Heilgate and Charlottesville, which were PR disasters
Heilgate had no impact on the election, or anything for that matter
Charlottesville was a collossal PR success (even though it was likely a one-off):
> accelerated the destruction of the monuments all over the country, making it clear to normie whites that this phenomeon was not isolated to college towns or confederate figures
> got Trump to say that some of the pro-monument protestors were good people, giving his supporters "permission" to take our side despite non-stop media gaslighting
> reignited the "Take a Knee" movement (it had totally fallen off the media stage before Charlottesville), which has seriously reduced the sway of sportsball over normie white men
> forced the state to actively conspire against the alt-right, revealing its true anti-white face and giving us grounds for a genuine civil rights lawsuit
> shifted the paradigm from the alt-right as a tiny fringe movement to a relatively large force capable of occupying physical space
> the widespread violence made everyone on edge and forced police forces to actually do their job and protect rightwing rallies in the future
> revealed the cucks in our ranks who don't understand the necessity of IRL activism (even if it doesn't take the form of the UTR rally) and are really just racist libertarians - the scourge of all far-right movements
he could just be a federal informant, not controlled op,
Better than fucking neckbeard cunts
Honestly why is it so hard for people like millennial woes to have a shower/shave and not look like a degenerate
>If we put someone who's controlled opposition in power
Why would we put anyone in power that unironically self applies a dog whistle label?
NO. He is one of the best we've got. Fuck off dude.
Shit, I was blackpilled as fuck regarding that because I just remember all the headlines and fear mongering about le nazi uprising. It actually did shift some things.
1. Bannon is a traitor
2. Bannon was the leaker
3. Bannon works in online media and politics
4. Bannon works for the Chinese Commies and with Kissanger
5. Bannon claims to be leader of Alt-Right
6. Bannon is ruthlessly defended on here and cuckchan, thread after thread. Even a sticky on how he never said those things.
7. Bannon defenders post in the same idiotic manner as the Spencer defenders.
8. Bannon had bad intentions from the start.
9. Bannon worked for Navy Intel and Hollywood
10. Bannon believes he masterminded the meme war.
11. Spencer has ties to Dugin through his wife.
12. Dugin calls Bannon soul mate
See the pattern yet???
He is the next Hitler, and he's
During the debate around the 3 hour hour mark some bitch with dark skin can be seen entering his room while covering herself with a towel. Clearly not his wife and looks to be non white. Also look up who his (((mentor))) was. Last name was Gottfreid, that says it all. He supports Israel, believes the holocaust happened, claims that the holomodor was a natural famine and not manmade and he says nothing critical of Jews, only attacks brown people. Never a single fucking mention of those who import the brown people. He is a glow in the dark CIA nigger
I was using a hypothetical to explain my point.
>White supremacist
>Black woman in his room
100% controlled opposition.
He's a figurehead, he looks the part and talks shite basically. Earlier he said that all his ancestors sailed out of London, alluding to this as proof that it is easy to control an Empire, like the British did.
>If this controlled opposition is controlled opposition, there's no point in trying!
>If we were to one day find that to be true, we should just give up!
>Because of that, let's stop asking who is and isn't controlled opposition.
t. fellow non-controlled opposition
>Opinions needed.
OP asks for opinions. Posts once.
Fucking shills are a disappointment in all threads. No wonder they're fucking virgins. They can't even shitpost properly. Who the fuck can expect such low level betas to keep their women satisfied?
Yes he is controlled opposition.
On a stream today I heard him say "The only way anyone would oppose Syrian refugees is because they are racist" which is the exact nonsense narrative that leftists try to use.
I already said that was Blair WHITE. don’t you listen?
Fucking this
It made you all look like assholes. It was a massive tactical loss and potential strategic loss but your enemies reacted in outrageous and unpredictable ways. Luckily it provided the alt right with the gut check it needed to double down on their online game before commiting to getting arrested for a series of shitty street demonstrations. You’d think for people who read Mein Kampf they would know the importance of timing these things.
His solution to create an ethnostate is laughable. Deporting non-white would never fly without extreme amount of violence and military intervention.
Work on reversing demographic trends, it's the only workable solution.
He’s one of the few people actually doing something meaningful. Anyone who says he is controlled op is likely a Jew-bot or brainlet jew-bot believer.
Also it enabled Trump to singlehandedly move the Overton Window right by calling out the "alt left"
he's right though. I oppose them because I am racist. Their race would not improve the nation. He probably agrees. I imagine that a nation of high IQ whites with Islam wouldn't be so bad, hitler agreed. His statement is correct.
I thought it was a black woman
>he's right though. I oppose them because I am racist.
brainlets like this are why white nationalism is doomed. They are sheep lead right into the jew's trap.
