It's over. She's cornered the female vote, the SJW vote, the nigger vote, the "Bernie" socialist group, the Hillary shills vote.
Drumpf is finished. It's Obama all over again, Sup Forums will get BTFO so hard
It's over. She's cornered the female vote, the SJW vote, the nigger vote, the "Bernie" socialist group, the Hillary shills vote.
Drumpf is finished. It's Obama all over again, Sup Forums will get BTFO so hard
Other urls found in this thread:
Wasnt her first kid with her Uncle?
>the redneck vote
We got 3 years to expose her
You fucking nigger NECK YOURSELF
>It's over. She's cornered the female vote, the SJW vote, the nigger vote, the "Bernie" socialist group, the Hillary shills vote.
So did Hillary
All those things together couldn't win last election for libtards
>actively siding with a white shill
Think again.
That’s the gorilla channel Donald
You’ve been making up stories and names for the gorillas all week
But they’re all different ones stop connecting gorillas to make a large story
I literally and already laughing until my head hurts at this.
I'm going to overdose on the memes and it will be totally worth it.
Screencap this shit, it's going to happen. Trump VS Oprah 2020
But she was also cunt that was surrounded by a scandal and Trump has been a collossal fuck up with the lowest approval rating for a president ever.
We must support this. 8 years or Trump or 4 years of Oprah which would be just as interesting as Trump.
Rofl, that's the best they got? This should be easy, she literally eats babies, not even joking. The funny(or sick) things people will do for power.
Would you like to know more?
>Drumpf is finished.
I am genuinely concerned about this with her tho.
Even my mother who HATED Hillary and voted for Trump was saying she'd vote for her last night and when I pressed her to why she said, "Think of all the free stuff! YOU GET A CAR, YOU GET A CAR!"
I tried explaining to her she won't get shit, it'll all go to niggers and spics on the dime of the white tax payer which seemed to have shut her up and make her come back to reality on some aspect.
>lowest approval rating for a president ever.
Oh you believe those polls? Sounds familiar.
>being this sad and pathetic
Hillary spent her whole life memorizing policy and facts, getting a law degree, being Sec. of State to be an uber-wonk, and now she is going turn her control of the DNC over to an actress.
The memes must flow.
>Blocks Oprahs path
She's a boss
Kek I have a bunch of leftists friends on normie book who are btfoing libshit rn.
>Oprah is so stunning and brave POC champion
>you know this cunt uses sweatshops to manufacture her overpriced garbage merchandise
>Reeeeee alt right racists please leave her alone
>actually I'm (insert obscure lefty ideology here)
Man he is getting edgier each day
She's a gullible fuck
i cant wait for Opra to be president
Its gonna be a golden meme era
>It's Obama all over again
Obama's first run was a relatively clean and upbeat campaign against a poor opponent. Oprah vs Trump will be straight up about race.
Yo can we get a professional person in the damn Whitehouse
GOP had to eat shit themselves to reach our current timeline
No. You bastards killed the only man qualified for the job
user this is the same woman that said "I wouldn't eat hamburgers ever again" and LITERALLY almost crashed the beef industry.
She will win and Sup Forums will get out meme'd by the libs
No, straight to idiocracy and chaos nigger.
>out meme'd by the libs
not even in your own dreams
>A reality tv conman is not a suitable candidate for president
>Also libs
This is a great way to keep the country divided
I kind of hope it happens LOL
This is the woman that went into a Sup Forumsesque town in the 80's where they hate niggers and homos and want to be 100% white, aired it on her show, 30 years latershe want back and found out they freely embraced the african american community now and they've been de-Sup Forumsized
This woman is powerful, drumpf is finished
This idiot on the radio just said "Compare their two shows" like that changes the fact that NEITHER ARE QUALIFIED
*Sucks on sex offending kike earlobe*
"...I want all the girls watching here, now, to know that a new day is on the horizon! And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women...fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say "Me too" again."
I don't get it. Oprah being suggested as a Democrat presidential candidate after giving a speech which bashed long-time and well-known sexual harassment perpetuated by a big-time Democrat money-raiser (Weinstein) and a Democrat Clintonista (Spacey).
So she essentially promotes the Democrats by referencing the wrongs that they did.
>This woman is powerful, drumpf is finished
Oprah lives in Chicago but felt her charity dollars were better spent building a school in Africa. Then said school became a haven for pedos. Great job!
Oprah is worth approx 2.5 BILLION dollars.
Almost all of that is in the form of a privately held trust.
She would have to give up ALL of that to get into politics (it's the law).
I say she's not going to give up that kind of money, but then again she is a she-boon.
>hurpa derp neither have done a BA in Presidential stuff, let alone completed a PHD in Presidentiality.
over 35, Born in America. thats the qualifications every president has had to meet.
Oprah >>>>> Bernie
Except that's not what happened at all. Not according to the locals and people who actually lived there. The open racism went back in doors AFTER Oprah aired that segment, and AFTER the FEDS went storming in that town to culturally enrich them, and the crime and welfare has gone through the roof. All she did was cause those open racists to keep it secret and now nobody knows who is who there, and besides that, most people that are real racists/KKK members are CEO's and Wallstreet traders etc. who keep it silent. I'd imagine most men of power and women, are racist amongst the other bigwigs.
