Saekano thread

Why is my wife Eriri so cute?

Because of the twintails

Eriri s shit. A SHIT.


Poor man's Michiru.


>his cousin is a romantic interest

Not even going to bother picking up. What is it with Japan anime and cousins

Izumi a best.

She just is. Best girl, too.

>Utahafags claim Koisuru Metronome is better
>when new chapters come out, no one discusses them

Utahafags BTFO.

Because Grade S ZR and moe.

Worst girl just watched episode 1 even when utaha wanted to be friends with her she just kept on acting like a bitch, i don't know how can people even like her

Better and cuter than Utaha at least.

>The friendless and stuck-up bitch who looks down on everyone wanting to be friends
Are all Utahafags this retarded?

That's an autist repeating bait that he posted from the other thread.

Utaha just has that horrible of a personality. Eriri gets along fine with Megumi even though they like the same guy.

My comrade.

Her BTFO face when she consistently fails to achieve anything in her love life or getting the upper hand in an argument.

I want to see her face when I lick her sweat.

refined taste user

BASED doki saves anime.

She's adorable.


Say what you want but Eriri will win.

Utaha a shit.

Probably this.

>Using FFF when Doki is available

I wonder if they'll change the train scene that happens at the end.

Both doki and fff have a pretty shit track record of stalling. Recently though, fff has been worse than usual.
Please doki, deliver us from the meme cartel.

Is this worth watching ? I just finished the 1st episode of S1 and I'm already annoyed at the fact that MC's already got 3 bitches after his cock

It's not about stalling. I can wait for good subs. But about translation quality. FFF became an another commie variation over time. Doki is probably the most accurate group nowadays (without overliteral sentences), they are not using stupid puns, memes and general script writing. I really respect them for their work, the only group which I trust.
If someone is hating Doki, then I know that he don't know anything about translation.
They are using British English so Americans probably hate it because of it. I prefer British English (English is not my primary language btw), but it's not like I wouldn't watch their releases if they would use American English, as long as they translations stay the same - without culture washout, memes, scriptwriting; with honorifics, proper name order, proper romanization (Katou not Kato) etc.

Eh... I mean, she's not as cute as my goddess Utaha, but I can definitely see where you're coming from.

I don't know, Katou is still my favorite girl, but Eriri is now very close to dethrone her.

pig fat slut.
cousin is best.

I know harem MC's are usually pretty lame, but holy fuck how gay are you that you're not balls deep in this

So is there even one person aside of me reading the manga?
How does it make you feel that the anime adaption is four times worse than the manga adaption plot and character wise?

Anime adaption really feels like >> let's turn this into generic harem X doujin 'n' otaku parody stuff

>four times worse

That's a very specific quantification, I trust you can elaborate

She never wanted to be friends with her but just tell her that she respects her as a creator plus inquire what her relationship is with Ethical-kun because rivalry.

Eh, I do indeed waifu Utaha, but it's not because of her perceived lewdness. It's pretty obvious to me that she fakes it and she only does because Rinri-kun is a beta faggot. She recently did not follow up on her lewd stated intentions in Koisuru Metronome, did she? I believe that, were Rinri-fag to receive an injection of balls, she would immediately stop using her sex appeal on him, cause shit would probably get too real for her to be truly comfortable with it.

>tripfag literally named poo
>likes Tsundere

Like poetry, it rhymes

Can someone tell me the point to Michiru's character when Utaha already has an amazing body and is overtly lewd?

They're a british fansub group, why would anyone have a problem with them using british english?

I'm not autistic about sub quality, as long as it's technically correct and there aren't grammar and spelling errors, it's good. It's not like the majority of anime is well-written to begin with.
Shit like honorifics and romanization isn't a big deal since you can hear it. However, the memes fff decided to keep though in gab dropout is a completely different story.
Overall, timely releases and video quality are bigger factors for me, and hopefully doki will deliver.

1. Utaha is just pretending because Rinri-fag is a beta spaghetti-spilling shitlord, while Michiru is a legit delinquent normie and her lewdness comes more from an angle of (looking like) not giving too much of a shit
2. Michiru challenges Eriri's osananajimi privilege

Aaand that's it. Pretty weak premise, I agree.

To advance the story or do you want to release a galge without music?
Besides that just another punchline for Utaha to use against Eriri.

She lost her standing as first and best childhood friend. She must advance. She betrayed her position anyways long ago.

Just MUH dick.

Oh premise wise: Don't forget the series if about otaku meta humor so character cliche roles are important.

Anime is too harem-esque though so no wonder.

Dem collarboner to zettai ryouiki are at a perfect angle.

Das it mane

This is your cousin who is crashing in your room for a few weeks with your parents blessing

What do you do?

why was the OP so shit?

Throw her out bc there's no room and she'd just throw out my stuff.

Is this owned by Jews too?

>catching up with first season
>op finishes
>tsun opens her trap
>senpai gives a sly remark
>mc otakus it up
>hat gives a sly remark
>repeat for 20 minutes
>ed and preview
This is worst than the avengers, what the fuck?

The story picks up way slow, yes. The art is really good though and the chars get some sort of characterization near the end.

But stay for the art.

How do you feel about a weak and defenseless Utaha looking sexy?

Tell me Sup Forums

How come Megumi has been positioned as the winning girl from the beginning despite the fact that her only defining characteristic is that she has no defining characteristics while being surrounded by girls that are actually interesting and memorable?

Because she's the main girl, main girls always wins.

Because she hasn't been positioned as the winning girl at all. Again, the anime adaption isn't the ultimate truth nor is it any good.

In the anime she doesn't even exist at all which I suppose is a method to convey her non existing / not developed personality.
All Megumi is doing in the anime are one-punch replies as if she understands everything that's happening around her.

That's the whole fucking point of the anime and the title.

Megumi's supposed to be boring on the surface.j

That's her strength, she doesn't belong in any common anime tropes. You don't need a defining characteristic for a character to be interesting and memorable.
And as always, Megumi best girl

It's pretty normal in Japan for cousins to be romantically involved

Because he actually wants to achieve his dream and make the game, not be a desperate horny teenager

At least it's 99% better than currently airing anime

You can be balls deep in Utaha or any of the girls and still achieve your dream though.

No you can't, all the girls he needed to make the game will leave. Plus it's more beneficial to take advantage of the free labor they're offering first (and finish the game, achieving his dream), and then be balls deep in any girl you like.

>Megumi not the winning girl

How can anyone be so delusional?

Lol, she's the entire driving force behind entire the series. No Megumi and Tomoya wouldn't even think of making the game, and if there's no game to make then the wouldn't even be assembled.

Is the LN worth reading?

I always assumed the point of Saekano's premise (Tomoya making a game inspired by his first encounter with Megumi) was his long-winded justification for falling for Megumi despite her not falling into the cliche romcom character archetypes he's so familiar with. The main heroine IS based on Megumi after all


If you try anything she will wake up and put your head off

>The main heroine IS based on Megumi after all
More like the main heroine IS Megumi ;)
Unless you're Rinri-kun

>while being surrounded by girls that are actually interesting and memorable?
Only Utaha is.

Eriri is an annoying cunt that detracts from the quality of the show and Michiru is only good for her body.