>How do you do, fellow racist Nazis?
t. Schlomo Shekelbergstein
He makes some solid points but he has no actual plan or any sort of goal
He thinks somehow that Europe is going to form a continent wide ethnostate
Pretty accurate.
OP, all of the people in this thread are paid by Soros. RS is a great stepping stone for our movement. He's making all these cuckboys talking about the ethnostate, as like an absolute thing that is coming
>Is he a controlled opposition?
Why do you need to know?
I don't know what the leprechaun is referring to or how accurate it is, but you do know if it is as he says then Spencer is actually defending Syrian refugees?
>Stupid enough to come on camera
>Knowing the viewers are the HWNDU autists
I can't tell if they're retarded, playing 47D chess or thought they could get away with it
No, it was Blair white, his tranny slave.
>gas me, Richard. Gas me real good.
Soygoy detected
>Is he a controlled opposition?
He's your basic bitch country club Republican who accidentally got redpilled. If he was a "CIA nigger" as Moarpheus autistically implies in thread after thread after thread, then he wouldn't be banned from visiting whole countries and the cops would have pursued the assault case against the man who hit him.
AKA it propogated the divide part of divide and conquer, and raised the bad goys to the forefront. Before we were a bunch of scattered voices pushing our collective narrative, now we're closer to a neatly coalesced group with a public face and their (((guy))) at the forefront. It's a textbook co-opt, and you niggers fell for it.
>everyone who leads a rightwing movement is controlled-opposition
Where are the proofs?
Imagine this
a Kike has elevated himself to possibly being the most recognized face in the new counter culture movement.
He Doesn't care about white genocide
He Openly supports globalization through capitalism
>Is Richard Spencer controlled opposition?
Nothing in this post works against the theory that Spencer is a government asset. I'm not saying he is, I'm saying nothing you've said lends itself to the idea that he isn't.
>physically attacked with no legal repurcussions to his attacker (who was identified)
And? Why would an alphabet agency want to jeopardize the cover of an asset by muddling their operation in a criminal investigation that they may not even be able to control? This actually lends itself to the theory that he is an asset, not that he isn't.
>villified by the media
That's the whole point. His job is to make WNism look stupid by being a punching bag for the media/left.
>banned from most European countries
Are we supposed to pretend that a federal agency conducting a domestic intelligence operation has the power over the State Dept. to force several European countries to ban Spencer from entry? That's silly. And it wouldn't demonstrate anything even if it were true. How would that mean he wasn't an asset?
>unable to travel by air without being harassed
Harassed by who? And so what? Again, the alphabet agency in question is not some supervillain's central computer that has control over every government apparatus on earth.
Whatever cunt, having patchy pubic hair looking beards isn't a good look.
>the most recognized face in the new counter culture movement.
What? Lol.
Boomers like him. Nobody under 35 gives a serious shit about Shapiro. His burned that bridge with his rabid anti-Trump shit during the election and all the entry-level redpilled kiddies have since grown up and learned far more.
This a thousand times this.
Shapiro is the actual jew. Spencer in his current stream with baked Alaska basically supports white supremacy and fascism. He's legit but trying to be crypto fascist...he's just starting to fail at that and the veil is slipping.
i don't understand why all these people are saying that spencer is controlled opposition when he's done so much to advance the cause of white nationalism
the people who attack him are so dedicated and unwilling to listen to other people i feel like this could be an attempt to cause infighting
>I almost get it with David Duke
Why must you always look to others to form your opinions you degenerate loser. This is why you fail because you can't formulate your own thoughts. FUcks sake.
you fell for a retarded meme made for retarded people, true controlled op doesnt work this long as le secret agent to the point where he becomes a known public face and gets punched on sight
No. David Duke is old and they need a new monkey to dance for them every four years.
Well regardless of whether he's CIA/FBI/or completely legit, the guy's actually an idiot.
They're idiots friend. Just idiots who think that the government bugs their house probably.
have you seen his niggercianigger?
yes he is a cianigger
Common sense and observation are all that is needed.
Alt right was DOA the moment it got a name and left anonymity.
spencer isn't controlled op but that pic is gay and you should delete it
I don't know if in the context Spencer was defending taking in refugees. However, if he said that we don't want them because we are racist HE IS 100% correct.
Now, the sooner we admit that the fucking better. Race-realism, racism, biological-racism, whatever you want to call it, we recognize race, and use that information to guide policies. I suppose racism might imply PREjudice at the individual level, which most people here don't even have.
But again, Spencer is correct. If the refugees were beautiful white smart women from germany we would be happy to take them. THIS IS NOT SHAMEFUL OR BAD TO SAY
I made my opinion entirely based on what I've seen and read about Richard Spencer,and the whole Alt Right situation.
