The left has been salivating to take back congress in a “Blue Wave” ever since their stunning defeat in 2016. We are going to make sure that it results in a Red Storm where they lose even more seats in the House and Senate.
The left has clung to the idea of a “Blue Wave" in order to give themselves hope - hope that they can bring more radicalized refugees to the United States so that we may suffer what Europe is going through, hope for an even greater souring of race relations so that even more neighborhoods are looted and burned to the ground, hope for more power for feminists to ruin your careers and industries and livelihoods, hope for more political correctness to strangle our freedom of speech, hope for more power to the establishment media to attack us for thoughtcrime, hope that they can take down President Trump - who is our hope at reversing the damage they've done over the past few decades. We are going to make their Blue Wave falter in the midst of a Red Storm.
The purpose of this thread is to provide Sup Forums a convenient guide to the 2018 midterms, and a platform to take action to achieve specific objectives that will prevent any semblance of a “Blue Wave.”
>Defeatist Black Pillers not welcome. Your mentality is for losers. We didn't need you in 2016, and we don't need you now.
>Shills not welcome. Your attempts are utterly transparent. You were wrong in 2016. You were defeated in all 5 House Races in 2017. Your only real victory was in Alabama, and that was when our guy was smeared as a pedo, got massively outspent, and got betrayed by prominent figures in the GOP. You won't be able to do that in every single race this year. We know the stakes are too high for that. On the other hand, legitimate dissenters of all types are welcome.
>REMINDER that most political power in the USA isn't in the Presidency, it's in the Congress. In many ways, this can be even more impactful than Trump becoming President
>REMINDER that a Democrat congress can fuck up everything we've achieved in 2016, and they definitely will try their best to. You can bet that they will seriously try impeachment.
>REMINDER that Trump's victory is a once in a lifetime opportunity. If we fuck up now, we may NEVER get another man like him in government in our lifetime
Jonathan Peterson
>Democrats up for reelection in 2018 in states Trump won: Florida: Bill Nelson (Won by 55% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 74
Indiana: Joe Donnelly (Won by 50% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 61
Michigan: Debbie Stabenow (Won by 59% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 66
Missouri: Claire McCaskill (Won by 55% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 63
Montana: Jon Tester (Won by 49% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 60
North Dakota: Heidi Heitkamp (Won by 50% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 61
Ohio: Sherrod Brown (Won by 51% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 64
Pennsylvania: Bob Casey Jr. (Won by 54% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 56
West Virginia: Joe Manchin (Won by 61% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 69
Wisconsin: Tammy Baldwin (Won by 51% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 54
>Democrats up for reelection in 2018 in states Trump almost won (below 10% margin):
Minnesota: Amy Klobuchar (Won by 65% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 56
New Mexico: Martin Heinrich (Won by 51% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 45
Virginia: Tim Kaine (Won by 53% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 58
Julian Richardson
>Democrats up for reelection in 2018 in “safe blue states," which are an uphill battle but NOT IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN if the Democrat is plagued by scandals, is uncharismatic, and is facing a solid GOP challenger. Reminder that a Republican won Massachusetts back in 2009. In the same way a Democrat can take Alabama in 2017, it is possible to take a “blue state” in 2018. EVEN IF YOU LIVE IN ONE OF THESE STATES, GO VOTE AND SPREAD AWARENESS! ONE OF THESE DEMOCRATS CAN FACE A SCANDAL IN 2018, AND LOSE TO A CHARISMATIC REPUBLICAN.
California: Dianne Feinstein (Won by 63% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 83
Connecticut: Chris Murphy (Won by 55% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 43
Delaware: Tom Carper (Won by 66% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 70
Hawaii: Mazie Hirono (Won by 63% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 69
Maryland: Ben Cardin (Won by 56% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 73
Massachusetts: Elizabeth Warren (Won by 54% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 67
New Jersey: Bob Menendez (Won by 59% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 63
New York: Kirsten Gillibrand (Won by 72% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 50
Rhode Island: Sheldon Whitehouse (Won by 64% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 61
Washington: Maria Cantwell (Won by 61% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 58
Carson Perry
Real Natsocs want to take over peacefully through constitutionalism.
God bless you user. Keep baking bread!
Heil Hitler.
Easton Myers
holy fuck it's a landslide
Nolan Edwards
I think a meme campaign in Virginia could hurt Tim Kaine very badly- however I don't think Sup Forums should focus its efforts here. Secure easy states, the ones won by trump by 5% or more, and the ones won by Democrats by 1% to less than 1%..
James Martin
Jason Torres
actually nevermind. looking at the past vs current it's about the same
Landon Wood
Who's the cringiest Dem in the field?
