inb4 >Women are too weak what does physical strength matter when modern guns shoot over 9000rpm >Women are too emotional actually, studies show the opposite, women are calmer in combat situations due to lower test AND women suffer less from PTSD
Show me the peer reviewed studies that show women do better in combat situations. Stressful situations in normal life aren't the same as people dying around you.
Not really against the idea but I'm not sure it should be encouraged given the fact that Males are the majority in the army of basically any country so the Female in question either be ready to commit suicide or become a sex slave if captured.
Jayden Butler
Women should defend out nations, not men,
Jaxson Jones
Aaron Johnson
They cry in public over the dumbest shit. And you want me to believe they react better to stressful situations? Nigger pls
Jonathan Bell
I've seen men in public, i cry, real men aren't afraid to hide their emotions, you care too much about what people think.
Jeremiah Butler
When will the Olympics start letting men compete against women?
When that happens, let's start
Matthew Moore
The fact that you don't understand why people in the military need to be physically strong destroys your credibility. Plus your a leaf.
Christian Barnes
Jack Gonzalez
stupid leaf faggot
Christian Williams
They can perform office tasks well enough. Drive a truck. Even fly a chopper. However, they aren't very durable physically so they fall apart during extended field ops common to combat arms units like the infantry. But even armour and artillery are tough because 155mm shells are about 100lbs. For a few days they're OK, and a lot FTX's are 5-7 days to accommodate this. Higher rate of skeletal injuries, e.g. pelvis >Lower bone density and muscle to fat ratio (lean body mass) leads to stress fractures being far more common in female military cadets (3.4–21%) than in their male counterparts (0.9–5.2%).
When reading MSM reports watch out for the phrase "the front lines". Activists use it to bamboozle the public. Yes, a transportation company serves in the front lines, but these units don't live in the front lines like the infantry does.
'Nuff said.
Gavin Miller
Shit, woman can't even compete against the trannies.
Sebastian Robinson
Jacob Collins
t. civnat
Jacob Reed
< related
Cameron Cruz
>over 9000 Theres your answer
Adrian Murphy
>what does physical strength matter when modern guns shoot over 9000rpm. Still need to haul those modern guns around the battlefield, user.
>shoot over 9000rpm. >over 9000. Fuck you, leaf.
Gavin Myers
>IN THE MILITARY >WEARS MAKEUP I guess she gotta look good for the enemy
Jack Johnson
>1 post by this ID and faggots falling for it
Caleb Rivera
>what does physical strength matter when modern guns shoot over 9000rpm >muh rpm >doesn't understand how firefights work >has never carried over 100lbs worth of gear uphill in a desert shithole
Ethan Ortiz
Woman get PTSD from breaking a nail or having to pay for their fair share of food. Also they are to weak because you have to carry heavy ass packs for god knows how far in shitty ass conditions. Most woman could barely go camping with a 20L pack let alone be able to handle a warzone. Put if you really want to freeze up and get shot in a warzone just head on down to the ghetto.
Liam Lopez
>if you're mentally and physically fit, you should be allowed to serve
Common sentiment used to dupe the public.
Institutions are politically savvy enough to not lower the standard for women. Instead, they lower the standard for men with the intent to make it attainable for women. This allows the press spokesperson and generals to not lie when the say things like "The ladies meet the men's standards" and "Standards were not lowered for women." The end result is not only do you have less capable women running around and fucking this up by being unable to carry their ruck, the men are less capable too. An enemy can only dream to achieve when leftist activists running rampant in the institutions can achieve.
>Control the definition and you control the outcome.
