Paul nehlen rapes morpheus
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I thought Morpheus was a P2P program. I feel very uncomfortable in
>current year
he is an anti alt right poster who spams threads with autistic infographics. Check any thread on richard spencer or mike enoch
I prefer the original Morpheus.
Will they ever be able to stop Nehlen from naming the jew?
I fucking love this guy
This nigga is gonna get killed
How does this guy still have a blue check?
Something is off about all of this.
I was thinking the same thing.
It’s bait or rather he is bait.
It might be good if they try to. MSM has been Streisand Effect'ing themselves pretty bad on the JQ over the least year or two. Case in point is pic related. Some reporter Jared Yates Sexton tweeted it out in outrage and it got over 15k retweets. The CNN dox story also revolved around the fact that HanAssholeSolo had posted this pic, which CNN brought further attention to by vaguely stating that he had posted "hateful/antisemitic material."
Long story short, if they start attacking Nehlen for discussing the JQ, it might prompt a lot of people out there to say, "What's the JQ?"
lol Moarpheus is becoming an e celeb
Some people should probably start watching Wisconsin District 1 developments closely. Ryan says possibly retiring in Politico, apparently there's already a viable Dem candidate in place, Nehlen will want to primary Ryan again or run if Ryan chooses to not seek re-election. Keep an eye on other politics related district habbenings and not just his crazy tweets
Has he broken any twitter rules?
He ran a campaign last election cycle against the sitting Speaker and he got a lot of coverage from Breitbart, so he's a visible public figure to the extent that people give a shit about congressional candidates outside of their district.
he wont for very long. No way they allow it any longer. Im still shocked he survived the past 2 weeks
More and more I feel like the jew meme is a meme created by ancient satanist/pagans who were smart enough to hide behind an oppressed religious group. What else explains people like him living. They kill everyone else. Does surviving this game = shill?
just look at his twitter feed, nothing but calling everyone on the alt right a jew and droning on about israel-palestine
these sinead mccarthy types are a destructive cancer and need to be called out
>How do you do fellow Sup Forumsacks
Right on. That's why I think everything Nehlen is doing is great. We have to raise awareness. The time for hiding power levels is over. If there ever was a time. Bludgeon them with the truth
This mad man is out of order.
Why would they want him to? He's a convenient albatross to hang around the necks of republicans.
Nazi vs Jew, is it the ultimate meme of control? When shit hits the fan, turn up the x vs oppressed Jews meme like a win button. I look at this tweet, and there is no way this isn't throwing us under the bus. What if he is one of them, and they are setting us up for a sweep. If this is chess I don't feel like I'm winning. Do you guys?
One more question. Will this thread get shilled? No shills here yet... If it's not getting shilled, why not?
I think they want to use him to push the nazi Trump narrative.
Should you be though? Jew vs Nazi is an amazing divider. Look at what they can let us do.
Wise men would put their values and traditions above symbols and names. They would set pride aside and win no matter what knowing it was what the world needed.
It feels like the Jew vs Nazi is a good thing for them. If it is, isn't this mans tweets good for them too?
He's a total schizophrenic, he spends literally all his time doing this
yeah so Nehlen is a plant, after checking into things
>There are no good jews
>Some Jews are good
>it's okay to be white
I loved the meme potential we could have had.
Moarpheus loves the Jews, he thinks there's nothing wrong with them racially at all
LOL how many followers has he lost since calling out the Jews
>durrr youre a cia jewish kgb plant if you dont want to murder an entire race of people
>glowing in the dark this hard
>no criticism from mainstream leftist
he's a plant
Nobody said anything about murdering Jews, pal. You just did.
There is quite a difference between politically aligning with and murdering...
Literally the only public "right wing" figure I have ever seen Moarpheus say anything positive about is Laura Loomer, a literal jew.
A minute ago you were saying it was suspicious that he still has a blue check, now you're saying it's suspicious that he hasn't declared all jews to be evil.
can you show me where nehlen has aligned with jews?
GOOD! That's a YUGE mistake on their part. BELIEVE ME. All this does is make nazi-ism seem normal.
Study memetics.. Not the blatent bullshit that flies through this shit, but real advertising/marketing strategy. CIA documentation that leaked strategies that actually worked (not pony memes). Things like direct memetics of Tim Osman. Jewgle who that is if you don't know.
not negative exposure
None. Better question is how many followers has he gained.
He also loves Trump. Apparently Spencer saying he understands the impetus towards a Jewish homeland makes him a super Zionist shill, while Trump literally praying at the wailing wall and talking about how much he loves and supports Israel and the Jewish people doesn't.
I remember using Morpheus when it was KazaaLite before KazaaLite, good times.
oh god. spencer and his 'based israel' just needs to be fucking wiped off the face of the planet. what a pathetic and annoying dweeb.
>'based Israel'
Who are you quoting?
Good, I fucking hate that aspie. Nehlen for president.
plant for what though
what purpose? he obviously browses Sup Forums so he has all the info he needs right here
who the fuck is this paul nehlen dude? is he running for congress or something?
>Has he broken any twitter rules?
When has that ever fucking mattered? If you're conservative, alt-right, or speak against the (((narrative))), you usually get the blue check removed or outright banned.
He's running in the same district as Paul Ryan so I think the media is okay with turning a semi-blind eye to him to dethrone such a prominent Republican and replace him with a guy that they arrogantly believe won't be able to change anything.
honeypot or not, if he gets enough votes it might cause a shitstorm as well as more like him.
