Any lurkers here? Anons who only read and never write anything? Give us your wisdom, say something. Why do you never post anything?
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The core of most argument among the right on this board boils down to Platonic vs Aristotle based arguments. Usually the Plato based arguments win out in the end. Due to the innate desire for a stronger government to combat the influx of the degenerates attacking western culture.
I am pretty sure the government has fucked over a lot of people on this board more then just pushing ideological lines.
That and blaming the Jews is a easy answer for a complicated questions that only helps the Zionist in the end. Explaining how things work and breaking it down step by step on how the Zionist fuck us over is much more conservative then making a jab at those with hooked noses.
*shrugs shoulders*
*penis shrivels*
I hardly ever post here, been lurking for years.
Just wanted to say the Jewish conspiracy is retarded, besides the Bolsheviks and the Holohoax. Night guys
nothing matters.
I hear you, but you have to admit that a real and true final solution would probably do more good than harm in the long run.
So basically the the conspiracy doesn't exist, except for the entire conspiracy? can't tell if retarded or trolling. either way, well played.
I've been lurking for months now. I hate niggers like everyone else on this board now.
Tbh I really don't fuck with the Nazi fetish on this board and whenever I call it out I get called a cuck Jew. Just wish people here had discussions instead of calling everyone that disagrees with them a shill or redditor
I never liked how the disk is off-center on that flag. Any reason for this?
The whole "everything bad is the result of the Jews" is what I'm saying isn't true.
This place takes my mind off my crippling mental illness. After work and family obligations, lurking here is all I really do.
I like reading how people hate niggers, as I do as well
Most of those with hooked noses are just used by the Globalist to push forward the, for lack of a better term, New World Order.
Those with hooked noses are tribal in nature and paranoid along with easily controlled through fear and pride. That along with their higher then average IQs put them at a good position to push toward the agenda.
Sure the Zionist being eliminated could help establish a strong western community. But it would be better to promote our values into their culture. We need to face the facts that we are surrounded by the hoard of endless hunger in Africa and the mindless tools of Asia who have no history of free though and individual liberation.
The west is surrounded by enemies, sadly our last little brother, those with hooked noses, are lost for right now and have decided to detach themselves from our share values. So it will be their choice in the future if they wish to join the west or be devoured by the hoard of feeders or sacrifices to the worshipers of death.
I just want every ethnicity, people, town, and nation, and individual to decide for themselves as much as possible without being told what to do while still strongly maintaining their unique culture. I don't want white cultures to disappear as they are trending towards.
The Jews are the bankers, politicians and in the media. They helped cause The American Revolution, American Civil War, French Revolution and Napoleonic War, WW2, Sandyhook, Destroyed the USS Liberty, did 9/11, did the Iraq and Afghan War, killed Gaddafi, Started the Syrian Civil War, Created ISIS, are apart of Freemasons and other secret satanic societies and were the creators of Communism and controlled many Communist governments across Eastern Europe and they have the EU and America.
jej you cuck jew redditite shill, lrn2 national socialism
>t. 12 yr lurker
History and logistics show a true final solution is almost totally impracticable. Also the results of a failed attempt would be disastrous. Pic related is Berlin
Yeah it’s best to continue to make sure they promote nationalism while make it more difficult for them to live in western society. Keeping them isolated in their own land.
Serial shitposter here. Lurkers are fags. So are Europeans. Drumpf.
Because the time is not right yet
Our little brother is a cancerous tumor. The USA should do 3 things:
1) Launch a new currency under the control of elected officials so that they can...
2) Abolish our debt to the Federal Reserve (tell them to go fuck themselves under threat of annihilation)
3) Make Israel become a territory of the United States and all laws applicable or we stop all foreign aid to them.
See, there's no need to gas anybody.
Bait and gay. Enumeration of user base. SAGE
Serious post though:
You need to create your own future, you need to take that back for yourself. It follows that you should fight for your direct family, and for the interests of your extended racial family. We need to accept what I call the "lost generation" somewhere between gen-x and late milllenials. We are among those who may need to settle on a wold less than the purity we strive for. We should embrace in-group preferences, and a purity ideal, but we should accept that the purity ideal will be one left to our children, and theirs. If we reproduce, we can teach our children the ideal we strive for, and therefor our legacy can be cemented by our teachings.