Jonathan Thompson
A firefight ensues, you tell your female partner you are running across the field to grab those ammunitions you left at previous checkpoint
Running back across the field you take a sniper bullet to the hip and both your legs are paralyzed. You are 225lbs and your partner is 130lb
"Maria help HELP!!!!!! PLEASE MARIA HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She runs out at less-than-male-speed and tries dragging you but literally can't even move you 5 inches. You are crying in pain and her standing still gets her shot by sniper fire too. You are both dead because she can't even lift. You look to her to tell her to get the medic trunk 5m over; shocked you see her making kissy lips with a peace sign taking an instagram photo of the two of you, caption: "I think we got a little too over our heads on this one! :P
Jack Hughes
She doesn't look like military
Camden Miller
War is a long grind where two sides try to drive each other into the dirt under the worst conditions imaginable. You're not just in static location shooting a weapon . You're going to be out in the hundred twenty degree heat running around in circles for six hours carrying 80 pounds of gear . Women don't ever ever ever get close to the fighting. it wouldn't matter if they're in a combat MOS or in a forward deployed unit. The weak get pushed out, pushed back, replaced, sent home. Any stories of women in contact are completely incidental where they happened to get attacked and survive long enough for someone to come save them. There's a big difference between that and trying to figure out where the enemy is and how to kill them.
Thomas Ortiz
Fucking idiotic thing to say. Why? So that they can lift half the gear and run half the distance in combat situations? Countries without your retarded politics would squash you and you'd deserve it.
Blake Martin
Its not that they can't (and most can't) its that they shouldn't
Fighting units should be made of people who are very similar who can easily take on the role of brother in arms. Adding women to the mix just complicates the basic duty which is...killing stuff in the most efficient manner possible
Liam Turner
I suppose you would have an argument but that's not the only reason why they are a liability more than an asset in war, one of them is handling stress.
It's ease to make the argument that men are better at war than women, but every one says that women have a better communication development and they don't rule politics, why?
Because men sides with reason and women sides with emotion.
Zachary Turner
The problem with male soldiers is toxic masculinity. A male soldier will desire to kill the enemy, and this is unacceptable in modern warfare. Therefore we need to feminise the military t. Australian ministry of defence
Nathaniel Allen
>inb4 >women are too weak Well yeah, they are. Women do work consistently and for long hours, I've seen it, but when dealing with a lot of weight (as they will almost all the time in the military), women fall short. It's natural, don't be offended by it. >Women are too emotional Even if you're right about PTSD being less common in women (contrary to the MSM's constant victimizing of women), women are still too emotional. They always, over dramatize whatever situation they're in to draw sympathy to themselves. It's bad for cohesion.
Also, it's difficult for a man to not want to protect a woman in danger. An injured woman coupled with the right/wrong man could mean 2 casualties instead of one.
Dominic Edwards
>desire to kill the enemy >unacceptable >in warfare so you're just going to bake cookies for sandniggers or what?
Jace Hall
>over 9000 rounds per minute >modern guns what? i thought the highest was like 6000rpm
Justin Richardson
This is just ridiculous. Have you ever been in a stressful situation with a woman around? I'd say that at least half of them just go in a panic mode. It's just horrible.
Josiah Murphy
>women suffer less from PTSD this is the opposite of the truth.
Angel Foster
Yes, aggression is a BIG no-no in recruitment and advancement here if I were to say that I wished to fight against Australia's enemies at recruitment they would show me the door. Not like I'd even get an interview seeing as how our recruiters are under orders to only admit women
Brody Gray
t. never soldiered a day in his life
Isaac Phillips
>Women are too weak. what does physical strength matter when modern guns shoot over 9000rpm
>Women are too emotional actually, studies show the opposite, women are calmer in combat situations due to lower test AND women suffer less from PTSD
You did poorly right off the bat OP
Christian Gutierrez
>Why do you believe women cannot be into military?
Because I've had experience with women. Next question?
Jacob Sanchez
They can serve in some specific forces. Like signal corps, air defense, military logistics, air force and so on. The idea to putting them in infantry forces or marines is pure idiocy and that's it.
Angel Moore
John Howard
you are a retard.
Tyler Gray
Women are all that defend this nation.
Our military is a fucking laugh.
Brandon Gutierrez
The us defends your "nation" not any Canadian man or woman
Jason Peterson
what does physical strength matter when modern guns shoot over 9000rpm carry 50 kg beying a woman is not easy hec even males find that dificult .
actually, studies show the opposite, women are calmer in combat situations due to lower test AND women suffer less from PTSD
because males are 10 times more likedly to try and protect females than males, they will do stupid things like wait for the woman, if she gets shoot all guys will try to cover her at all times. its quite silly omho. >also what is sexual assault ptsd?
there are exceptions trought.