Did Morpheus turn into Kazaa or were they separate entities? From my evolution of p2p it went
He wants Paul Ryan's job.
2018 Is re election time.
He ran against Paul Ryan.
This. "It doesn't kill an ideology to be expertly attacked. An ideology dies when it is poorly defended."
I wanted so much to like soulseek.
and is doing it again.
are we poorly defending it?
"It's OK to be white"
"The goyim know"
"Smooth move merchant"
"Hitler did nothing wrong"
shall I go on? It's even starting to penetrate the media. They're doing all they can to stop it and still it grows. Now a boomer/gen z or whatever politician is making headlines because it's infected him as well.
But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
We broke this guy. Wtf is he talking about?
>exposing everything
You must be the first person I have ever seen who actually buys into Moarpheus's shit (unless you are him on holiday in Canada). Have you ever had a discussion with him? Tried to nail his position on anything? He's genuinely nuts, the faulty pattern recognition and disingenuousness is off the charts. He's not a hacker and he doesn't expose anything, he just accuses literally everyone of being a plant/Russian shill/ Zionist
It took a couple minutes to sort through both of their recent Twittish posts, it's quite easy even for the simple minded to figure out.
>now you're saying it's suspicious that he hasn't declared all jews to be evil.
When did I say this? Quit jumping to conclusions without thinking first.
This Nehlen dude kind of reminds me of the bit in pic related about the CIA constantly running a secondary op incase the primary fails.
The alt-right and all their ecelebs keep getting exposed by Josephus, so they have a small time politician becomes 'redpilled', spouts off some rhetoric to blend in, then attacks the hacker exposing everything. It's quite clever now that I've had a chance to actually think it through.
Damn this guy is a beast.
spencer. he's openly pro zionist and pro israel.
I'm pretty sure that guy is just schizophrenic. He is obsessed with far right politics but has no actual political positions of any kind himself. He just says contradictory and absurd shit.
Deezdubz don't lie. Gassy juice ray swore now!
I’ll call him a dirty Jew huehuehue
Holy shit you just gave me nostalgia
Pander to me Uncle Nehlan. What's the worst that can happen?
who is cringier, this guy, or the anti-christ larper?
Nehlen is still reaching deeper into his inner power.
I was described him as SSH but still hasn't mastered it yet.
likely soon. he sure as fuck won't keep the blue check mark.
He is not "pro-israel" in the sense that term is used in US politics. He is simply fine with it existing as a homeland for the jews and wants them to leave white countries and go live there. Because if you dont allow them a homeland in an ethnostate world that Spencer wants, jews would have to be killed
He's got them over a barrel, since one of his major platforms is to stop major social media platforms for banning for political reasons.
As long as we keep talking about the JQ it doesn't actually matter where any of this goes, just keep talking you fucking anti-semite bigots!
ah yes, the CIA's plan to get more ppl to read culture of critique and notice jewish self-preferential behavior
truly a masterstroke in their plan to keep the REAL redpill of centrist civic nationalism away from ppl
I’m actually sending Nehlen money right now. IDGAF if he’s a plant live free or die
he could be banned tomorrow and it would be forgotten by everyone outside of Sup Forums within a week. memory is short in current year. without a popular and easily accessible platform he has no speech.
I don't use and will never make a twitter account, but everyone here who does and gives him the backup that he needs nad keeps the fight going, I send you my most stern salute and my most warm condolences. You're making a difference in the real world. Please keep it up and godspeed.
They disrepected yugi and the Egyptian gods?! BLASPHEMY. This has seto kaiba weitten all over it. Confound his trickery.
paul "wheelin and dealin" nehlen
I think the idea is that this guy is too autistic to win the general election. The tried & true "pied piper" strategy.
You wanna know the thing that scares them the most? They can SEE this in real time with analytics. They see what is being searched, what is being tagged, who is becoming hot, what image is penetrating the network. This applies to google fb twitter CNN’s website etc. Imagine having a full scope analytics dashboard at your command for any of those sites. You KNOW their diversity officers have mandated ‘hate’ metrics that they follow. The DoD has even researched it as well. They see us and don’t know what to do. Censorship would lead to a massive loss of profits and Streisand effect.
>no criticism from mainstream leftist
Did you miss the kvetching the entire liberal kike media did when he posted a pic of a KMac book?
Does anyone know if this nigger is even real? How the fuck does he know who moarhpues is? Seems like some Sup Forums incarnate kike psyop shit. Like they have mined Sup Forums to try and give you a "hereo" as in Albert Pike style
Hehehe dare I say, /ourshill/?
It's a pretty damn big coincidence that the only guy proposing free-speech legislation for the internet just just happens to spend all time hammering jews on twitter. Almost like they would want to associate free-speech with "anti-semitism" or something.
what? this freak morph on twitter is saying everyone is jewish.
Moarpheus is a girl? I always knew that faggot was Jewish, only Jews act like that. They're not even human.
That's a losing strategy for them in America.
Because the only free speech that is threatened is speech the Jews don't like. Its not coincidental, it's causative.
he's obviously controlled opp
Moarpheus is just a Shill
he's gone completely off the reservation at this point
I haven't seen that at all, I've only seen him use Israel is an example of a successful ethnostate, and as an example of the hypocrisy of people supporting it while condemning any talk of white people having something similar. It's a pretty decent argument, especially when speaking with Jews.
>how DARE you use free speech to speak against the caste in power!
Isn't that the whole point of free speech? Even normies that are triggered by counter-semitism will still agree that it is free speech that must be protected.
sounds like damage control and what someone would say if he has been found out for being a controlled opposition shill