Gabriel Sullivan
MA user here. I'm excited to turn this place red, as red as possible I guess. A lot of blue pilled peeps around here, they but the news propaganda. Although my neighbor, who is a 60 yr old nevertrumper told me that he thinks Trump is doing a good job and doing what he said he would do. I'm doing my part to redpill people.
[ ]>think of all the family members and friends you know who are willing to vote against the Democrats
[ ] >if you know people willing to vote Democrat, think of all the ways to redpill or demotivate them; obviously this will vary on a case-by-case basis
[ ] >share what you know about how each candidate is perceived in your area (e.g. I live in Indiana and Joe Donnelly isn't even popular among progressives; I live in NYC and many people here won't even bother going out to vote for Gillibrand)
[ ] >share your ideas on how to improve this general
Brandon James
(rewriting one of the todo list items)
[ ]>think of all the family members and friends you know who are willing to vote against the Democrats, and get them to register to vote if they haven’t yet, and CONSTANTLY REMIND THEM THAT NOVEMBER 6 IS THE BIG DAY. Do whatever it takes. If you have a younger Gen Z sister who hates the Democrats and recently turned 18, get her to stop taking selfies and take some time to register. Prepare a family / friend party for November 6 or close to it. Anything along those lines. If you’re a hot chick get your beta orbiters to vote.
Owen Price
further clarification
*if you're a hot chick (or even a girl who isn't a landwhale), get your beta orbiters out to vote
We are going up against Debbie Stabenow. Michigan, as we all know, is one of the rust belt states that flipped to Trump in a narrow margin. This is going to be one of the most hard fought races in the election.
>67 Years Old, generic career politician type >Michigan’s first female Senator >Three termer; won in 2000 with 49.5% as an underdog, won in 2006 with 57% (year the Democrats took Congress because of dissatisfaction with warmongering neocon George W. Bush who they now praise because he doesn’t like Drumpf) , won in 2012 with 59%
This looks like a tough battle based on those numbers, but a lot has changed since 2006 and 2012.
>Stabenow has expressed support in regulating talk radio via a measure like the Fairness doctrine. >Stabenow has a "F" rating from both the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Gun Owners of America for her consistent voting against pro-gun laws. She has an "A+" rating from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. >In 2017, Stabenow, alongside Debbie Dingell, introduced a law that would make it illegal for people charged with misdemeanor stalking to buy guns. >Stabenow supported President Barack Obama's health reform legislation; she voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in December 2009,
I’m not sure how much Trump voters in Michigan care about these topics (namely the Trump voters who previously voted Democrat). Any thoughts?
Aiden Moore
>Stabenow made a cameo in the 2016 Zack Snyder film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice as the Governor of New Jersey, the state in which Gotham City is located in the DC Extended Universe.
“Michigan Trump voters care about jobs more than anything right now. Only state in the union that LOST population from 2000-2010, and that was because we got hit first and hardest by the recession due to the auto-collapse before it happened. That Michael Moore video where he talks about how people voted for Trump because they were fucked over for 30 years and they wanted to give a big middle finger to career politicians? Yeah that's pretty accurate. If you went into neighborhood bars when Trump was signing pro-miner XOs, or the day he tweeted at Ford and made them cancel a Mexico plant, there were people openly weeping. 500 manufacturing jobs is thousands in support/service jobs, and saves tens of thousands of people.
Stabenow is a bigger swamp monster than Hillary, she's been fucking up our state since the 70s. The easy win is to do like Trump did "she's got loads of experience, BAD experience" but it'll require a lot of help from Trump himself, and a good jobs outlook to unseat her” (ANY OTHER THOUGHTS ON HOW TO TAKE HER DOWN ARE WELCOME)
Leo Richardson
gotta protect the MAGA agenda specifically, but constitutionalism generally.
we should focus our autism on researching the candidates, start building a MAGA approved list for the primaries. start meme production
Nathaniel Thompson
Wasn't kid rock supposed to be running against this cunt?
John Lewis
Nah he decided he likes comfy life
Eli Barnes
Isaac Diaz
This is a good thread to have. We need to remind people about the elections and exert ourselves. However portraying a victory like a red CA will only hasten our defeat.
Remind them that Texas and Florida will likely go blue due to Hispanics and illegals.
It should be clear that we are losing and need to fight, but not so badly that people lose hope and give up.