Why does Oprah blame me for the sins of Others ?
Oprah might be a good president. She's intelligent and successful. Is race and sex literally all you care about??
I'm actively thinking of running for POTUS as well.
I am also actively thinking of marrying Scarlett Johanesson and pumping out four blonde blue eyed children before that thirty-three year old womb finally croaks.
No the only thing being discussed is how she wants to systematically exterminate an entire generation of people.
Not even based on their race but their birth date.
She's stupid and a racist. Can't you care about competence?
I don't want to make fucking sandwhiches while I am busy building Robots and Spaceships like holy fuck.
>prejudice is a bad thing
yeah, OK
>racism is a bad thing
Hateful racism that leads to violence upon other is bad. Agreed. But recognizing that all races are not the same and that race realism is a thing, is not a bad thing.
Women are more prone to the group think mentality, which is why liberals and satanist get off on using them whenthe crazy right Wong says shit about family values and fucked up the world...
It's a mad mad mad mad mad mad Mad mad mad world...
Most women don't see the bigger picture let alone me.
Sure they help people but you never k ow how much the foundation stole or what they put I to people
>God Emperor Trump makes every voter have to have I.D.
>Niggers, SJW, Benrie supproters don't have I.D
>Hillary shills and woman to busy with "Muh Equality"
Yes brother. Vent the info.
making sandwhiches for people so they are full so they can go home and fuck their wife and wake up early in the morning to sell shoes then I go home tired and work on aged-care retirement home robots.
Im with JF on this one mate we "white" males are being victimized in society in many ways from simple slavery to murder.
Some of us are doing important things and the sheer ignorance of others becomes burdensome to us.
Ouch. Jews lower than the disabled on the list. Kek
Whoopi Goldberg never crossed her again.
>Jewish Women listed twice
Does Oprah own Harpo?
All this speech demonstrates is how the species as a whole is collectively continuing to lose its mind.
This was one of the most hateful and prejudice things I've seen spoken and the echo-chamber's reaction was astonishing to behold.
You're all doomed hahaha. Watching you all destroy each other to the very end is going to be the final peak of entertainment.
You fail to realize the situation.
>MFW the entire thing is Canada's fault
Oprah lives off being universally liked. No way she trades that in for 50% hate.
>It's Obama all over again, Sup Forums will get BTFO so hard
The ironic thing is 10 years ago we (/news/ before it was Sup Forums) shilled Obama hard
he blind vindictive nature and cool rage will ultimately be her downfall when she slips on live TV.
Wait for it.
Silly Nigero
her even
I really hope so, this or Hillary again. I know Hillary will be hilarious as fuck.
Maybe Oprah will also be amusing to meme into the ground
get in here and dislike this
Post this meme on her FB, etc. It'll shut her up
Deres da slip look at dat fat bitch slide.
>the demolition job already begun
Is that how much you fear this woman? baka desu senpai
>Be delivery Man Wojack
>Hear Jamal saying to Oprah "Ay oy Ye Oprah Bitch lemme hold dem big floppy ass tittays
You need to pickup a dictionary.
noun: fear; plural noun: fears
an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.
"I cowered in fear as bullets whizzed past"
synonyms: terror, fright, fearfulness, horror, alarm, panic, agitation, trepidation, dread, consternation, dismay, distress; More
anxiety, worry, angst, unease, uneasiness, apprehension, apprehensiveness, nervousness, nerves, timidity, disquiet, disquietude, discomposure, unrest, perturbation, foreboding, misgiving, doubt, suspicion;
being in prison will make it hard to make more oprah episodes.
You are the party of fear. I mostly enjoy mocking you.
Some of the things you advocate I think are unholy or disgusting. Fear is not useful.
What’s Ricki Lake up to
>Left is the party if fear
Fuck off
it's dead stupid
What are you even talking about?
I think "Deres da slip look at dat fat bitch slide."
Means : Here is the slip, look at that fat bitch slide
Some video about a Man in a African hat telling me is black over and over and over..
Now I am going to prison... for what?
Bantz are fine but to be good ones they gotta make some sort of sense.
Hello Oprah
I want to tongue punch her fartbox NOW, damn it.
I don't know who the guy is in the picture..
Am I supposed to argue that Bush didn't destroy countries like Hillary did?
Why would I do that? He cause more suffering than she did.
mah nigga gimme like 10 cars and 5 bikes 2 airplanes 15 yachts and 2 submarines hold the speedboats.
I agree Donald, She's a real Sheboon!
Oprah is not going to risk the reputation of her billion dollar brand by running for public office.
1) Too many skeletons in her past.
2) She doesn't handle bad press well at all. She stumped for Obama *once*, in Iowa, during the primaries in 2007. She (as expected) got attacked by the right, and she never did another campaign stop for him again.
You need to share your drugs dude. I am jealous.
I am Oprah for trash meming her on pol.
Must be 4d chess eh?
>implying he wasn't talking about BET