Dominic Allen
Women carry the seeds of the nation, if they die in combat so does your people. It's beyond retarded to push them in harms way.
Jose Jones
Wars should only be fought by the cutest women from each country.
And by fight I mean kiss
Jonathan Barnes
I am OK with this but only if it's televised
Henry Ortiz
sending your QTs so that your enemy rapes then. the west is not prepared to that.
Gabriel Mitchell
would you still be on board with this policy if we invaded Africa?
Leo Smith
>9000 rpm fucking retard, proves that you don't know shit about military gear based on this
Joshua Ortiz
which Africa? the more northern ones have hot broads
Tyler Ward
nah the jungle aids ones
Tyler Hill
Jayden Nelson
Army make cuties look like trannies. Especially when they put them in special forces and shit like that. Our army trying do the same as you westerners. Look at her dirty hands and manly face.
Michael Gutierrez
No I am talking about a kissing competition between warring nations
The team that has all its girls blush first loses
Losers have to treat the winning team to a spa day, followed by dinner
If the victor isn't determined after a full day of combat both teams will resolve their issues by beach volleyball but only by short or below average height girls who don't know what volleyball is
Xavier Richardson
>actually, studies show the opposite, women are calmer in combat situations due to lower test
Show these studies.
I've never seen a woman in my life that was calm and collected when men weren't.
Xavier Lee
Women can be in the military. In support roles. They function primarily as fuck objects though. I only have a problem with them trying to skank their way into Combat Arms / SOC / anything that's a historically male dominated MOS.
John Collins
Everything has a cost.
The costs of women in the military: morale due to men having to pick up their slack, and constantly watch their tongues; physical capability, as standards will inevitably be lowered to allow women in; logistics, due to needing separate housing, toiletries, etc. What is gained in exchange for these costs? Not a damned thing. The military is about fighting and winning, not about feefees
If a woman sees these problems and still wants to join, then she isn't serving her country, she's serving her ego.
Ryan Gonzalez
Women are ok, they should have the same standards though. It’s either equality or it isn’t.
Anthony Jenkins
Your second sentence proves exactly why they shouldn't even be in support roles
The only job women should have related to the military
1. Nurses 2. Spies
Everything else should just be charity work related to the soldiers and their needs
Robert Stewart
When I was in the military lots of women were into me, I don't understand what you are getting at?
Liam Stewart
That's because she isn't... 1. Hair not in regs 2. That isn't camo for any military service I'm aware of
She's doing what girls do... play dress up
Brayden Ortiz
She's probably just out shooting you autists. That looks like generic hunting camo to me.
Parker Garcia
Your Russian women are super hot... even when they try to make them look manly, they're still cuties.
Wyatt Cooper
Generic camo... correct
Tyler Cook
Gubment train them to kill you burger. And they're even more fucked up in the head than our male army brainlets.
Evan Ortiz
I like the way you think.
Landon Lopez
I believe women should be able to serve in a support capacity. When it comes to labour or paperwork women can work just as well as a man, in my experience. Not so much for women serving in combat arms. One too many times I've had to hump 2 rucksacks for a woman or have them grab the straps in the back and trail them along. I've also noticed they tire much faster with lack of sleep or not getting regular meals. When it comes to cold weather, female troops tend to feel colder sooner, and have trouble pulling a sled while snowshoeing. This is just my observations. I will admit though that the female troops are better shots on average at the rifle range. Maybe due to their calmness. I'd say keep them in support and not in combat arms. t. 8 years combat engineer
>PDFs & PNGs for printing here (new website address! old address redirects)
Posters go up Jan 21 at night on campuses around the world. Until then the objective is to promote MBMC online to maximize printed posters & feet on the ground.
Meh... they'll die on the way over on your fucked up subs and 1 shitty carrier. I'm not too worried. In the meantime, your human trafficked hookers are really sexy. So are the cam girls. Thanks Mother Russia!
Connor Miller
By saying you don't need strength to be in the military you have demonstrated that you have no fucking clue what you are talking about whatsoever, the military isn't your cultural diversity experiment faggot.
