Newfag here, I'll give you guys one thread to red pill me on Jews. Convince me its not just a tin foil hat tier conspiracy. I'm open minded to what you have to say. Lets hear it.
Red Pill me on Jews
Other urls found in this thread:
>christians believe usury is a sin
jews fill banking void
>manipulate economys and govt throughout the AD world
>fast fwd nearly 2 millenium
>group of poles and slavs are now somehow also jews
>yes they think theyre ethnic jews
>no theyre not the ethnic jews
>theyre also ethnic jews keep up goy
>weasle way to power in russia, bolshevik revolution, holocaust christians, dismantle tsardom, and create communism
>communism creeps into western europe
>the jews push an atheist state
>jews created the modern atheist statistic growth
>literally killed ~20 million christians
>use influence in england, france n europe in general to set stage for WW1
>the biggest war in the history of mankind caused by the jews
>the jews controlled germany and influenced the govt into neutering germany
>hitler goes full donald trump
>jews locked up
>tfw the holocaust wasnt worse than american concentration camps
>hitler locked up rothschild
>the jews used the opportunity to take over america as a proxy state
>control education and media
>holocaust didnt happen keep up goy
>use holocaust as reason to make israel
>US presisent JFK realizes it and the jigs up
>going to smash federal reserve
>israel kills him
>israel needs US still
>influences US to become nuclear power
>bombs world trade center
>convinces US its bin laden
>israels american pitbull ravages middle east
>israel creates ISIS from remains
>israel unleashes ISIS conveniently upon each country not friendly with US
then theyre gonna sink US once theyve sucked us dry xfer all their trillions in the US economy to israel and cut the umbillical cord, leaving mommy merica for the carrions
So, whats the plan to get the west back under control? How did Jews get so much control in America specifically?
Combination of:
-pretending to be white
-bribing/blackmailing politicians
-muh oppressed minority status
-monopoly over media
How did they get the media monopoly?
By constantly buying up smaller firms.
Type "6 media owns 90% of media" on Google. It used to be dispersed among 100s of media outlets, now it's just a giant oligopoly
That makes sense. But how would I explain this to others? How to wake people up?
Control of the banks and federal reserve. You could say Jews assumed a position of financial power by circumstance but that doesn’t make their role not a problem. They are notoriously tribalistic after all. The only solution is to remove Jews and their lackeys from positions of power in the country, government and corporations all.
Show them this link.
These 6 companies are family businesses owned by around 6-7 Jews. Show them the CNN infograph that they're all 11 out of 12 senior positions are filled with jews, then show that it's all fake news
Why are so many Jew politicians in America allowed to have dual citizenship to Israel?
Is there a group out there that has our interest? Is there anyone in the media, even ecelebs on Youtube, that are with this?
A question that answers itself, user.
the answer to 1984 is 1776
if we cant 1776 we 1488
plenty of good images here like this one
There should be a CNN and NBC one but it's not there at the moment. Here are the owners
4got pic
Israeli Jew on vacation here. Let me redpill you.
>We're everything Sup Forums wishes white people were
>smarter (higher IQ)
>more united
>higher per capita admission in prestigious higher education facilities
>higher per capita representation in media
>we have our own country while yours turn into shitholes
>you're basically Israel's bitch like the cucks you are
Anyway the Holocaust DID in fact happen, though the numbers are wrong, just a bit too high. I wouldn't admit that in front of my Jewish peers, but that being the predominant opinion helps the cause and you can't question it without being cause racist/anti-semetic. In any case, fuck you Sup Forums. You're welcome for the real redpill by the way.
whats the yellow hat for?
Hmmm maybe Sup Forums was right about Jews after all. This thread served its purpose.
Did you know this is a thing?
you feel that, semite? a wind changing?
It's called the judenhut, they forced Jews to wear it so they could be identified in medieval times. They did the same thing for over 2000 years and never change, thats why theyve been kicked out of over 109 countries
Don't take my word for it
Are these somehow related?
No I just feel Donald Trump's mouth around my penis tbqh family
Only the stormfags on here actually believe the jew stuff. Everyone else is just fucking with people
actual aryan here, i give no fucks about destabilizing other nations. i dont want what you have, i want what you took from us. after that, the muslims can have you, and they will. holocaust never happened, 270k died from typhus and malnutrition that your people caused by getting england involved. you killed yourselves to gain land you dont own. you reverse cultures the same way niggers do, just through different means, and i doubt they do it on purpose, unlike you. a mindless beast, or a minded beast, is still a beast.