Jack Cooper
>Democrats up for reelection in 2018 in states Trump won: Florida: Bill Nelson (Won by 55% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 74
Indiana: Joe Donnelly (Won by 50% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 61
Michigan: Debbie Stabenow (Won by 59% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 66
Missouri: Claire McCaskill (Won by 55% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 63
Montana: Jon Tester (Won by 49% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 60
North Dakota: Heidi Heitkamp (Won by 50% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 61
Ohio: Sherrod Brown (Won by 51% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 64
Pennsylvania: Bob Casey Jr. (Won by 54% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 56
West Virginia: Joe Manchin (Won by 61% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 69
Wisconsin: Tammy Baldwin (Won by 51% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 54
>Democrats up for reelection in 2018 in states Trump almost won (below 10% margin):
Minnesota: Amy Klobuchar (Won by 65% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 56
New Mexico: Martin Heinrich (Won by 51% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 45
Virginia: Tim Kaine (Won by 53% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 58
Easton Evans
>Democrats up for reelection in 2018 in “safe blue states," which are an uphill battle but NOT IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN if the Democrat is plagued by scandals, is uncharismatic, and is facing a solid GOP challenger. Reminder that a Republican won Massachusetts back in 2009. In the same way a Democrat can take Alabama in 2017, it is possible to take a “blue state” in 2018. EVEN IF YOU LIVE IN ONE OF THESE STATES, GO VOTE AND SPREAD AWARENESS! ONE OF THESE DEMOCRATS CAN FACE A SCANDAL IN 2018, AND LOSE TO A CHARISMATIC REPUBLICAN.
California: Dianne Feinstein (Won by 63% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 83
Connecticut: Chris Murphy (Won by 55% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 43
Delaware: Tom Carper (Won by 66% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 70
Hawaii: Mazie Hirono (Won by 63% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 69
Maryland: Ben Cardin (Won by 56% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 73
Massachusetts: Elizabeth Warren (Won by 54% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 67
New Jersey: Bob Menendez (Won by 59% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 63
New York: Kirsten Gillibrand (Won by 72% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 50
Rhode Island: Sheldon Whitehouse (Won by 64% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 61
Washington: Maria Cantwell (Won by 61% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 58
Caleb Phillips
it's just a picture of a best case (if improbably) scenario
It was a publicity stunt ala Trump 2012
Jeremiah Sanchez
>Republicans up for reelection in “safe red states.” Note -- even if you live in these states, GET OUT AND VOTE. There is no such thing as a 100% safe state for any side.
Nebraska: Deb Fischer(Won by 57.8% in 2012)(Running in 2018) Current age: 66 Mississippi: Roger Wicker (Won by 57.2% in 2012)(Running in 2018) Current age: 66 Utah: Orrin Hatch (not running in 2018)(Won by 65.2% in 2012)(might be replaced by Mitt Romney) Wyoming: John Barrasso (Won by 75.9% in 2012)(Running in 2018) Current age: 65
>Republicans up for reelection in states that aren’t ‘safe.’ Note that you can consider some of these pretty safe, like Texas, but that is no excuse to not VOTE if you live in these states.
Arizona: Jeff Flake (won by 49.2%)(not running in 2018) Nevada: Dean Heller (won by 45.9%)(Running in 2018)Current age: 57 Texas: Ted Cruz (won by 56.6%)(Running in 2018) Current age: 47 Tennessee: Bob Corker (won by 64.9%)(not running in 2018)
>62 Years Old, generic lawyer / career politician type, >1 Term Senator. First elected in 2012 with only 50% of the vote. Running for re-election this year.
This guy must know he’s in for a tough fight, being from Pence’s home state, which Trump won massively in 2016. We’re going to give him a fight even harder than he expects.
>During the election, Donnelly framed Mourdock as "the Wall Street candidate," saying that "the difference between me and Mourdock is, I represent the middle class, while he represents the special interests.
>During the campaign Mourdock (GOP opponent) became embroiled in a controversy after stating that pregnancy from rape is "something that God intended."
The guy probably would have lost in 2012 were it not for that.
Any thoughts? Who here lives in Indiana?
Wyatt Gomez
/lefty/polfag here. Just saying that you guys are probably going to get the majority of the Senate seats and the House seats since you guys have less seats to defend and a lot of Senate Democrats are teetering on the edge, many of the states Trump got elected by too.
Nathan Cox
You wouldn't lose anything even if Donnelly were still in the Senate seat. He is one of the more right-wing type Democrats aside from Manchin and Heitkamp since he's from a red state. Even if Democrats somehow get all the vulnerable seats in the Senate you still have several Democrats backing you up
Nicholas Taylor
If Bill Nelson gets reelected again by my idiot state, then I will apologize later. Between him and Rubio, we're playing the full retard game pretty well.
Camden Fisher
good to know
What do you think his chances are? I used to live in Orlando (moved to NYC 10 years ago) but never really heard people talk about him
Lincoln Richardson
Menendez actually has a chance of neing voted out. All you need is a campaign ad of him being perp walked for pedo/corruption charges.
Its a long shot, but the right guy and team can do it.
Brandon Torres
We will be going up against Tina Smith, Al Franken’s replacement. Note that there are TWO Senate elections in Minnesota this time around.