Be the change you want to see in the world. Godspeed.
lol fag
Sorry user, that was a really well thought out post and I just thought it needed some balance. Carry on gentlemen.
How do the Rothschilds own Central Banks in every country but 3?
World War 3 for Zionism
In the sense that the world's jewry doesn't have monthly gatherings where they figure out how each individual jew will act as a cog in the machine of zionist cultural and political domination? I think that's just the simplistic way our ideological enemies, or even those who are apathetic and stick to mainstream views simply out of what they absorb in their day to day lives, reduce the JQ to. As far as people who claim to have those views within our ideological camp? I'd have to assume those niggers are mongoloids or the equivalent of undercover FBI in racial militia movements.
There is knowledge here. Knowledge of lies. The most important things to know. And seeing how the argument of others unfolds is something to take heart, the methods and mistakes. I don't post because I don't have the time or reason to. I've got my whole being invested in creating a future for my children and my furthering my name and family line. All I can do is be me, i am all I can be. I will not be stopped period and I need to know the undercurrent of motives not my own because the choices I make today will affect all who come after me and I need look no further than my own parents and grandparents to know it's the truth.
Most people are retarded, too many shills (newer term but good for describing people who come like missionaries to convert us heathens.... )They've become more organized though, finally took the advice to lurk more, too many newfags as well but that could be good.
This place used to be a liberal Marxist hellhole. The fact that the right managed take this place and oust the lefties to their own containment board is telling.
Content has probably had a net negative shift, fewer debate threads about actually stimulating content but to be fair it used to just be the same core threads and a bunch of pseudo-intellectual crap. Plus all the threads were just mob rule by Marxists.
Interestingly enough the same threads still exist but shifted right (I.e. thread proposed on same topic but more frequently from the right side of view with lefties being drown out by right sided people). Always think those threads are shill threads. Even before they were shill threads it all has a very controlled feel.
Lot of the conspiracy shit remains (back then It was heavy 9/11), again similar shift to the right now.
You actually get better news on here now. Content selected based on users (right leaning) but sources are more frequent (fear of propaganda slightly more than a desire for objectivity) and more varied (because of the whole fake news strawman).
I do miss the logic debates though. Unfortunately they are distractions at this point.
I would love to see organized movement from Sup Forums but it seems unlikely. Plus very easy to sink. Too many fucked up outcasts in the true sense (used be more people who rejected society rather than people rejected by society).
Also too dangerous now. Lots of shit going on. Honestly I think we are fucked. We passed the point of no return a while ago.
A slow rotting death with bursts of violence and misery are all that await us now.
The only thing we can do is refuse to go quietly. Rage against the dying of the light.
Oh one more thing. The archives.
Archiving shit on the internet is something you should do every day. It is so invaluable to be able to pull an archive and out peoples bullshit.
I lurk because I am a newfag and I know my place
Bitcoin is engineered by the CIA and powers that be, in order to make instant millionaires. The treasury will then make laws that will enable them to track EVERY bit of a person's finances. Bitcoin is to money what September 11 was to privacy. I rarely post here, not very many interesting discussion when I do.
I don't know what to think about all the things I've read here. Economically and governmentally I know what I believe, despite how unlikely they would be to implement in America. I'm definitely not a capitalist, I'm not a communist either, so I guess the closest to what I believe is socialism, primarily for state-controlled banks, labor-backed currency, banning usury, and to direct demand away from unnecessary/harmful products. I prefer rule by one to rule by many, mainly to place responsibility on someone for their actions, but Americans will never go for that. The questions I have the most difficulty with are on questions of identity. My soul tells me not to be racist, to love all people, but my mind says it won't work, especially in America, and my body says that I should fight what's happening. I see the statistics, the crimes, etc. but I still can't hate a group for the actions of individuals. I think it would be best to go our separate ways, but I don't see how such a break could happen cleanly. I was discussing the role of women in society with my sister. I can empathize with her wanting women to have more power in society but at the same time I feel it's fundamentally wrong, and my heart tells me women only want this power to use it against men.
Sorry I don't have more to contribute.
The Old Bill would be round in a jiffy to feel my collar if I ever posted....oh fug