I've always wondered though, if you guys are so rad, how come there is so few of you?
Not that quantity is quality, but still, what's the deal?
I bet that fat chick is a complete slut for cock
being chosen
ask yourself what being chosen means
it means others ARENT
they believe we are gods literal gift to them
we are but cattle
Hmmm so far your argument seems to not exist past name calling. I came in neutral.
The biggest issue with Jews is that they'll always see themselves as a minority and will politically involve themselves as a minority, they invented a political philosophy to help export their views.
Using Marxism they will always be at odds with the majority. Marxism isn't simply a different economic principle, it's the philosophical intellectualization of being a minority.
Marxism was originally workers versus factory owners, then it became women versus the family, race versus the nation and now it's gender minorityism and the other perversions today (illegal immigrants versus native citizens).
The goal of Marxism is never to complete or connect a community it is to divide and Marxism in a majority underprivileged nation will still be divided up further into weird perversions because Marxism as a philosophy doesn't end. The base goal of it is to "get rid of the institutions holding back humanity", which ends up making more institutions.
Also, Marxism isn't epistemologically based, so it doesn't matter whether something being split up makes sense or not (gender) it just matters that there is something counteracting what already exists.
You're never going to find a complete Marxist nation which is why they fail all the time or they turn towards race and nationalism (ussr, china, nkorea).
oh missed this question sorry.
you get kicked off youtube and/or arrested if you name the jew.
an 88 year old woman was arrested last week in germany for making a holocaust denial video that went viral in canada.
call the jew a liar, a thief, a scoundrel, it rolls off like water on rock
call the jew a jew and watch how he recoils
this motherfucker was badass, check out this book
You're welcome for the niggers.
Also cotton up until 1865.
6 months in jail for denying the holocaust.
YouTube is owned and operated by a Jew, it's all Jews. Everywhere.
So, I said what you guys said and someone who identifies as a civic nationalist called me public school white trash.
you should watch The Greatest Story Never Told. Its like 6 hours but its broken up into 15 to 30 minute segments.
emotions are the jews only real weapon, they are tricksters, nothing more. i have israeli friends that hate zionists as much as i do, if not more, because they bare the brunt of everyones disdain for their tribes actions. they have oratory capability, but their spatial awareness is for shit.
because he has no argument. He has to resort to name calling.
I concur. That unsourced documentary is extremely high quality. Highly recommended for anons who followed Calm Before the Storm threads and suffer from severe autism.
Juda-ism was created during the time of Christian Rome. There was no collective religion, just the 5 books of Moses and hundreds of city cults, messanic cults, and desert cults..
The 5 books of Moses were written during Greek occupation of Cannanite lands. So Levites (esoteric priesthood) used a bunch of legends from Zorastrianism and Babylonians, with Egyptian psuedo-history (because Egypt owned the land before Persia) and created the (((12 tribes))).
There was never an Israel and "Hebrew" is Aramiac for "nomads". This is why after 100+ years of archeology there is NOTHING left of the great wealthy kindom of Israel.
It's also why the Bible never mentions the European peoples until the time of Christ.
That's the REAL story of the bible and the Jews.
>hristians believe usury is a sin
>jews fill banking void
you can literally pause the documentary at any point and research their claims for yourself. In fact its encouraged here.
Why does /gif/ hate you guys so much?
thats their biggest fear and why we will win
m8 if the programming was that easy to cut through, we wouldnt be in this shit pickle right now. feels over facts is one of their strongest weapons, as i said, emotions.
Media programmed them to think that anything negative that isn't about whites = racist. Jews are an oppressed minority group that get all the "benefits" of white privilege by pretending to be white when they feel like it. They don't consider themselves white.
This is just blatantly not true.
They don't consider themselves white, but they sure like to LARP as whites
What is a "civic nationalist" and why did he hate what I said?
How do you splain their lateral mobility,even though their iq isn't really statistically superior per capita,considering their overrepresented demo in college,gov, pol,fin...
gee, youre easy
It makes sense though and the other side has only name called so far so..
its a man half way there, he wants his nation state, but has emotion blocking the path to it. they are an obstacle that has been half way broken down. keep chipping away at it.
