Salvador Borrego (April 24, 1915 - January 08, 2018). He was a Mexican writer and journalist. He was the technical director of 37 newspapers and founding director of several of them. He has published 50 books in fields such as military history, politics, economics, sociology, journalism, philosophy and religion And he was one of the first Spanish-speaking historical revisionists.
A sympathizer of National Socialism since 1937, who saw the vicious anti-German propaganda, dedicated his life and work to investigate the origin, development and consequences of the Second World War.
He educated an entire generation of Spanish speakers with books such as:
-Waffen SS: Criminals or Soldiers?
- World Court
-Luftwaffe. Knights of the air
-Worldwide Infiltration
-Semblance. Painter, Soldier, Fuehrer (Biography of Adolf Hitler)
-Germany could win
Among others.
Censored, vetoed, slandered, defamed but until his last days fighting for the truth.
I recommend his books to anyone who wants to obtain knowledge, sources and solid knowledge about the second war, the Jewish question and world politics.
Show respect.
Today, a great Mexican passed away to a better life
It's always sad to see a great mind go
Cover of the book "World defeat" with the subtitle: Supracapitalism and Marxism in a globalizing couple.
I know a guy at google. I'll ask him to make Borrego tomorrow's google doodle.
Ten books of Borrego in PDF
In Spanish, English, or both?
>Wolff book/Bannon hit piece
>massive slide threads all over Sup Forums
>Assange hourglass appears
>Wikileaks replaces the letter "O" with "Q" in leaked manuscript
-Happening imminent-
>Supracapitalism and Marxism in a globalizing couple.
two means two achieve total ownership of all property, fullfilling their prophecy
My first redpill.
he was a fucking hack fraud
A true Mexican Intellectual
He wrote a book on WWII being a kike lie "Derrota Mundial" Worldwide Defeat that never had an English translation published.
You don't have a bootleg translation of it, do you OP?
Spanish. But I will look for English versions.
I think the kikes kept him out of English but if you find anything pls post
Both ideologies are always in constant "struggle" but the two go hand in hand to the delivery of the world to the Hebrews.
I've seen Anglo speakers talk about the book. Somehow they must have read it in English. I will search
It's always a good thing for unique and different outlooks to stand up tall against commonly held views. Respect on that alone, for he dedicated his life to it.
Sauce on his death. I haven't found it according to wikipedia or metapedia.
A few hours ago I updated on wikipedia in Spanish.
Bummer. Did you find any of his books in English perchance?
RIP Salvador
his books were huge redpills for me especially Derrota Mundial and America Peligra and Batallas Metafísicas
If you guys can find his books in english get em, great redpill material
Will look into his work
Is there any other author of the old mexican right that gave redpills as him?
Good authors are a blessing
Very sad. Thanks for the books, i will read them
Loved the way he hedged my shrubs. RIP vato
Sorry Mexianons. You have great things to be proud of. A great man who wanted to educate people should always be appreciated for his efforts to spread the awareness of truth. Jesus bless.
is this fake news? is his family name literally "borrego"?
I'll read the PDF, thanks user. Time to put my three semesters of learning the great European language to the test.
Salvador Borrego
Agnus Dei
realmente me hace pensar
wtf since when there's an actual REAL right in Mexico? Where are they when we need them the most?
Ty for the content.
Thanks, I'm skimming thru these and holy fuck I didn't realized we had redpilled authors of our own.
A real Mexican intellectual
Mucho gusto, Senor Borrego.
A nazi beaner?
We have those now. They call themselves La Raza.
Have the brown shirts and everything.
no la Raza are literally WE WUZ AZTECS chicanos
nazi beaners are nationalist mexicans
Rip mexifag