How fucked is America, Sup Forums?
Is it happening?
Idk I'm moving to Eastern Europe if this cunt wins
How many of these threads are you going to make?
You honestly think she could win?
I don’t see any good meaning Americans voting for her... just rabid liberals. And of course, black people. She would definitely get the vote from a lot of housewives also. Hmmmm...
Trump better start improving those approval ratings
She would win in a wild swing the opposite direction from Trump.
The US elections are historically a pendelum that swings back and fourth in response to the prior terms of Presidents and whose in power.
Blacks would question, why suddenly Oprah cares about them when for decades she did nothing for the black community
Why all of a sudden because she needs their vote does she care about the inner cities?
Trump was winning awards for his work with revitalizing inner cities through real estate development while she was pushing a book club to sell books to rich white women
Then RIP in piece America, I guess...
>ultimate feel-good puppet president
yeah I think it'll be time to check out.
Oprah's election platform:
"You get a car! You get a car! And you get a car!"
Sadly, Oprah will not run.
Didn't she give a bunch of black people free cars or some shit?
There are going to be a LOT of people running in the DNC primary though. Bernie, Biden, Warren, Kanye West, Booker, Tom Steyer, Julian Castro (gay mexican), Kamala Harris, Zuckerberg. We'll see.
It's happening?
A black woman? Liberals will eat that bullshit up. If she runs she will probably win the primaries
Lock her up >>>>>>
SHE is the devil and Obama's Witch Queen
Sadly? (((You))) want her to?
I almost want her to run and win the primaries... just to ravel in the cascades of liberal tears
Can you imagine?
On the other hand, I don’t want her to run ‘cause she might win... even in she doesn’t, the media will shill SO HARD for her it will be disgusting
Shill thread. Oprah said she isn't running like an hour after this broke. They are pushing it because they are shills. You know what herbs to put on this turd topic.
>just to ravel in the cascades of liberal tears if she loses to Trump
It actually is over if she won.
Have you ever heard Oprah talk off script?
which country?
For me it would depend on difficulty of entering quickly. Poland would be my first choice from limited knowledge, but if one is much more English speaking or an easier to learn language I would go there.
> Biden
No way Biden will run. Comfy retirement vs /pol redpilling the entire country on how he's a pedophile and Trump calling him 'creepy joe'
> Kanye
What makes you think Poland will want you there?
uh poland is the most strict of them all
hope you have a good degree/a lot of fucking cash and know the language by then
im learning polish....for reasons
Did you read what I said? I would follow the rules to enter and follow the law there. If I didn’t qualify I wouldn’t go.
Shes not gonna win either ways you brainlet. Did you forget bush re election? Bush decided for full blown invasion of another country cause some buildings got hit by planes and there was no serious evidence of iraq involvement and people didnt mind it cause CIA niggers came out and said "muh nukes in iraq". On top of that bush supporters were meme'd a hell of a lot more as "rural and suburban retards" then uppity SJWs on twitter did with trump. Trump would literally have to casually drop a moab or nuke of some kind in north korea to lose re-election. Sitting presidents win re-relection 90 percent + of the time. No amount of obamaleaf type people shilling about "trumps economy being good cause of obama" on social media can swing the election in oprahs favor.
Good for Poland. I likely won’t qualify and won’t go if this is the case. I respect them for that. Which of the 4 is easiest to legally immigrate to?
I haven't seen this taken seriously anywhere else other than here. I think you guys are just looking for something to be upset about.
change North Korea with Iran imo
no one would care if Trump Nuked Kimistan
desu I would say Czech or Slovak,they are more open (from what I know when I visited)
Nontheless,beautiful European cities,just like in Poland,nearly only whites there
I'd say Hungaria but that language is not possible to learn if you don't actively live there and speak every day
worst television ever.
Oprah Everywhere CNN Tapper here for deceased Blitzer, Breaking News Oprah kissed a Orphaned white child and offering weight watchers and chocolate to White women who feel disenfranchised by the Patriarchy. This just in Trump Kicked a Blind mans guide dog and remarked What are you blind mocking the man. Trump millions possibly found in the jungles of Columbia, friends with Drug dealers oh No that's the CIA, Trump orders the CIA to enforce cartels rule. Tapper back after the break Oprah, Obama and Ellen Discuss Trans peoples rights to identify as a unicorns and plans to implement Free Unicorn wing Trans ops for anyone that wants them, Army may want Unicorns for observation posts. Yes the world has gone mad
Its also incredibly rare for a president to not serve 2 terms you dumb fuck
>blacks would question
no they wouldn't. if its brown and gives them ebt they will vote in droves
Is this the alt-right equivalent of Canada?
There are no "beautiful cities" anywhere in Eastern Europe with the exception of St.Petersburg that was built by Italians.
Thank you for the info. I will look into them further.
I only watched a few minutes of the 9 minute speech on YouTube. It's just DONALD DRUMPF and "we love you liberal media please keep Hollywood and it's pedophiles safe!"
>black woman gives a decent speech that has nothing to do with politics
>Oh wow she needs to run for President!
>p-please Oprah you're our only hope
>please run
>all we have is Pocahontas please run
The absolute state of the Democratic party.
I wish Trump had chosen her as VP like he planned in 2000.
He's sad because she would be easily defeated.
She'll replace the statue of liberty with Aunt Jemima
Rolling: Oprah revealed as enemy queen.
It's not happening.