The Author
In 1933 he fled to Paris after the takeover of Germany by the National Socialists, but he returned to Germany in 1934. Shortly thereafter he was rewarded with a seven year prison sentence for “spreading licentious writings.”
There you go faggot kike.
Basically that anyone born in American soil is an American, race is irrelevant. So a form of nationalism that emphasizes anti-racism. Maybe Ben Shapiro might fall under that category since he said he doesn't care about the "browning" of America.
The thing is, they don't consider that minorities (Jews) can be racist too. It only applies to whites. The overrepresentation of Jews is a result of "nepotism" (look it up) and racism which is against his civic nationalistic principles. In fact these Jews are legit terrorists who frequently conduct social engineering psyops and work with foreign countries.
It's not just America that's infiltrated by Jews. They've subverted every western nation. Imagine the "Jews" as a moving parasitic nation of its own loyal to their own tribe. So Jews in America would work with Jews in Europe, Russia, etc.
civic nationalist = I like my country but I don't care if we get replaced by mexicans and blacks, as long as I have muh constitution. look at this based black guy in a Trump hat.
ethnonationalist = I like my country and it should be for white americans as it originally was until the 1965 immigration act got forced on us.
that would be what the kike was referring to as >wishing we had what they did
special preference, privilege and access, they look out for each other in a way no other group does. which is not what i want for us in any shape or form. we wont beat a mafia by becoming one. we have to win with hard facts, hard truths, no emotions. all of us, not just those of you that share my pale blue eyes. when the nation states are rebuilt, we can shoot for something more cohesive later. gotta walk before we can goosestep.
They're a bunch of Liars, Pedos and Faggots.
t. basically.
Interesting. You guys know your stuff. Any other info I should know about leftists, SJWs, civic nationalists, ethnonationalists?
try not to use ethno in public, it doesnt sit well with the programming in early stages, call it a nation state in public. when you are around us, say ethno as freely as you like.
Don’t speak I’ll of muh civic nationalism
>this hasn’t been posted yet
They control the media. See here. Specifics and details, real substance.
can anyone tell me what the fuck you see in this guy in like 3 sentences or less without sounding like a redditor? i've just never gotten the appeal of listening to a half trap. 3 sentences means you understand what you are talking about, intimately. i know a shit load of you like this guy, i lurk on yt.
jews only control everything because they had a leg up on capitalism when it was devleoping in the middle ages
if you hate jews you must also be against capitalism, which gives the jews all of their power
Basically just watch out for the Jew and remember their faces/names. You'll start noticing patterns in the media. For example 9/10 rapists in Hollywood are Jews, but it's all blamed on whites.
common jew prefixes:
-gold -zuck - wein -green -shekel
common jew suffixes:
-berg -stein -man -er
History repeats. Jews will never change as they haven't for 2000 years. Never trust a Jew. Doesn't mean you can't make friends with them. Just never trust them or share them your secrets. The naivety of whites is what allowed them to be infiltrated.
I find it odd that half white half Jews always claim to be full Jew. Why do they always do that?
Because /gif/ is degenerate as fuck and probably doesn't like an entire board being against them lol.
Interestingly it wasn't at Sup Forums or watching some YouTube video that first red pilled me. It was in my anthropology of gender course that I had to take in uni. I majored in math and biology (genetics) and minored in anthropology. I minored in the aforementioned because of my interest archaeology and history, so naturally those are the courses I primarily took. However I had to have at least one upper level cultural class to satisfy department requirements, and since the gender studies course was the only one available to me at the time I went with that. It really was astounding coming from the formal and physical sciences and then stepping foot in that classroom. From day one onward we were subjected to marxist propaganda. She even taught us things that directly contradicted what I had learned in my biology classes. She treated the term "sexual dimorphism" as if it were some type of vulgarity or curse word. Throughout my time in the course two things immediately became apparent: white men and western culture were evil and should be dismantled, and coincidently the "pioneers" of post-modernism, third wave feminism, and critical theory (look up these terms of they are unfamiliar) are Jewish.
Now I'm of course not saying all jews support these heinous ideas, and I certainly would never condone violence against anyone because of their race or creed, but I think it is important to know where this bullshit is coming from.
I see a very strong hatred of white people in general on that board. Its why I posted this thread. I wondered why they were so like that when most of the people on this site are white I thought.