Josiah Reyes
Women shouldn't be in war, no one should be. The fact that you women want to be in the military so badly, just shows you're not cut out for it. You should be home, making babies. Not out in the field dodging gunfire.
Michael White
They can be drafted to suck US cock every time we keep the scary people at bay. In reality this would work better than your current plan of inviting the terrorist in and encouraging the women to suck their cocks. Where is a rake when you need one.
Aaron King
Having a bleeding vag in a place where you can't stop at a pharmacy for months at a time is a health hazard.
Hudson Nguyen
>Shit private are you hit >No sir it's my time of the month
Lincoln Rodriguez
Out military strategy based on ground defense burger. Not on fleet.
Charles Barnes
Also most women join the military to get pregnant so they can suck off the government dime. Soon as they about to go back they get pregnant again and maybe claim rape to get extra time to"recover"
Luis Stewart
Although I do see the great value of women serving, I believe it would be best not to do it. Women are a great asset and perform well in many tasks, even though they may lack the physical strength.
Why am I opposed? Reproduction. We absolutely need the white offspring right now and to get that, we shouldn't be sending our finest fertile women into battle.
Camden Robinson
Why would we want to invade your shithole country? Good for you on the ground defense though. So long as you stay in your shithole, all is good.
Jason Robinson
Infantry Marines vs Some Ruskie Broads
Justin Flores
I don't have an opinion on this issue based on gender but the idea that it doesn't matter how strong you are because of guns it retarded and poorly thought out. You are shot and wounded and need someone to help carry you to evac, but we let someone in who cannot carry you because "what does Irma matter when bullets go....".
Being calmer in battle is not factually a good thing. It can be good or bad depending on the situation. A calm person isn't going to think about saving their friends over themselves and risk sacrificing themselves to save them. That isn't done by calm people, calm people say to themselves "just sit tight *insert own name* CAS is on their way" and get overrun killing all of them.
Do they? Last I checked tumbler begs to differ. Also show me the study and I don't want any of this "here is the raw number of cases but we are going to hide the fact that waaaaaaay more men are in combat situations".
Like I said women in the military is fine by me if they can pass all the same test as the men, but you make a shit case for it.
Tyler Wilson
Russian female troops will be pregnant from that photo
Ian Butler
>over 9000
Jaxon Ortiz
would womynz shoot a children carrying a belt explosive that it s going to detonate ? no . can woman carry a wounded man ? no .
Elijah Adams
I saw thus a lot in the Navy. Most chicks that did make deployments were lesbians, prostitutes, or looking for married men with higher rank to be the baby daddy.
Julian Richardson
Actual soldier here.
A woman cannot drag, let alone carry an injured comrade.
That's really all it comes down to.
Being able to drag your buddy to a safe place is a soldier's first and last duty, if you can't do that you have no business being in the uniform.
Zachary Murphy
>Why would we want to invade your shithole country? I don't know you tell me. You tried to do this so many times. Not mention that you're always fucked up with that and run like girls, but still trying. Inst that definition of insanity?
Camden Davis
I support women in combat units. Just as long as constant relentless rape is encouraged
Thomas White
Lol, literally should have ended the thread right there. Ok so women should not be in the military because they are weak, which means that they will have to be helped along the way, especially when it get's physical. They are irrational and not naturally good at leading. Any women will ultimately lead to competition between men to lay her, this greatly reduces unit cohesion. Did I mention women are physically weak? They are slower, cant lift as much, easily distracted, zero upper body strength. Men are better shots then women, have faster reaction time, literally physically stronger than women in every single way. A military is only as strong as your weakest link, why would you purposely make your military weak? The problem is that women have been brainwashed to hate their beautiful role in life, which is to be kind, caring, and nurturing, and bare children. Whats wrong with that?
Adrian Harris
Numale detected
Tyler Diaz
Old memes make me realize how close I am getting to wizardry.
Andrew Jones
She’s looking forward to when she gets repeatedly gangraped by illiterate sandniggers, wants to make sure it’s as enjoyable for them as possible
Dominic Moore
Tried so many times? When exactly did U.S. forces ever try to invade Russia? You all are some paranoid fucks.
Isaac Jones
how is she going to pick up a 200 pound dude if he was injured