>59 Years Old, worked with Planned Parenthood, aside from some time spent in marketing worked mainly in politics >former Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota
She got sworn in three days ago. There really isn’t much to be said at this point. Minnesota was one of the states that ALMOST went to Trump (a margin of around 40,000). If he won it, he would have won a state that even Reagan couldn’t win in 1984. The last time a Republican won it was 1972. The political landscape in Minnesota has changed massively. It’s similar to Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
Any thoughts? I’m grouping this in with the other senate race.
>57 years old, generic lawyer turned career politician >She has been called a "rising star" in the Democratic Party. >She has been named by The New York Times and The New Yorker as one of the women most likely to become the first female President of the United States, and by MSNBC and The New Yorker as a possible nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. >first won in 2006 with 58%, then reelected in 2012 with 65% of the vote
>Klobuchar has a "F" rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA) for supporting gun control legislation >Klobuchar opposed the Trans-Pacific Partnership "because she [had] concerns about whether the proposed legislation [was] strong enough for American workers."
This sounds like it’s going to be a tough battle. We’re going to need a strong GOP candidate to get turnout high among potential Trump voters. A huge reason he didn’t win in 2016 was because of McMullin who siphoned off 53,000 votes (probably not Democrat voters) and Johnson siphoning off 112,000 votes (including some Democrat voters). Margin between Trump and Hillary was 44,765 votes.
You can bet that the Democrats will employ their usual get out the vote efforts (though maybe they think Minnesota is safer than it actually is?).
>65 years old, generic career politician >first elected in 2006 with 56% of the vote, reelected in 2012 with 50.7% of the vote
Ohio is a state that went from voting for Obama in 2008 and 2012 to voting for Trump in 2016 with a pretty comfortable margin. Shitty Sherrod Brown knows he’s in deep shit. The Democrats know he’s in deep shit. They’ll be spending massive amounts of cash in this race, and so will the GOP.
>He voted in favor of the 2012 NDAA that sparked controversy over indefinite detention of US citizens
>Brown consistently votes in favor of gun control, which has earned him a "F" rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA). He has repeatedly criticized congress, Republicans, and the NRA for making little to no effort in gun law reform. >Brown supported the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, voting for it in December 2009 >In 2011, in the National Journal’s annual rankings, Brown tied with eight other members for the title of the most liberal member of Congress. >The Washington Post reported that no candidate running for reelection, save Barack Obama, faced more opposition in 2012 by outside groups. As of April 2012, over $5.1 million had been spent on television ads opposing Brown, according to data provided by a Senate Democratic campaign operative.
All that money against him in 2012 and he still won. Granted, Romney was at the top of the ticket in 2012 and the country has changed a lot since then, especially Ohio. It’s a state that went from voting for Obama at a 3% margin in 2012 to voting for Trump at an 8% margin in 2016.
Any thoughts? I’ve never been to Ohio but I know many Sup Forumsiticians live there. How big of an issue is gun control for Ohio Republicans? I’m sure Obamacare pissed off a lot of Ohio Democrat voters.
Jonathan Clark
No clue. I don't think most people in my life even know who Bill Nelson is. I'm near Orlando and haven't heard anyone mention any of these upcoming races at all locally. Hopefully Trump can get people energized for this and get them to the polls.
Gabriel Bailey
I think this general would be a great place to also dump info on how to start your own local campaigns for Sup Forumsitical office. Anyone (looking at you, Nehlen and Shiva) got any good info, guides, or strategies that could be boiled down into a concise copypasta? Preferably, the 2020 elections should have a variety of /ourcandidates/ spread widely among the states, but that won't happen if there is no planning done before this midterm cycle.
Ryder Gutierrez
OP- thank you for making this thread.
Concerning so-called 'red democrats' like Donnelly - they vote with Pelosi when it counts. Can we tar them with this? Every democrat voted against the middle-class tax cuts.
Every democrat will vote against the MAGA agenda. So in a state where jobs are the important issue, point out that they will vote against Trumps de-regulation agenda.
EVERY democrat needs to be blasted on immigration. The trick is doing it w/o sounding 'hateful.' REMEMBER- it's about the normies! They have the votes!
Adrian Bennett
>kicking out the blackpillers
You'll be back..
Cameron King
>This sounds like it’s going to be a tough battle. We’re going to need a strong GOP candidate to get turnout high among potential Trump voters. A huge reason he didn’t win in 2016 was because of McMullin who siphoned off 53,000 votes (probably not Democrat voters) and Johnson siphoning off 112,000 votes (including some Democrat voters). Margin between Trump and Hillary was 44,765 votes.
Its very do able
Tyler Clark
indeed it is
Black Pillers are pure cancer. Blue Pilled cucks can at least be viewed in clear terms as the opposition, but blackpillers are the demoralizing traitors who have the pretenses of being on "your side"