Traditionally you're a Jew if your mothers a Jew, doesn't matter what race your father is. It's grey area but most Jews follow this tradition.
So, white dudes should stop fucking Jew women then. But if the dad is a Jew then the family is probably going to side with the Jew half as well so whats the difference? It also starts to get really hard to tell part Jew ancestory.
Yeah I've noticed that too among a myriad of other fucked up shit. That board is basically a prime example of why noporn is probably a good idea. You can tell the long time sissy thread posters are beyond fucked from going on there all the time. Also as an anecdotal example I've been going on /gif/ to fap for a couple of years now and it was completely different even a year or two ago. Now the amount of tranny/gay/weird fetish threads legitimately outnumber the amount of "normal" porn threads. I just go on there for rekt threads now and fap without porn when I can help it.
Communist Jews funded by the Soviet Union (Trotsky was a Jew) started a civil war in Germany in 1919. (((Trotsky))) also sent the Red Army to invade Germany in 1919 and help the rebels, but it got stopped by Poland.
Basically, communist Jews declared war on Germany first, so Hitler had every right to gas them.
theres a lot, but this is great advice I just would like to reiterate what he said about the jews in the media. Every time you see an article like
>check your white privilege
>why we whites are a problem
>all white people are racist
just look at the name of the author. Its almost always a jew. If it doesn't sound jewish, google the person and typically its a jew who just changed their name. Such as Jon "Stewart" Leibowitz. They pull the same shit on twitter saying "my fellow white people, we should do x". and when you call them out for being a jew and not white, they claim antisemitism.
I notice there are like 5 or more blacked/interracial threads on there at once and the mods don't delete any of the threads that are pretty much the same thing, often with the same vids posted.
theres a lot of examples of this
/gif/ mods are fucking retarded, it genuinely makes me wonder if its some kind of weird psyop or something to normalize this kind of shit...
What was the Jewish population in 1939?
This and it's sad because it's not cherry picking. It's Every. Fucking. Time.
The whole "Jew if mother is a Jew" meme doesn't really make sense in the context of Sup Forums. If you don't raise the kid to think they are jewish they won't think they are jewish simple as that. The only reason the mother meme is real is because mom's used to take care of children so would pass on the religion and culture etc
What about the fact that the kids are still ethnically half Jew?
you are becoming dr. murdoch. just stay out of the dirt, we need people like you unsoiled in the public eye.
How about no.
roughly 18 million today.
It has to do with genetics.
>Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is inherited only through one's mother. As it does not recombine like chromosomes, it can be used in population genetics to trace back ancestry on the matrilineal side and to divide populations into haplogroups. The same can be done on the patrilineal side using the Y-chromosome (Y-DNA), which is inherited exclusively from father to son and does not recombine with the X chromosome. Only a few mutations distinguish the Y chromosome of a man and his father. These mutations are cumulative from generation to generation, so it is easy to trace the family tree of humanity by analyzing these mutations (SNPs) on the Y chromosome and mtDNA.
>How did Jews get so much control in America specifically?
Good question. One way was by infiltrating and subverting academia. See
for some historical context. It conveniently leaves out how they've trashed it with cultural Marxism, critical theory, third-wave feminism, etc., but it probably won't take you long to start putting those pieces together the longer you hang around here.
tl;dr the WASPs that previously ran academia got lazy and were more interested in their social lives than scholarship. This left a vacuum that was filled by nepotistic jews.
Jewish iq is a meme. Notice that all of these iq studies differentiate between east Asians and southeast Asians, as well as Ashkenazi and other jews, yet all gentile whites are lumped together - Irish with English, northern Italian with southern, and all of the rest. Don't you find it interesting that these studies never report the variance of each race?
The fact remains that 90%+ of all STEM related endeavors are the product of gentile European ingenuity. There will never be a jewish Newton, Gauss, or Galios. Word games and aggregation are all you filthy rats excel at.
How do we take these institutions back? Also, why does the left hate people called the "alt right" so much? I hear leftists and many people on this board hating that group. Who are their leaders and what do they do that makes people so mad?
Zionism's most fervent supporters are evangelical Christians who have been tricked into thinking that the Jews of today are God's chosen people because they haven't actually read their Bibles. If they had, then they would realize this is not the case.