Even still,I cannot with certainty tell if Spencer is a plant or not,which is why I came here to ask for people to give their opinions.Listening to other peoples opinions gives me different perspective,and also new information,which I then use to weight in different sides of the argument.
Both of you should consider suicide.
Dude "red pilled" normie kids fuckin drool over this guy
He could have been asking because it is easy to just adopt someone else’s opinion if it sounds convincing enough. But he also could be generating discussion so he has more information and a better picture so he can then come to his own conclusion.
yes but that doesnt mean you cant root for him in arguments. He came out looking better than sargone during that last discussion. But yes he is totally fishy and wouldnt trust him. his connections and past are too sketchy. Who knows maybe all these jewtubers are compromised. Even faggots like styx.
Not sure if he's CO, but he takes more selfies than a teenage girl
>But he also could be generating discussion so he has more information and a better picture so he can then come to his own conclusion.
I wrote the same above.
OP is a kike shill.
Spencer is dangerous to the Jews, so the Jews attack him - here and everywhere.
>"Also don't go to war with Stalin, man"
Could just be a maid
>Nigger working as a maid I Richard Spencers home
Explain the thought process please
You have to close the borders to reverse demographic trends. If you have the power to close the borders you have the power to start deporting non-whites, at least all of the ones who aren't citizens at first.
She could be white,black or asian.You cannot tell.
Please stop the irrelevant shilling.
Probably the Bush crime family's ploy to be in control of some white national ethno-state.
>His job is to make WNism look stupid by being a punching bag for the media/left.
White Nationalism already had a media-established stereotype image of a tattooed meth-addicted felon. This wasn't being strongly challenged off of the internet- why would the media seak to replace it with an ivy-league educated person who meets all the social cues associated with being high-status?
Also, Spencer's family is pretty wealthy, by all accounts they own millions in commercial and residential real estate. Do a lot of trust fund millionaires end up becoming $45,000 a year federal employees?
She's not white, her complexion is too dark
>Meme flagging
Just stop
I do not think he is controlled opposition. I'm at 23 yr old woman, and I'm love to breed with him, I'm ready to start pumping out white babies. Most normies that I'm around are fucking so so dumb, it's they're no way to break through the conditioning, weather its a beta, alpha, chad, basic bitch..
My ex fiancé is a financial consultant who was basically a neocon.
Yea.. I'm in love w Spence and obviously I'm biased since I literally suck the cum out of his cock and spit it out and rub it on my chest as I rubbed it in my able porcelain white titties and pointed hard nips
He is definitely controlled op and in bed with pretty sinister people.
However, he also triggered Soygoy of Blackdad pretty well and seems to actually enjoy his LARP.
So he's a fucking LARPing faggot and you should NEVER associate with him irl or trust him EVER and DEFINITELY do not give him any personal info (as he required of supporters), but that being said I guess he's /ouragentprovocateurthatwilldoxandblackmailyouifyou'redumbenoughtogivehimthechance/ now
> thicker hair at the top of a head appears darker than thinner, spread out, hair at the bottom of a head, especially when it is further seperated by a collar
Woah, amazing fine.
Seriously, Spencer's new (white) gf already got doxxed. She is also mommy-tier.
Nope, he's a clear net positive. No one's perfect.
>implying that Hitler wasn't perfect
The thought process would be that he wanted a maid and hired one. Do you
think there are a lot of white people working as maids in Alexandria, Virginia, a former slave trade port? Or that there are a lot of female black housekeepers keeping up to date with far-right politics? If he uses a cleaning agency they also might frequently send different people.
No clue though, just an idea.
I would expect a black to be aware of who Richard Spencer is, am I expecting too much of them?
I wouldn't work for a french faggot
>His statement is correct.
No it isn't, it's a thought terminating emotional ploy. What if I dislike Syrian refugees because most of them aren't Syrian or refugees?
>I would expect a black to be aware of who Richard Spencer is, am I expecting too much of them?
Probably, yeah, especially a woman in a low-level service industry. It's not exactly like he's out calling for the lynching of niggers either. It's also possible that a maid agency would send different employees around to different clients depending on the day, even if you think you recognize the idea and have the vague sense that he's involved in racial politics that's not necessarily something you'd throw away your job over.
But I don't know, it's legitimate to ask questions about it.
If she was that stupid and ignorant of the situation why did she put a towel on her head?
That's literally her hair,you mongoloid.
>what is hair
yeah, they are african double niggers and that's why we should oppose every single one. It's okay to be racist.
She realized she accidentally entered a room after she was told he needed privacy and was clearly having a video conference?